Self-Refinement is the Noblest Service to the Society

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Self-Refinement is the Noblest Service to the Society

Mind is a deity of highest order. The scriptures have eulogized it as Prajapati (the Creator). Vedanta says that every person has his / her own free world; and it has been created by his mind. A person sees this world according to his belief / devotion, emotions, and desires. If one's viewpoint is changed, the life pattern will also change accordingly.

The worship of this deity is of one kind only — it should be persuaded to follow the righteous path, adopt a right viewpoint. If this service of the mind is done, then even a common man can become a great man. One can see the visible miracles of this deity's blessings. There is no doubt in the validity of this statement — Whatever we think, so we do; and whatever we do, so we accomplish (or suffer)'. It is the mind who is our guide; wherever it takes, body goes there. If this guide is unrighteous, it will trap you in the painful web of problems; and if it is righteous, then the gains of peace and prosperity are certain.

So why not serve such a fortune-maker, why not worship such a guide? If one can get the auspicious results by worshiping Gau and Brahman, then why can't we get such results from the service of the deity of mind? In fact, it is this deity who is most adorable, reverend and worth serving. We have heard that one gets benefited by the blessings of true Brahmans, deities and saints, but every one of us can easily see the blessings of the deity of mind coming true. If one can persuade the mind that on truly feeling hungry, it will allow only nutritious food to get into the mouth and abandon the greediness of delicious dishes, then one's deteriorated digestive process can easily be corrected and the blood will become purer; one can get rid of the weakness and diseases that surround him all the time; the body will become healthy, strong and brilliant and good health, for which one is always striving hard, will automatically be achieved.

If the deity of mind can be made to understand that all the creatures of this world follow the rules of nature regarding sex and that he should also do that, then this simple acceptance of mind can make one's jaded face look like a blossoming flower. If the mind can be made to agree that it should stop the sapping of energy and life by overindulgence in sex, then every action of the body will become energetic and full of vigor. The energy saved through Brahmacharya will be reflected as Brahmatej in your actions.

Then you will not be a hollow toy but an iron man whose eyes will be brilliant, the intellect authentic, and the action forceful. You can easily get this benefit, if you persuade your mind not to misuse the physical senses; instead, follow a strict regimen of diet, exercise and celibacy. Indeed, the service has great power; even God can be pleased though it, then why can't the deity of mind be made to favor us.

Everyone complains that he is very busy and that he is heavily loaded with responsibilities. But the truth is otherwise. His daily routine is unsystematic, and hence even a small work puts a lot of pressure on him If the daily tasks are planned systematically, then all the tasks can be done easily and one can also save oneself from the mental tension; and a major chunk of the time can be made available for other useful tasks. Majority of people don't realize the importance of swadhyaya (study of good books). In fact, knowledge is power supreme, and this treasure can be found only in good books. One cannot ignore this treasure and develop one's inner being. Swadhyaya is as much essential to the Soul as food is to the body. Therefore, the deity of mind has to be persuaded to carve out some slot for this activity in the daily routine. Daily Swadhyaya should be made as compulsory as the routines of visiting toilet, taking bath, eating and sleeping. The third power after health and knowledge is — one's nature. These three powers together make one's personality complete.

The first set of virtues that one's nature should possess is —good managerial capacity, regularity, aesthetic sense, sincerity and responsibility. The second set consists of — humility, civility, amiability, generosity and sensitivity. The third set involves remaining equipoised, patient, courageous, happy and perseverant in all the circumstances. When all the three sets of virtues are developed, it is called a healthy nature. All these virtues depend on the state of mind.

Normally, it has been observed that people start a task but leave it unfinished. For example, someone reads the book and after finishing it, instead of putting it back on the shelf he would leave it as such; after changing the clothes, instead of hanging them back in the closet, he would throw them here and there; after drinking the water, instead of putting the empty glass in a proper place, he would leave it as such. It is not a good habit, if someone leaves the task at hand without properly completing it.

This has bad impact on other aspects of life. Nearly all the tasks of such persons remain incomplete. Orderliness has a strong relationship with success. If the Mind-Sir can understand the value of orderliness, then it should be considered that one has won the lost bet. Therefore, mind's aesthetic sense should be developed in order to keep everything beautiful, artistic and orderly. A person's dignity is hidden in this virtue.

Amiability, humility and generosity are the visible signs of the greatness of any person. One who has love, respect and goodwill for others will certainly behave properly with them. Even if a person has to spare some time or money for this purpose, he will gladly do it. Normally talking smilingly and sweetly with others serves the purpose. One should always be conscious of good conduct; wherever possible, instead of getting one's own work done by others, one should help others at least in small matters.

This creates a good impression on others. Tolerating other's bitter words, digesting other's unruly behavior and instead reflecting one's civility or restricting the foul smell of one's ego or unruliness are the known signs of a gentleman. If the mind can be tamed for such a behavior, then one can become Ajatshatru (a person who has no enemy). The beating of this love kills all his enemies. He will be surrounded by friends like a flower is surrounded by the bees. This siddhi (accomplishment) is no less important to become successful in life; but is acquired by the person who has controlled his mind. Very often unpleasant situations are encountered in one's life.

It is not at all necessary that one will always live in pleasant circumstances or get favorable behavior from others. Unfavorable Try to he humane. If you succeed in it, you will succeed everywhere

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