A lie told with good intent is greater than the truth

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Once there lived a poor farmer. His children had not eaten properly for days. One night he couldn’t bear the hunger cries of his children and stole a cow from the neighboring farmer. Before dawn he milked the cow and fed the children. In the morning, when the owner of the cow woke up, he found the cow missing. He started searching. He found the cow in the poor farmer’s house and called for the guards. Guards started interrogating the poor farmer. The poor farmer said his eyesight low that the cow belonged to him. Upon looking around, the owner of the cow saw the destitute condition of the poor farmer. He told the guards that this cow does not belong to him. Everyone who witnessed this event asked him the reason for lying. The owner said, “I would have got my cow back but the poor farmer’s children would have remained hungry.” A lie that’s told with good intent is greater than the truth.

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