Winning the War

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Duryodhan was certain that Bhishma was not fighting to his full abilities due to his bias for the Pandavas. After accusing him of this, Bhishma created five powerful arrows and promised that he would slay the five brothers at one go the very next day. Doubting this, Duryodhan took the five arrows to use them on the Pandavas himself. Krishna got to know about this and advised Arjuna to go and ask Duryodhana for those arrows, as the boon that Duryodhana had granted him once, when Arjuna had saved his life. Duryodhana had to comply with his request and unwillingly, parted with the arrows. When Duryodhana asked Bhishma to create five more arrows, he refused, saying that he had used his lifelong merit to create them and thus, they could not be recreated. Duryodhana thus lost his only chance of winning the war.

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