Amrit Chintan-Quintessence of Religion

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The perennial wisdom of a religion can’t be found in its rituals, cults or communal doctrines. If you are a true seeker and wish to adopt religion in its true sense, you must first sincerely introspect and analyze your aspirations, interests, habits and behavior; unmindful of the fanatical reactions of the ritualistic religious people. You must restrain and curtail the tendencies of selfish possessions, passion for sensual pleasures and insensitivity to sufferings of others. Simultaneously, you should cultivate with focused effort, the altruistic tendencies and sentiments of kindness, generosity, love, empathy, feelings of caring and sharing towards others. The only measure of one’s true religiousness is – the less one’s selfishness and the more one’s altruism, the greater is his/her religiousness (spirituality). It is only through this path of spirituality that the individual-self realizes higher realms of divine grace and enlightenment. -

                                                                                                                           Pujya Gurudev Pandit Shriram Sharma, Acharya

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