Education and Goal

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Few intellectuals went to meet famous woman saint Bahinabai. They asked her, “We want to do something collectively but our life goals are different. What shall we do so that we approach our individual goals while working together?” Bahinabai asked them their goals. One said he wants everyone in society to be equal. Second one wanted to make society richer. Third one wanted unity in the society. Fourth one wanted nation to be powerful. Saint Bahinabai said, “Based on all of your goals, you should educate people. Education is the means to achieve all the goals. When people are educated, they would seek employment. People’s increase in the income would lead to an economically stronger nation. Education would unite them and nation would be powerful too.” Different flowers, even when irrigated in the same way, produce different flowers. In same way, when the nation is educated, everyone’s different goals will be accomplished together.

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