Pt. shriram Sharma Acharya

A sage, a visionary and a reformer, Pt. shriram Sharma Acharya initiated Yug Nirman Yojna - a movement for mass transformation. He lived a disciplined life of devout austerity, visited Himalayas several times and attained spiritual eminence.

He translated the entire Vedic Vangmaya and accomplished a feat of writing more than 3000 books on all aspects of life.

The unique experiment of Vichar Kranti - gradual refinement of thoughts, righteous transformation of attitude and sublime transmutation of human psychology up to the high realms of spirituality - was initiated by Gurudev from the day he wrote the first issue of Akhand Jyoti in 1938. The subscriptions of this magazine (in Hindi and translations in English and tens of regional languages) have expanded exponentially since then.

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