Soulmate and Collaborator in Life Mission

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Soulmate and Collaborator in Life's Mission-1

Shriram's mind was never engrossed in family affairs. Of course, he didn't neglect the familial responsibilities; but he also didn't worry too much about the family or cared too much for it. In fact, he followed the middle path. He had neither too much attachment nor indifference towards the family. Wife's demise turned this tendency almost into detachment. After the completion of the final rites, Taiji could easily feel his mental state. Shriram's routine about meals, etc was extremely disciplined right from childhood. He didn't take anything other than bread of barley and cow's buttermilk. There was slight slackness in this regard during his participation in the freedom struggle.

But that was only for a few years. Two years prior to the publication of `Akhand Jyoti' he started following the same strict regimen. In essence, he was already living a life of an ascetic. After the demise of his wife (when he was 31), he talked less to the people. He appeared preoccupied all the time. He was seen active in the sadhana of writing and social service as usual. But Taiji noticed some change in this field also. Earlier, when he met people, he used to talk humorously. His fun-filled talks and wit removed the sadness on the faces of patients. They would start laughing. Taiji observed that after the passing away of Bahu (daughter-in-law), Shriram almost stopped laughing and talking. He would remain silently engaged in his work. He would talk seriously with the guests. When the patients came to meet him, he would simply ask the symptoms; then give the medicines and send them back. The old patients also felt that the grief was gripping Shriram. Some well-wishers even told this to Taiji.

Mother understood the state of mind Taiji was observing this change very minutely. All the three children used to sleep with the grandmother. They were unable to mix with the father. Firstly, they were never in close proximity with the father; and secondly, the sudden departure of their mother made them virtually older than their age. They observed that father had to remain busy in Japa — Tapa, writing work, meeting visitors, etc; so he didn't have time for himself. Further they were very close to the heart of the grandmother right from the beginning. After the demise of wife, Shriram started looking after some minor household chores. Initially Taiji prevented him from doing all that. Shriram didn't say anything at that time, but when Taiji would go somewhere, he would wash his clothes as well as those of children and sometimes even that of Taiji. One day when he was washing clothes, Omprakash felt that his father was tired; so he went near him and said — 'Father, can I help you in washing?' Shriram stopped for a while and then said — 'You should concentrate on your studies, I will do it.' Omprakash might have been around ten-twelve years old at that time.

He was insisting on helping again and again and Shriram was refusing each time. He also told Omprakash that his hands were small and hence he would not be able to handle bigger clothes; but the son's devotion to father made him insist further. On this, Shriram shouted at him. Omprakash started weeping and went to CHe who makes castles in the air without considering his worth and circumstances makes himself an object of ridicule.

Taiji. The grandmother caressed and pacified him. At around 10:30 in the night, Taiji sneaked into Shriram's room. She found that he was awake. Normally he would sleep between 8:30 — 9 PM, because he had to get up early in the morning. When Taiji saw him awake at that late hour, she was startled. She asked Shriam — 'Why are you awake? Why don't you sleep?' Shriram replied dejectedly. Taiji thought that he might be busy in some work, so he was awake till late night. She came inside his room and without any introduction said — 'Why did you reprimand Om in the morning? This is not good.' Shriram replied — 'He was getting stubborn. I only shouted at him'.

Taiji said —Ile is worried about you. After the demise of Bahu you have been left alone. He might be realizing this suffering. Children are also without mother. This loneliness is also piercing them.' Shriram was listening to her silently. Taiji gave a lecture on her day-to day problems and the need of a person to take care of the home and then concluded like this "I have decided to bring another mother to the children." Wish for New Daughter-in-law Shriram smiled at the wisdom of Taiji. Had she said that she wants to get him married again, he would have perhaps refused. But it was difficult to refuse the proposal of bringing a mother to the children. Even then, Shriram said —"I am not in favor of taking any new responsibility. I got married once, that is enough. Lord has shown me the way forward by making me alone." As soon as he said this, Taiji burst into anger. The doubt that she had in her mind, right from the beginning, about Shriram renouncing the world, suddenly got woken up. She said —"Let me also listen, what way has been shown! Will you become a sannyasi (ascetic) now? Will you break your promise to me and retire to the forest? What will happen to these children? What will happen to me?" Taiji raised so many questions and scolded him so much that Shriram simply listened dumbfounded. When she herself stopped for a while, Shriram said - "When did I say of becoming a sannyasi?" "What will you do by keeping yourself alone?" — Said Taiji, "Am I not observing that you are withdrawing from life day by day? You are neither eating properly nor sleeping timely. You have almost forgotten to laugh and talk. No, this will not continue any more." Shriram was unable to either refuse or accept this decision of Taiji. He had already made the outline of his future course of action. Accordingly, he had planned to go to his spiritual guide after the completion of Mahapurashcharana Sadhana.

Whatever was to be done for the society in this period was also planned. After this incident, Taiji didn't waste time. She sent the message to her eldest son, Ramprasad Sharma, in Aanwalkheda, where he used to look after the agriculture and Zamindari work. (In fact, Ramprasad was the elder son of the first wife of Pt. Roop Kishore Sharma, father of Shriram). Shriram came to know about this message when his elder brother came to Mathura. At that time Shriram used to live in Chuna-Kankad ward. Ramprasadji reached there within three days after receiving the order from Taiji. He said — "Taiji! This is a matter of shame to me that you have to ask me; but I am not sitting idle. The marriage of Jagannath (Shriram's younger cousin) has been fixed to be solemnized in Vaishakh (May). Your Bahu (Ramprasad's wife) said that it would The most wretched person is one who does not have self-control. ) not be good to marry younger brother before rehabilitating the family of the elder brother. We are already concerned about it, so please don't worry." Got hints in Sadhana It was some date of May 1943. Shriram was fully engrossed in Japa-Dhyana. His worship of five to six hours daily had made him radiant like a golden Sun. He used to feel this heat, when he would get up from his seat after the worship. When this state was being achieved, he felt a little inconvenient, but later he became habitual of it.

In order to cool himself, he would wash his face, sprinkle water on his head and stand near Basil plant or the cow. That day, when he was getting up from his seat after completing worship, he felt that he was not alone in the Puja—room. He felt the presence of another sadhaka. When he tried to search in the vicinity, no one was found. Even then he was feeling the presence. This experience was repeated next day also. It appeared as if Samarpana mantra (the last mantra of dedicating the worship to the Lord) was simultaneously read by another person also. There appeared no sound but those vibrations could be easily felt. On the third day, this experience became more distinct. It was felt that a lean and thin young girl was sitting near his seat. She was chanting the samarpana mantra with him and was offering water to mother earth after this resolve. In these three days, it was also realized that the burning heat, that used to be generated in the last lap of sadhana, almost vanished. 'Is it the effect of the presence of that girl?' — Shriram's mind questioned. But this thought didn't stay for long.

Same day elder brother Ramprasad came to Mathura. As soon as he entered the house, he called Taiji and announced — "He has found a match for Shriram. She possesses virtuous conduct and noble character. She doesn't like playing much. However, she enjoys feeding birds and animals like cow, dog, goat, etc; and serving the guests visiting the home." Describing all this, Ramprasad started laughing. Taiji said — "Will you tell the name and address also? Have you inquired about the home and family?" Found second soulmate

"Taiji! Everything has been inquired. You will not refuse. Now prepare for the engagement." —Saying this Ramprasad again started laughing. Then he began describing about the would-be mother of the children. "The bride's name is Bhagwati Devi. She is the daughter of Sri Jaswant Rai Bohare who belongs to Sanwaria Bohare family of Agra. She is about sixteen-seventeen years old. She is dark complexioned and is lean and thin. She is the fourth child of her father, and spends most of her time in worship. She started worshipping Lord Shiva at the age five. One day, early in the morning she went to the temple of Lord Shiva located in the premises of the home itself. Sitting in front of the idol of the Lord, she started chanting Panchakshari Mantra (Namah Shivaya) without being taught by anyone. After sometime she gazed at the rising Sun and offered it Arghya (water kept in a pot during worship)." [To be continued]

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.

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