This is How You can Progress in Life!

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This is How You can Progress in Life!

It has been said that the change is the mother of progress. So, if we want to progress, we must be ready for a change. H. G. Wells has rightly said - "We should strive to welcome change and challenges, because they are what help us grow. Without them we grow weak like the Eloi (fictional post-human race) in comfort and security.

We need to constantly be challenging ourselves in order to strengthen our character and increase our intelligence. " Let us see what changes are required and what challenges need to be faced to keep pace with the fast moving world so that we can make the desired progress. Keep the mind away from meaningless rat race — In today's times everyone is getting sucked into a state where distance with their own selves as well as the society is increasing steadily. People have no time to even think about themselves. In place of listening to their own inner voice, they pay more importance to the outside noise. Their attention is more focused upon others; and they often blindly imitate those who are famous and successful.

People who transform the world do not imitate others; they know how to work in their own separate domain. They do not mingle with all kinds of people, but stand alone and get identified by this characteristic. Such people do not seek public attention; they continuously work on improving their strengths. They do not seek the service of others.

Instead, they like to serve others. They steadily work on refining their character, find time for self-improvement, listen more to discretion than emotions and increase their inner virtues. Organise your work — A very important aspect for success is developing an organized system of working; and a simple method to make this system work is to declutter the mind. This is necessary so that important tasks can be performed with full focus and in a systematic manner. Pursue excellence — One should keep the goals high and achieve excellence in the concerned work. It is also important to develop keen interest in the task at hand. Work done without interest cannot impress others, whereas that done with interest and with full focus certainly shows good results.

Understand the value of available facilities —Philosopher Seneca used to advise his students — "Do not use your facilities and comforts for at least one day in a month. For example, eat very less, sleep on the floor, and so on. This will make you understand the value of the comforts that are available to you so easily." It is necessary to put ourselves in situations which challenge our capabilities and help to strengthen them. In order to become stronger, wiser and to expand our horizons, it is necessary to accept challenges. Utilize your time well — All of us have the same 24 hours of the day. Leaving aside the hours of sleep and essential daily chores, the remaining hours can be used for self-growth. People who aim to improve themselves manage their time well, put concerted efforts, properly channelize their energies and as a result, reap rich benefits.

People who think out of the box make a good use of their free time, while people who only make excuses waste their invaluable time watching TV, playing games on phones and gossiping about politics, economic situation etc. Wise people utilize their time well and thus create a golden future for them. Understand the importance of morning hours —Successful people start their mornings by making a plan for activities they need to carry out during the day and then follow that plan diligently. Our mind is quiet and energetic in the morning hours. Outside environment is also calm, pure and free of disturbance. Therefore, these morning hours should be utilized to complete the most important tasks. Always work on increasing your capability and proficiency — Whether a person attains success or not, he must keep working to increase his capabilities and proficiencies day by day. Just as an axe needs to be sharpened to increase its efficiency, by increasing our proficiency and qualification we help boost the pace of our development. Blunt equipment becomes useless; similarly, if our capabilities and proficiencies do not remain sharp and apt for contemporary times we become useless as well.

Know your worth — People who understand their own value and keep refining their personalities keep progressing. Human life is truly invaluable. God has granted us an extremely precious gift in the form of this human body. It is no less than nature's treasure. We are also given freedom to utilize it as we wish and do what we like with it. So we must never undermine our worth and never consider ourselves as inferior to anyone. Each person is no less gifted than the other. What is required is only to refine our inner beings and enhance our qualities. Get rid of prejudices and accept changes — This world is constantly changing. If a person does not accept change, keeps treading the old beaten path and does not alter his beliefs, he gets left behind. Such people cannot keep pace with the world. To keep progressing in this fast changing world, we must constantly inculcate novelty in our thinking and ways of working.

Finally, as one author has said — "Stay away from conflictive, negative people that pull you down, because they contaminate your energy and impede your progress. Search for people who look at the world with optimism, who inspire you, make you happy and provide peace of mind." J It happened in the initial days of the Banaras Hindu University. Some students went to meet the founder vice-chancellor, Mahamana Madan Mohan Malviya.

They had many complaints against some of their teachers and classmates. Malviyaji was an eminent scholar and patriot, who genuinely cared for the younger generation of the nation. He patiently listened to the complaints; then replied affectionately - "My young friends! There may be some thorns of angularities in those people, but these thorns would bother us only when we are not able to see the beauty of the flowers of their positive qualities. You should endeavor seeing the flowers of goodness indwelling their lives; then the thorns will lose their prominence and your life will also begin to get fragrant with the sweet scent of those flowers".

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