Akhand Jyoti’ Begins Its Journey - 3 Place of publication shifted to Mathura

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Akhand Jyoti’ Begins Its Journey - 3 Place of publication shifted to Mathura

Taiji’s suggestion added weight to a similar thought that was already going through Shriram’s mind. He too was thinking on the following lines – “Agra, apart from being a center of literary, administrative and political activities, is also a city of tourists. It has its own historical importance; but for religious – cultural activities, Mathura is better. Normally, the historical places like Agra, Gwalior, Bhopal or Delhi cannot be preferred for religious activities.” Otherwise also, Taiji always had a fancy for Mathura – Vrindavan.

Mother’s devotion and the significance of the Teerth were attracting Shriram to Mathura. He felt that taking Akhand Jyoti to Mathura was also the need of the future. One dream connected this thought with Yug Gayatri. The dream occurred one day prior to the commencement of Ashwin Navratri. The sankalpa (resolve) for Navratri Puja was to be taken next morning. In the same night Shriram dreamt – “Revered father was sitting on Vyas Peeth (dais for discourse). He was giving a discourse on Bhagwat.

In the background of Vyas Peeth, the photo of Sudarsan-bearing Lord Krishna, similar to the one printed on the front cover page of Akhand Jyoti, was hanging on the wall and his father, Pandit Roop Kishore Sharma, was giving a discourse on the topic ‘Gayatri Bhagwat’. He was making it clear right in the beginning of the discourse that in the coming years, Bhagwat would be confined only to the scholars. After that, the time would also come when this scripture would become only a book for recitation. The spirit of religion and devotion present in it would vanish. In that era, the essence of Bhagwat would be understood through Gayatri alone.”

Shriram further dreamt – “His father was establishing the idol of Gayatri in front of the photo of Lord Krishna; and along with the worship of Lord Krishna, he was also worshipping Goddess Gayatri. He appeared to be explaining the verse ‘Satyam param dhimahi’ as he used to do in real Katha – weeks. While concluding he said that Shukadevji Maharaj gave the discourse of Bhagwat Katha in the Vrij region. Therefore, the discourse of Katha of Gayatri should also be done from the Vrij region. Saying this he got up from the dais and started walking from the birth place of Lord Krishna to Vrindavan. At that time, at the birth place of Lord Krishna, there was a small temple called Katara Keshav Dev.

This temple was overshadowed by the adjacent mosque. When father was seen going, it appeared to Shriram that Lord Krishna was also following him.” Experiences of Vrij A few days after this dream, during meditation he felt as if his spiritual guide too was asking him to make Mathura the center for spreading the ‘Sanatan Dharma’ filled with the inspirations of Bhagwat and the message of the Lord in the form of Gayatri Mantra. This realization came around Deepawali; and Shriram decided that Mathura should be made the center and that Agra should be left as early as possible.

He informed Taiji about this decision. She said – “I have a longstanding wish to live in Mathura. I used to tell your father also to live there. He didn’t listen to me but Thakurji (Lord Krishna) did. It is He who is getting done everything through you.” This reaction of Mother was like a blessing to Shriram. Next day itself he wrote a message to the subscribers of Akhand Jyoti. In this message, he declared that the center of publication is being shifted to Mathura; and that new activity related to Sadhana and Sanskar would soon be started there. After Devotthan Ekadashi, he went to Mathura for making new arrangements.

There was one literary friend of Shriram named Shiromaniji in Agra. His real name was different but he was famous by this name. He used to publish a newsletter titled ‘Sahitya Sandesh’. For sometime he was also associated with ‘Sainik’. When the publication of Akhand Jyoti started, he resolved to cooperate in a big way. He seemed to be enthusiastic to close his newsletter and fully get associated with Akhand Jyoti. Shiromani’s family was quite rich and hence there was no worry of earning. Shriram did accept his offer but requested him to continue with his newsletter. His plea was: “Akahnd Jyoti is an experiment. Nobody knows what shape it would take in future. If anything unpleasant happened, then the platform of ‘Sahitya Sandesh’ would also vanish. The company of Shiromaniji Shiromaniji said – “It doesn’t matter. If one has to fail, let the two of us fail together. I have resolved to live and die with you.” Shriram said –“Please wait for six months. During this period, the future of this magazine will be clear.” He felt satisfied but said –“What do you mean? Till then will even a ray of Akhand Jyoti not be there in my destiny?” Shriram gave a solution – “During this period, enroll new subscribers for this magazine. The more members we have, more will our family become strong.”

Shiromaniji got engaged in making new members. By his lone efforts, he made seventy new members. During this period, it was decided to change the place of publication. Shirmani’s zeal was reduced slightly. He didn’t become dull altogether – he was working for Akahnd Jyoti as usual; but he abandoned his stubbornness of renouncing everything and joining ‘Akhand Jyoti’. He also helped Shriram in his shifting from Agra to Mathura. In order to search a house, he accompanied Shriram to Mathura three- four times.

Establishment in Vrij Dham The first halt of ‘Akhand Jyoti’ at Mathura was in a lane near Holy Gate. At that time, that lane was unnamed. Long-long back, there used to live a Chaturvedi Brahman named Vallabhram. It is said that he fought bravely with the invaders who came to loot the temple of Dwarkadhish. He was slain in that encounter. So that lane was known by his name. The shape of the lane has now changed considerably. Even that house in which Shriram stayed has changed. The March 1941 issue of Akhand Jyoti was published from there. On Pratipada (the first day) of Vikram Samwat 1998, Shriram performed Yagya there. Religious, literary and social elites of Mathura attended that function.

Volunteers of Arya Samaj were also present. At that time, Mathura branch of Arya Samaj was split into two wings –Arya Samaj (Holy Gate) and Arya Samaj (Chauk). People of both the wings participated in the yagya. After the completion of yagya, Shriram gave a brief introduction of his plans. As soon as Shriram completed his address, Sri Satya Prakash Arya, the secretary of Arya Samaj (Holy Gate wing) raised his hand to convey that he wanted to say something; but he didn’t wait for anybody’s permission and started saying – “The thoughts of Shriram are very bright. If he accepts our request, then all our volunteers are ready to work with him. I wish to offer him the post of Chief of Arya Samaj (Holy Gate Wing).’ Other members of that wing also supported him. Invitation of Arya Samaj Chauk wing of Arya Samaj too didn’t waste time. Its secretary, Divyanand Arya, proposed Shriram as the leader of both the wings. In this proposal, there was a feeling of merger of both the factions. Satya Prakash Arya of Holy Gate wing said further – “Shriram’s views regarding idol worship are against the basic principles of Arya Samaj. If he rectifies his views, then we will receive him with full honour.” Divyanand also said something similar.

There were some scholars of Sanatan Dharma too. They tried to oppose the scholars of Arya Samaj. When only a few heated words had been exchanged between them, Shriram intervened. He said – “The question of accepting or not accepting the leadership of Arya Samaj does not arise now. Please give me some time for giving a thought to it. At present, we have assembled here to celebrate Pratipada of the would be able to complete a brief anushthan of 108 malas during Navratra. The Purnahuti (completion ritual) of this anushthan could be done on Navami (ninth day) Thus started the Sadhana Movement This was a small beginning of the Sadhana movement, along with the publication of ‘Akhand Jyoti’ from Mathura.

After addressing the gathering Shriram requested those sadhaks who were participating in that program to write their names. Seven sadhaks wrote their names. Among them four belonged to Arya Samaj. When the secretary of Holy Gate Arya Samaj noticed this, he objected and said – “Will you people do idol worship? Will you go against the principles of Swami Dayanand?” Catching the point of objection, Shriram said – “Aryaji! These people don’t have to do japa and puja in a pauranic way. I have requested to chant Gayatri Mantra. For that matter, even Swami Dayanandji Maharaj has stressed the need of chanting this mantra daily. In Satya Prakash, he has advised sadhaks to do sandhya vandan twice (in the morning and evening) daily. How can you consider their sadhana to be against the teachings of Swamiji? Rather, I would say that you should also do twelve malas of japa daily for the nine days.”

The chief of Arya Samaj was not left with any ground for objection. He felt that he had developed a rigid attitude about idol worship and that he should get rid of it. Therefore, in order to clear that remorse, the chief also resolved to take up brief anushthan of nine days.

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