Astrology - The Science of Planetary Influences on Human Life

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Astrology - The Science of Planetary Influences on Human Life

“Jyoti̳® s¿ry³digrah³ñ³® bodhaka® ï³stra®” – (Meaning: The science which gives us knowledge of the Sun and other planets, and their changing positions in space and time is called astrology.) Astrology is mainly concerned with the nature of stars and planets, their movements, rotation periods, eclipses and other connected events and the consequential good or bad effects.

These calculations are important for human life on earth. It is also a precise technique of personality assessment. It tells us about the potentialities inherent in a person and his future possibilities. One can also know what obstacles he is likely to face in the future and at what points of time.

In astrology, personality has been defined in terms of thought, action and emotion. These are called mental, physical and spiritual aspects. They constitute the seven aspects of human life – three of external personality, three of internal, and the seventh, consciousness; and are symbolized by the seven planets in the cosmos. These seven aspects of the personality are not identical in all persons. Their positions and circumstances vary from person to person depending upon his karma (actions). Among the three aspects of external personality, the first is thought which is symbolised by Jupiter. It represents the physical body of a living being and supplies blood for the running of body’s internal processes. In human physiology, it represents feet, thigh, liver, digestive system, blood and veins.

In the sphere of work, Jupiter represents law or duty (dharma). It is connected with the work of priest, minister, judge and charity. In the spiritual sense, it promotes beauty, love, power, devotion, order, intellect, occult orientation, tantra-mantra, etc. The second aspect of external personality is symbolised by the Mars. All the emotions related with excitement, agitation and sensitivity in humans are controlled by it. Mainly, it is a symbol of desires. In work field, Mars represent professions of soldier, doctor, professor, chemist, mechanical engineering, sports, artisans etc. It is responsible for generating the attributes of courage, determination, self confidence, anger and assertiveness inside a person. The third form of external personality is represented by the Moon. Moon casts its effects on physical consciousness and regulates the changes occurring in the mind. Physiologically, it is connected with stomach, digestive power, intestines, breasts, ovaries, eyes and all the sexual organs of a woman.

Saturn is connected with the inner and outer consciousness. Mainly, it is a symbol of the ego which maintains a balance between thought and action. It expresses the different esoteric and mystical aspects of life. Saturn in the birthplace strengthens thoughts and emotions. Saturn makes a person farmer, maÚha head, miser, police officer or sage-mendicant. Saturn also represents rocky terrain, barren land, building ruins, cremation ground, flat land etc. In physiological sense, Saturn affects bones, lower jaw, large intestine, muscles and nervous system. Spiritually speaking, Saturn is a symbol of thought, reflection, leadership, dutifulness, self-control, patience, determination, character and resourcefulness. Saturn never grants favour to any one; it merely gives result of action (karmaphala). That is why, Saturn is called a judge or magistrate (dispenser of justice). There is absolutely no one in the whole world who can escape from its justice. Thus human life is intrinsically connected with the movement of planets and other cosmic bodies.

Astrology is generally looked upon as a matter of religion, but actually it is a science. Experts of astrology and spirituality both accept this truth that the changes in the circumstances of a higher being like man take place according to his action, thought, emotion and resolve. Hence the moment of birth has a great significance. True, that every moment of life has its importance, but the birth moment keeps casting its influence on the whole life.

Why is it so? It is so because at every instant, specific currents of the cosmic energy in specific quantum are found at one or the other point. In precisely these moments of convergence, birth of a human being takes place. This moment decides in what configuration these energy currents will meet in the future and what effect they will cast upon the life pattern. The birth moment of a person always remains with him. It tells exactly with which seeds of action (karmabºja), destiny (pr³rabdha) and ingrained values (sa®sk³rs), and with the convergence of what type of energy currents, the soul has finally taken birth. The birth moment assigns to the person and his life a unique place in this vast cosmic space-time domain.

This place never changes. The whole creation — humans, animals, plants, materials and events —take birth according to the varying sequence of these convergence points. In this very sequence also occurs their dissolutionsubmersion, which in common parlance is called death or transmutation. The •Ìis who have investigated the science of astrology have classified the flow of these energy currents into - 27 nakïatras (stars), 12 zodiac signs, and 9 planets. They have visualised the sequence of changes occurring therein as vi®ïottara, aÌtottara and yoginº nakïatra sequences.

If we understand the intricacies of astrology in the right manner, we can recognise our inherent capabilities and potentialities, and move forward in that direction. By recognising the specific pattern of the energy flow that affects our position in the time cycle, we can adopt precisely that line of work or endeavour which cannot be harmed much by the ever changing sequence of energy currents in the cosmos. In the periods of mah³daï³, antardaï³ and pratyantardaï³ [1] of the planetary positions, one can use the associated mantras, charitypiety, stones and plants-herbs. By doing this, one can keep away from their resulting ill effects and achieve success in life. Even if one does not possess this deep knowledge one can take recourse to regular recitation of the G³yatrº mantra and Mah³mrityunjaya mantra, which will take him to the pinnacle of success in life.

Notes: 1. Mah³daï³ or major period is the segmentation of human life for each planet with variant size of periods divided within perceived 120 years of a human life as each segment is ruled by a planet. Mah³daï³s are divided into nine segments called antardaï³s or sub-periods. This is a division of mah³daï³ period where all the 9 planets would have their influence within the major influence of the planet which is a ruler of mah³daï³. Antardaï³ is further divided into 9 segmentations of 9 periods in which all the 9 planets would have their period of influences. These segmentations arecalled pratyantardaï³ or sub-sub period.

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