Science and Spirituality Science of Mantras: Harnessing the Immense Power of kthda

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Science of Mantras:

Harnessing the Immense Power of kthda

Mouth is described in the Ayurveda as the locus of activation of agni chakra - the extrasensory center (of life-force) for the generation of metabolic powers and thermal energy. The energy (Jatharagni, Mandagni or Tivragni) required for various metabolic and physiological processing is described to have its field of action beginning from the mouth and spreading up to the stomach. The mechanical role of mouth and its energy (utilized in the process of tasting, chewing and gulping, for instance) in the digestive system is well known. More important is its function linked with the vocal cord and hence with the activities like speaking and singing.

The power of speech is among the most significant gifts bestowed upon the human species. Its importance can be very well understood simply by realizing the limitations and disabilities!' different abilities' of a dumb fellow.

At the physicochemical level, the agni chakra of mouth performs the initial phase of digestive mechanism, and at somewhat subtler level —namely acoustic level, it helps 'production' of voice and pronunciation. At the sublime level (of consciousness) it generates divine flows of the 'currents' of ,.labda [1] in the individual self While the first two are quite familiar to most of us, the third and the most significant role is experienced only by the experts of the japa yoga - the spiritual endeavors associated with japa2 of mantras (Vedic hymns). The inlet of mouth is also regarded as a 'fire-pit' with respect to the divine importance of the sonic energy as a source of expression of multiple manifestations of kthda.

One would be surprised to note that the enormous impact of japa yoga is based on this sublime power of one's mouth. That words spoken could well become the cause of an affectionate relationship or of hatred and hostility - illustrates the fact that words are not only the carriers of information, rather, they also retain, convey (express), and 'generate' a field of influence of the intentions/sentiments of the speaker. The consciousness-force of the speaker endowed in his speech flows with the sonic vibrations generated by his voice/spoken words.

This produces 'conscious-effects' at the destination, with which the associated sound waves collide. While the acoustic effects could be studied by physical means, the 'conscious-effects', being subliminal in nature, can only be realized and analyzed through spiritual practices of yoga sadhanas. Japa yoga helps extraction of the consciousness-energy contained in the sound of specific syllables/phonemes of the Vedic Mantra. The physical vibrations generated by the sound of rhythmic enunciation/chants affect the body of the chanter (sadhaka) and his surrounding space; the associated vibrations of consciousness-energy induce his mind and the inner self and `titillate' the related extrasensory energy nuclei in the cosmic domains. Science of Mantras: The science of mantras is based on this effect of ,abda inherent in the rhythmic sound/vibrations generated by (mental or vocal) japa. The meaning of the mantras has negligible importance CA man does not get tired by the enormity of work; but considering it as a burden and doing it irregularly.

as compared to the specific configuration of syllables/phonemes in them. The Gayatri Mantra is regarded as supreme of all the Vedic Mantras. In terms of linguistic meaning, it is a universal prayer of inner-awakening and illumination of righteous intellect in all. Many other divine prayers written in different languages might also imply similar meanings, but it is its unique subtle sonic pattern that gives distinguished importance to this mantra. The vibrations ofiabda generated by devout japa-sadhana of this mantra are supposed to generate specific vibrations in the physical as well as the mental and causal bodies of the sadhaka. These also influence compatible elements in the surroundings These vibrations, 'energized' by the spiritual force of sadhaka's purified inner-self, conjugate with the extrasensory impulse of the supreme consciousness. The single lettered (bija) mantras like Hriris, trim, Klirit, Aim, HUM, Yath, Fat etc. are of fundamental importance in the science of mantras because of the special effects of their sounds.

Repeated chanting (oral or mental) in specific rhythms, pitches and intensities is practiced in the japa of a mantra to generate specific effects of its (mantra's) sonic vibrations. In Manasika Japa, the mantra is uttered silently (mentally). The level of 'perceivable' sound increases gradually (e.g. from the silent movements of the lips and the tongue to murmuring and humming) in the upcintsw and vachika japas. The Vedic Mantras also have specific swaras (classical musical accents) associated with them that offer varieties in their japa and hence in their effects. The Sama Gana (Vedic modes of collective chanting) of these mantras indeed creates powerful currents with latent but intense impacts at the physical and the subtle levels of matter and consciousness.

The consistent japa of the mantras has dual effect: externally, it generates vibrations in the surrounding space, and internally, it stimulates the extrasensory energy nuclei (chakras) and the associated endocrine glands. This impact amplifies significantly with continuous repetition of such rhythmic enunciation at a consistent pace. As far as the physical impact is concerned, numerous examples (e.g. of the Doppler Effect) given in the Science Books should suffice to evince the physical potential of superimposed sound-waves. Laboratory experiments have also shown immense physical strength of rhythmic sound that can even make a small cork push a heavy iron rod. The internal creative effects of japa [2] can be understood by simple analogy with the functioning of a typewriter.

When a key of the typewriter is pressed, its impact prints the corresponding letter or symbol on the paper. Similarly, the vibrations produced by silent or vocal japa of a syllable/ phoneme or combinations of the syllables/ vowels of a mantra make specific impressions on the endocrine glands, nerve-bundles and subtle consciousness energy centers, and stimulate them. Regular repeated practice of the japa of the same Mantra, at same pace, under adept disciplines (for adept meditation, emotional engrossment) awakens enormous spiritual potentials as well. Interpretations Vis-i-Vis Modern Science: It is a well-known fact of physics that friction gives rise to the thermal and electrical (static) energies.

The internal vibrations produced by the sonic waves of japa create similar effects and activate the otherwise dormant latent glands and extrasensory energy centers inside the body of the sadhaka — who sincerely endeavors spiritual practice of mantra-japa.

Notes: 1. ,'abda: Cosmic Element of the perpetual Sound (of the evolutionary flow/vibration of Omnipresent Eternal Consciousness- Force). 2. Japa: Rhythmic chant with meditation. References: 1. Nandini Chatterjee Singh et al: Papers in Peer Commentary in Brain and Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 35(5), pp.302-303, (2012) and IJ Radiology and Imaging, Vol. 24(1), pp. 44-50 (2014). 2. Learning Hindi is good for your brain. http s ://www. indiatoday. in/late st-he adline s/ story/learning-hindi-is-good-for-your-brain-59990-2009-11-04 3. Sir John Woodroffe (2001): The Garland of Letters – Studies in the Mantra-gastra. Ganesh & Co. Productivity & Quality Publ. Pvt. Ltd., Madras. 1. Be impeccable with your word: Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love. 2. Don't take anything personally: Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering. 3. Don't make assumptions: Find the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life. 4. Always do your best: Your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret. — Miguel Ruiz Realize your worth and believe that you are uniquely made by the Almighty.

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