Important Sacraments of Indian Culture

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Important Sacraments of Indian Culture

The rishis — Indian seer-sages of Vedic times were scientists of nature, consciousness and spirituality. Their acumen had a reach into the deepest depths of human mind. They could therefore develop a perfect science of systematic refinement and growth of intrinsic faith and inherent tendencies of human self.

They propounded the system of soda's sarizskaras (sixteen sacraments) — as methods of conditioning or training of the mind and body during specific transitional phases of human life. These correspond to specific experiments of purification of untoward intrinsic assimilations (in the mind) and inculcation of virtuous tendencies.

The conjugation ofpowerful mantras and procedures of yagya associated with each of these 'rituals' had resulted from long-term dedicated research conducted by the rishis. This system of sodas sathskaras was devised to affect the subtle levels of human consciousness and hence it had an impact on the psychology, endocrine system and genetic machinery as well. These sacraments are integral part of the Indian culture and philosophy of life, which aims at eventual culmination of humanity up to the highest realms of spirituality. The high ideals of humanity were evolved and glorified in the ancient Indian society where the system of sodas saMskaras was implemented and followed in its original form.

This had helped maintain the mode of life in total harmony with Nature and healthy development of personality of every individual. However, in the later years, as the edifice of divine culture was shaken along with the large scale devastation of ancient civilization during the disastrous war of Mahabharata, the original form and influence of this system was gradually waned and got practically lost in the materialistic comfort oriented dormant phase of Indian history in the medieval era.

The modem age saw a deformed 'short-cut' version of these sacraments propagated and performed by the so called 'priests' as a `profession' in the name of religious customs. Pandit Shri Ram Sharma Acharya, a sagacious spiritual scholar, devoted saint and social reformer had endeavored the revival of the original tradition of soda saMskaras along with elucidation of different facets of Indian cultural philosophy in rational light. Considering the mode of living, attitude towards life and spiritual level of an average person in today's society, Acharya Sharma had found that six out of the sixteen sacraments cannot be performed in present circumstances. As would be expected from a foresighted inventor, he, rather than sticking to 'traditions', modified the list of Sodas sathskaras to serve the basic purpose effectively in the prevailing way of life in India.

He added four new methods and disciplines to this system which are most relevant in the modem age and which are to be performed regularly throughout the span of one's life. These new sacraments are — janma-diwasa, vivaha-diwasa, clikid and Sikha samskaras. The ten sacraments of the ancient system that were retained by him in their original forms are —punsavana, namakarana, annapraShana, munclana, vidyarambha, yagyopavita, vivdha, vanaprastha, antyesti and scraddha-tarpana.

had analyzed the scientific foundation and effects of each of them in detail and had explained them in simple language for educating the masses [ref 1]. Here, we will outline only the introductory aspects. The punsavana saMskara of an individual is performed when he or she is in the form of a three months old fetus. Charu or Purodaia — specific herbal preparation energized in the sacred fire of yagya is given to the mother to reach the fetus. This special 'treatment' performed with chanting of selected Vedic mantras by devout sadhakas during a yagya strengthens healthy development of the physical body, subtle body (vital energy body and mental body) and causal body (inner self) of the child in mother's womb. A team of doctors and medical scientists at Brahma Varchas Research Center, Haridwar has conducted research experiments on the effects of different sathskaras.

Their experiments on punsavana saMskara have revealed some significant results: the mothers, who were prone to abortion or whose earlier issues were subjected to metabolic deficiencies or to some genetic disorders since birth, had delivered healthy babies after this sathskara. Apart from their research, wider research on medicinal and environmental effects of Yagya has also shown that Ayurvedic herbal preparations processed under the vitally charged fire/vapors of yagya have distinct medicinal and nourishing effects [ref. 2]. The namakarana (naming ceremony), annapragana (initiation of eating food), mundana (tonsure/shaving of head) and vidyarambha (initiation of reading, writing) sathskaras are performed successively after the birth of the child — from the age of few days till 3 to 5 years.

Each of these is performed with a Gayatri-Yagya; and specific Vedic Mantras are chanted during the sacrifices of specific herbal preparations in the sacred fire of yagya. The vibrations of the Gayatri Mantra purify the child's subtle and causal bodies and effects of this and the other chants and the inhalation of the essential contents of the sublimated herbs soothingly condition his brain and body as well. This is an excellent pre-school training procedure established by the rishis for initiation of cultivating positive tendencies.

More specifically, annapraiana lays the foundation of healthy growth of child's physical body; mundana is aimed at harmonious excitement of the nerves and proper development of the brain. The purpose of vidyarambha is righteous initiation of knowledge. School and college teaching may make a child 'learned' but true knowledge comes through the awakening and training of the emotional self (in the light of conscience), righteous orientation of thoughts and awareness and aspiration of the divine purpose of life.

This beginning is progressed in an ideal way by the &Ida sarhskara which is aimed at — planting the seed of wisdom (vidya) and initiating of virtuous development, and spiritual ascent of the child (disciple) under adept and auspicious guidance of a noble spiritually refined master (Guru). The yagyopavita saMskara (thread ceremony) performed before teenage indeed gives 'new birth' to a person. Although each one of us is born as human being, but that is true only biologically. The development of personality coherent with the dignity of humanness begins only after one adopts certain moral values and disciplines of humanity and enlightens his/her mind and inner-self for progressive march towards ideal goals in life. The yagyopavita sanukara is performed Those who wish to live healthier and longer should make it a habit not to eat anything unless they feel hungry.

to channelize this development. Initiation of the Gayatri Mantra Sadhana and experiments of spiritual elevation is associated with this important sacrament. Acharya Sharma had eliminated all misconceptions and illusions associated with yagyopavita and Gayatri Mantra. He had revived the Vedic methods of this sathskdra without elaborate rituals and ceremonies. He propagated the universalities of yagyopavita and Gayatri Mantra and made their knowledge available and attainable for all humans — without any discrimination of gender, caste, religion, creed or social status. He also invoked the discipline of maintaining iikha (hair-knot) on head along with wearing of yagyopavita (sacred thread) — both of which stand as symbols of adoption of divine principles of Indian Culture.

On the scientific front, wearing yagyopavita (with adoption of specific disciplines and teachings symbolized by its nine threads) has excellent association with psychological evolution. The iikha is placed at a point (near the suture) which is very important for positive impact of yoga and meditation; it lies at a special junction of many nerves which are linked with intellectual processing and memory registration in the brain and is found to have controlling effect on harmonious functioning of the endocrine system. As per the Vedic system, vivaha sarizskara (marriage) used to be performed around the age of 26 years. This saritskara, in its original form is not a social function or gorgeous family celebration; rather, it is a religious kind of sacrament that aims at spiritual linkage of the souls of the two individuals who are getting married. The fire in a furnace helps welding of two metal pieces.

Sublime effects of the sacrificial fire of yagya during the rituals of this sarnskara with collective chanting of special Vedic Mantras, serves the purpose ofuniting the lives of the two soul-mates. The purity and disciplines associated with ideal marriage institution are effectively taught via this sarktskara.

If, what the couple pledges during the vivaha saritskara is sincerely followed by the husband and the wife, the two would refine and augment each other's capabilities and qualities and also cooperatively contribute to the development of the society. Today, when 'marriage' for many people has become a license for sexual pleasure, a contract for sharing each other's support and resources, and a source for collecting dowry and exploiting the 'weaker' sex, etc, the campaign of ideal marriages (performed in 2-3 hours, without any dowry and without gorgeous celebrations), and revival of this Vedic sarizskdra by the Gayatri-Pariwar mission is a great social service indeed.

The janma-diwas and vivaha-diwas sarizskaras as propagated by Acharya Sharma correspond to ideal celebration of the birthday and wedding anniversary. Rather than spending time and money in expensive parties and mindless activities in the name of `fun and entertainment', one should consider these days as auspicious occasions and look at them as milestones of the journey of life. Thorough introspection, contemplation, and review —of the achievements and failures, in terms of one's own deeds and level of refinement of personality, vis-a `-vis what was resolved for the past year — should be given due attention and time on these days. Feasible resolution for improvement and greater progress should be taken for the next year while performing these saritskaras with drpa yagya

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