Valor and Justice

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All the people in kingdom of King Ranjeet Singh were very happy. He was famous for his valor and his justice. One day, while he was taking the tour of his land, a stone hit his forehead and he started bleeding profusely. Soldiers found the culprit who threw the stone. The culprit was a poor widow. She was asked to appear in the king’s court. The king asked the reason of throwing the stone. The lady said, “King! I am a widow. I have two small children. I don’t have any income. My children were very hungry. There was a plum tree. I threw the stone to pick some plums but the stone accidentally hit you. If I knew you would be coming, I would have never done that. You can kill me for my mistake but please excuse my children and take care of them.” After listening to her, the king said, “There are two culprits here, the lady who threw the stone and me. I am the king and as long as I am the ruler of this kingdom, no one shall remain hungry. I have got the punishment for my crime. In exchange for the punishment of this lady, I will take care of providing food and shelter for her family.” The lady got overwhelmed with joy on the decision of the king. Everyone else in the court applauded the king.

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