Paul Brunton (a British theosophist and spiritualist)

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When Paul Brunton (a British theosophist and spiritualist) heard about the Indian ascetics, he came to India to meet them and to find out the secret of their siddhis (supernormal powers). He had written in his book titled "In search of Secret India" that he met Swami Vishuddhananda Paramhansa in Banaras, who was famous as 'Gandha Baba'. The sage asked him whether he wanted to witness some miracle. On getting a positive answer, he asked Brunton for a handkerchief, who gave him a silky one. When he focused the solar radiations on it through a convex lens, the handkerchief started emitting the fragrance of jasmine, as was desired by him. This was not a deception or a skill. Later on, when Brunton asked him to produce the aroma of rose, he produced it as well, which persisted on the handkerchief for months. When Paul Brunton had a detailed discussion with his disciple Gopinath, the poet, he came to know that the sage was able to produce grapes in the air. He could also fetch sweets out of nothing and was able to re-bloom the withered flowers. He attributed all this to the science of solar radiations. Swami Vivekananda had also made a mention of Swami Vishuddhananda in his speeches. He had met him and also witnessed his siddhis. Our Indian spiritualism is extremely abstruse and marvelous. This scientific way of life needs further research.

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