STORIES-Greek Philosopher Socrates

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Greek philosopher Socrates was very wise and patient. He was revered amongst everyone except his wife. She used to keep picking up fights with him. One day as soon as Socrates arrived home with his disciples, his wife started shouting at him. Socrates didn’t utter any word in her response. This aggravated her even more. She brought a bucket full of household waste and threw it on his head. Socrates started laughing and said, “There is an old saying – ‘barking dogs seldom bite’; today they barked and bit too”. Socrates was quiet after that but his disciple got angry. He said that this woman is not suitable to be your wife. Socrates said, “No son. She is the most suitable person. She hurts me to check if I am mature enough. When she behaves like this, it checks my patience, tolerance and endurance.” His wife felt ashamed for her behavior and asked for forgiveness. Patience changes the worst of the behavior in people.

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