India as Envisioned by Param Pujya Gurudev

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India as Envisioned by Param Pujya Gurudev

name of caste, religion, language or region. We all, the progeny of the mother, will unitedly keep endeavouring for fulfilment of the victory in all its dimensions. By his constant Tapa sadhana, Gurudev discovered all those sutras (formulae) which had once made India the world teacher (Jagadguru). He also sowed the seeds of inherent potentials on the basis of which the great dream of future reconstruction could be realised. Gurudev expressed his feelings thus - "India was once called Devbhumi (divine land).

On account of her numerous divine attributes, the inhabitants of India were called Devata throughout the world. India was swargadapi gariyasi (greater and loftier than the heaven). Series of great souls took birth here and devoted their mind, time and effort for the well-being of the world. India taught the world the principles of ideal governance and hence was called Chakravarty. India possessed riches and prosperity and hence it was called swarna bhumi (land of riches). She gifted to the world many streams of knowledge in sciences, arts and spirituality, and was looked upon as Jagatguru (world teacher). But we were unable to maintain this honour. We neglected the heritage of our ancestors. This weakness ultimately made us inferior and a slave. Some barbaric invaders and a handful of shrewd traders made us puppets dancing to their tunes. But when national consciousness grew, the bondage was broken. We got the dignity of freedom. But this is only the beginning.

We all have to ponder how this freedom could be put to optimum right use. The answer could be only one — all round transformation of the individual, the family, the society and the nation at large. Yug Nirman movement is the clarion call for this very transformation.

When this first ray of the orange sunrise gradually becomes the intense white of the day, the viewers' eyes will get dazzled. Presently this movement, with the potential to remake the destiny of mankind, looks confined to the Yug Nirman family. But in the coming days, the boundaries will keep on expanding till they become infinite Then no single organization will be in leadership or control. Myriad flames of light will flare up at different strata in the millions of constituent units. Their combined power to perform this task will be incalculable.

The conductor of this great change is none other than the Mahakala Himself who will raise the preludial subdued beat of today to higher and higher pitch till its booming reverberations fill up every space. Born of the tandava [1] dance of Lord Shiva, these leaping fire-flames will transform the old order into new, in ways and forms, which are almost impossible for an ordinary mind to even visualise today. Still what is destined will certainly happen. The era has to change. The pitch dark night of today will change into the glowing sunrise of tomorrow. The echoes of this Navnirman (New Creation), radiating from India as its core, will reverberate across the whole globe. The day is not far when India will again take her place at the frontline of the comity of nations, and show her god-gifted talent in resolving the problems which beset the world today. This is not a probability but a certainty." Gurudev, on one hand, considers the remaking of India as divinely ordained and, on the other, beckons the citizens to gird up their loins for realization of this dream, enhancing manifold her beauty in the process. According to him, the real asset of a nation is the emotional and creative excellence of its citizens. Thought, character and conduct of the inhabitants determine both the prowess and the progress of their nation. Only those, who have nobility in thought, munificence in behaviour and high competence in action, bring glory and prosperity to a nation. Such citizens are the real gems and assets of a country. The progress and development of India too is dependent upon the refinement of her citizens' collective mindset.

Gurudev is of clear view that the walls of division based on caste, creed, language etc. are meaningless. We have to present our identity as loyal and dedicated citizens of the nation. Whichever caste we might be born into, whichever religion we might believe in, whichever region we might reside in, whichever language we might speak — we all are basically human beings, and the meaningfulness of a human life lies in striving towards divinity. Dedication to the virtues of inner fulfilment, inner uplifiment and awareness of our higher duty towards mankind in general will lead to full realization of humanity, divinity and completeness. It is the aggregate of these attributes of the countrymen that will make the national character of India.

A contributor to the national movement through the divine halo of his personality, Param Pujya Gurudev says that the India of his dreams lies in moral, intellectual and social revolution. Formation of a healthy body, pious mind and civilised society in the country will take place on these foundations. His prescription is that different communities hold their panchayats and make a start towards eliminating prevalent evil social customs in their respective communities. They should also raze down the barrier of sub-castes, i.e. caste within caste, merging themselves into a mahajati (larger community). At the same time, they should also start developing their identity as human beings and think in terms of humanity in general. The artificial walls of caste, A noble person remains humble in times of abundance and generous in times of poverty.

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