Path of Peace

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Buddha halted in a village. A person approached him and said - "Bhante! Till now you have illustrated about placidity, Moksha (freedom from the cycle of birth and death) and truth. Would you be able to tell me how many people have attained Moksha so far?" Buddha replied - "Do one thing. Go around the village and find out who desires peace, who aspires for Moksha and who seeks truth?" The person said - "No one but an unfortunate would be indifferent to all these. But still, I shall make a survey." He explored each and every house of the village, but was not able to find even a single person who had an inclination towards any of these. Someone said - "I have a craving for wealth." In the same way, some asked for fame, some demanded children. The person returned to Buddha and reported - "This is a strange village, all the people have materialistic aspirations." Buddha said - "What is so strange in this, child! People long for materialistic joy instead of peace and hence they look for various ways to attain it. How can the passion lead to the path of peace?"

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