Theism, Spirituality, and Religion-4

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Theism, Spirituality, and Religion-4

(Continued from the previous issue) (soul in the form of a being, individual self). Spiritual development corresponds to refinement of chitta and transformation of the sathskaras (and hence transformation of specific traits of personality and inner-self) towards awakening and strengthening of conscience and further evolution of chetana (consciousness). In simple words, this evolution gradually leads to transformation of an ordinary mortal being into a great personality, a divine-like personality. Refinement and gradual transformation of one's cruel, vicious, untoward tendencies, selfishness, ego, bluntness, dullness, etc, into good qualities, groomed potentials (and talents), generosity, humility, compassion and other virtuous tendencies is the first sign of one's spiritual progress.

Spirituality Begins with Self-Refinement: Our rishis (Vedic seer-sages) were preeminent scientists of spirituality. They had recognized that a great source of astonishing potentials is hidden in every human being. They had devised disciplines and methods of spiritual development that would awaken these otherwise dormant faculties of the inner self. Every aspirant of preeminent progress worth human dignity, every seeker of unalloyed peace and joy should note that the real source of holistic development and elixir of lasting peace and blissfulness lie deep within his/her own self. The inspiration, guiding light and motivating courage to ascend along the righteous path to achieve these, also emerge from within. The only way to this self-awakening is — tapa-sddhana (unflinching devout endeavors of self-control, self-discipline, and self-purification).

Spirituality is what makes our lives worth the dignity of humanity. Before going into further details, let us first look at some basics regarding spirituality. Biologically, a human being is an organism like other creatures in the animal kingdom and this species is named Homo sapiens. In terms of Behavioral Sciences, a human being is described as a social-animal. Neuroscientists define a human as a living being (organism) that has a biologically evolved organ called brain, which can perform intelligent functions. All these are fine as far as the worldly/physical existence of a human being is concerned. But, these ignore the unique and natural traits of human being that pertain to — "Character", "Intuition", "Inquisitiveness" "Creativity", "Self-Determination", "Emotional Depth", "Conscience", etc. These are so specific to a person that an individual (human) may be identified by a unique 'band' in the limitless spectrum of these traits.

What accounts for the enormous diversity and specificity of these traits among humans? Can a human being transform these by self-efforts? The science of spirituality provides answers to both. It elucidates that the sathskarasl assimilated in one's chitta (unconscious mind) determine one's intrinsic tendencies and nature and hence one's specific traits, including one's inborn physical, intellectual, mental, and emotional 'structure' and potentials.

No external means or 'magical' trick would help you in this regard. Uproot Misconceptions and Negativities: When it comes to tapa-sddhana, or any endeavor of spiritual progress, people have all sorts of confusions and misconceptions. Many believe that this requires complete renouncement of worldly life and going to the forests or arduous Himalayas, etc. Many link it with some kind of black-magic or tantra, e.g. living in a grave yard, cooking food on a dead-body, drinking water filled in a skull, and what not...! They get carried away by the magical tricks of some so-called tantrikas or babajis and think that such 'daring' practices endow one with astonishing powers. Such distortions, misconceptions and false propaganda in the name of spirituality should be uprooted and the reality of spirituality and spiritual practices of tapa-sadhand, etc, should be disseminated in scientific light among the masses.

This is an important objective of our mission's constructive programs of mass-education and social reform, along with eradication of blind-faith and superstitions. An ember (piece of burning coal) kept away from the fire gets covered by a layer of ash and appears as extinguished. However, if this layer is removed, the ember begins to bum again with full glaze of its reddish glow. The 'ember' of our inner strength and talents is also covered by layers of ignorance, and assimilated vices, lethargies, weaknesses and negative tendencies. These have shrouded our inner light and generated darkness around. We don't even know our real self-identity, we can't hear the voice of our conscience because of this shell; as a result, we get so strayed that we keep wandering with the pulls and pushes of our ego (false self-pride), passions (of sensory pleasure), and agility of extrovert mind, and fall in the mire of more evils, negativities, decline, and suffering.

This decline and disgrace cannot be reverted unless the shell of ignorance and impurities is melted out in the 'furnace' of tapa-sadhand. Self-purification by Tapa-Sddhana: As you all know, gold gets its precious glow only after being purified by rigorous processing at high temperature; high-potency herbal medicine called "bhasma" is prepared in specially designed high-temperature furnaces. Human alchemy also requires thorough purification by burning out the impurities (assimilated in the chitty and conscious domains of the mind) in the fire of penance and ascetic disciplines of tapa. Honest introspection and identification of the impurities, courageous observance of self-restraint, and inculcation of positive traits after uprooting the negative ones, cultivation of progressive, elevating and constructive thoughts, and adoption of moral conduct and high ideals on every front of life are integral to this sadhand. The disciplines (yama-niyama) and practices (asana, premayama, and meditation) of yoga-sadhana contribute to tapa-sddhana.

Updsand, and swddhyaya-satsang3, lend excellent support in pre-conditioning of the mind and motivating it for this arduous battle with the self. It is a great challenge! Self-discipline and self-purification are extremely difficult. You have to be alert and constantly struggle and fight with your own habits, inclinations, passions, etc. Agility of the mind and its natural attraction towards instinctive joys, immediate comforts, selfish tendencies, etc, pose obstacles and diversions at every step. There will be failures and falls in this self-battle. It is like a grand war of `Mahabharata' in which you have to fight a C God's lave is reserved only far virtuous and responsible persons. ) decisive battle with your inner enemies (mental weaknesses, negative tendencies, and vices). But you should not lose courage and continue to strive with greater efforts and confidence. Remember, practice makes a man perfect. Remind yourself that you alone can control your mind and body. After all it is your mind, your body. If not you, then who else would know about these in detail? You are like Arjuna in this challenging battle of ' self-Mahabharata' . You can win it by grooming your inner personality; this in turn, would also shine your outer personality and make you a better person, a better family-member, a better professional, a better friend, a better achiever on every important front of life. Friends, note that the art of mastering over the mind is indeed the perfect art of living a fulfilling and glorious life. You will have to learn to tackle your mind tactfully. Be vigilant about your instincts, habits, and watch your thoughts carefully. As the experiences and time-tested teachings of saints, sages and great personalities show, these are most effective practices to control aimless wandering and passions of mind. Some psychological tricks also help in motivating the mind for self-refinement. For example, you must realize and keep reminding your mind from time-to-time that directly or indirectly, in one form or the other, the cause of all your ailments, fears, hardships, failures, and adversities lies in your own weaknesses, carelessness, cravings, negativities, and malice. Don't blame someone else, or the circumstances for your failures and sufferings. Analyze your own blemishes and mistakes, lacunae and lack of efforts, etc; make yourself accountable.

Don't ever lose heart. Your self-analysis and reactions should be like that of an impartial judge, accept the results with sportsmanlike spirit and attempt to improve yourself like a fair and capable sportsperson. It's All in Your Own Outlook! Sometimes you find that every one, everything around you, every circumstance is bad, fearsome, unkind to you, full of adversities and evils. But if you ponder over a bit and ask yourself —"Who is experiencing all this?" the answer will be – "I". So it is you who is finding things wrong and cruel. On the contrary, someone else under similar situation, may simply accept things as they are and find a way to sail through tactfully without losing hope. So you see, you cannot change the tides of time, cannot transform the circumstances or people around you, but you can certainly check and control your expectations, your reactions, and your attitude. Savants say that your world is a reflection of your own outlook. So, if you want to have good, positive ambience and supportive circumstances around you, learn to cultivate a positive outlook and happy temperament so as to see the good that indwells in everything, every being, everywhere, around you. Let me cite the example of Saint Tukaram in this context. I might have narrated it several times earlier, or you might have read or heard it elsewhere.

This is a simple but remarkable example of positive attitude, tolerance, and modesty that teaches us so many things! Tukaram was a very kind and generous person. One day, when he was bringing the crop of sugarcane grown in his small field, he met some poor and needy villagers on the way. He distributed the sugarcanes among all. By the time he reached home there was only one sugarcane left in his cart. His wife, who was as such very harsh, got so furious seeing this, that she hit his back with the same sugarcane.

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