The Need for Conservation of Shakti : The Creative Energy

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A simple analysis of everyday life of a common man reveals that most of his plans and activities are centered on seeking peace, prosperity and power.

At the root of all this is the desire to achieve health, happiness and harmony. However, it has to be realized that mere desires and plans cannot serve the purpose; one needs shakti (the creative energy) to implement the ideas. Shakti empowers a person to attain power, seek growth and find purpose and fulfilment in life. Therefore, in order to save oneself from suffering and achieve inner peace, there is a dire need to earn shakti and conserve it.

Whether the aim is to achieve worldly success or God-realization, accumulation of shakti and its conservation are necessary.

The vibhutis that Lord Shrikrishna has mentioned in Srimadbhawadgita are nothing but the manifestation of different aspects of His shakti in different objects. This kind of God’s power is also present in Avatars too. They are seen to possess immense power and perform unparalleled tasks for the global welfare. There is wrong impression prevailing in the society that earning of shakti and its conservation are not necessary for self-knowledge and salvation. Salvation too requires the powers of knowledge, s³dhan³, tapa, faculty of discretion and renunciation. Lazy and feeble-minded people can neither do self-refinement nor play any role in social upliftment. The author of Mundaka Upanishad has declared clearly – ‘N³yam³tm³ balahºnena labhyah.’ (Meaning – a weak and feebleminded person cannot realize Soul.) This life is like a battlefield. Very often, we have to face adverse circumstances. Sometimes the body becomes a victim to alien elements and a disease begins to thrive; sometimes the mind is enveloped in fear. Social situations - such as lack of basic needs, resentment, hatred, jealousy, competition, etc - too bring many problems. In order to live in such a society, one needs to be powerful - physically, mentally and spiritually.

Shakti is a divine element. By invoking this element, one can make all the aspects of life beautiful and strong. When shakti is well within one’s body, mind and soul, one will be full of vitality and energy, will possess inner and outer glow and will be able to face the challenges of life with resilience and courage. When the mind power rises, it makes an ordinary lawyer Mohadas Karamchand Gandhi, a national leader Mahatma Gandhi, Vilvamangal, a renowned saint Soordas and Rolihlahla, a famous anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela. Thought power transforms an ordinary man into an extraordinary great man. Intellectual power is seen to work behind the philosophical and scientific discoveries. The invocation of spiritual energy makes Maharshi Aurobindo and Ramana Maharshi to eliminate the horrible possibilities of world war by sitting in their Ashrams. By invoking the same power, Param Pujya Gurudev launched ‘Yug Nirman Yojana’ to change the fate of entire world and usher in a new golden era for humanity.

For our own physical, mental and spiritual progress, the need for earning shakti is indispensable. At the same time, there is also a need for earning collective power to eradicate social evils. At present, the whole atmosphere is filled with not only physical pollution but subtle pollution of corruption, greed for money and power, selfishness, sexual passions, etc. Every man – every home has been turned into Kurukshetra – the field of a new Mahabharata. The human heart has become a kind of home for devilish tendencies. The result is in front of our own eyes – the newspapers are filled with the reports of crimes, theft, bribery, cheating, scams, and what not. Such circumstances – this ignominious atmosphere is certainly not acceptable to the Almighty. The responsibility of eradication of undesirable traits and establishing a new healthy, happy and harmonious society has been given to the s³dhakas of Gayatri Pariwar.

In fact, the purpose of establishing Gayatri Pariwar is to refine the public psyche and build a new atmosphere of noble thoughts and emotions, thus reawakening the sacred sentiments associated with Dharma. This work cannot be done by the Government or the administration, because it is not their field of activity. The function of Government is to look after the welfare of people in terms of security, generation of resources and their proper utilization, public administration and so on. The task of religious-spiritual organizations is to promote the virtues of piety, divinity and greatness in the human hearts. By making a rule of law, it is possible to do vasectomy; but it is not possible to induce self-control (Brahmacharya) in the concerned people.

The Government agencies can arrest the criminals and send them to jail but they cannot make them imbibe the virtues of compassion, non-violence, non-attachment, etc. This is the work of religious-spiritual organizations like Gayatri Pariwar. It is but natural that for accomplishing such a gigantic task, a huge amount of creative energy is required. Thus, keeping in view the individual and social needs, this year has been declared by our Mission as ‘Shakti sanrakshan varsha’ (the year of conservation of creative energy). Let us get organized, united and collectively dedicate ourselves to achieve this noble aim. With Prayer-filled Wishes for a Happy, Healthy and Harmonious New Samvatsar, 2075,

(Pranav Pandya)

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