Highlights of Birth Centenary Program

July - Aug 2010

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It has been planned to commemorate the year 2011-2012 as the Birth Centenary Year of Yugrishi Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya. It will not be an exaggeration, if it is also called the Birth Centenary of Thought Transformation. On the physical plane, Acharyasri’s unique contributions to the humanity as a seer – sage, freedom fighter, founder of a gigantic organization - All World Gayatri Pariwar, an accomplished propagator of the scientific aspects of Gayatri and Yagya, re-establisher of the Vedic tradition, etc make him a great personality of the present era. But, in the subtle and causal realms, the real purpose and mission of his incarnation was to usher in the era of universal brotherhood, love, harmony and goodwill, founded on spiritual unity of all.

His entire life was devoted to giving shape to this divine plan. He was a very kind-hearted saint and hence whosoever came into his contact, was benefitted by his blessings; but he didn’t ask for anything in return, although he always inspired all his near and dear ones – his disciples, to refine themselves, imbibe noble ideals, and work for high aims with inspired sense of purpose, clear vision, altruistic enthusiasm and an unshakable faith in the ultimate and decisive triumph of GOOD.

Acharyasri had a clear vision of the spiritual awakening of humanity and the descent of heavenly era on earth. For spiritual awakening of individuals, he has prescribed the inclusion of Upasana (Worshipful prayer), Sadhana (Self refinement) and Aradhana (Service of society as embodiment of Cosmic Divinity) in the daily routine. In order to achieve greatness, the aspirant also has to practice Swadhyaya (Study of enlightening literature), Sanyam (Self-control) and Seva (Selfless service). His recipe for descent of heaven on earth is that the enlightened souls should contribute regularly and generously their time, influence, knowledge and resources for the spread of noble thoughts and deeds.

Adopting this basic methodology, it is possible to find solutions to all the problems of present era. In the Birth Centenary Year, a practical shape is proposed to be given to the above plan of action. Parijans, desirous of cooperating in this divine venture and making their lives purposeful, may associate themselves in the following programs to be undertaken by the Mission on a priority basis.

1.We should improve the level of our individual Jeevan Sadhana; and start realizing the importance of each and every moment.

2.The Nation is our chosen deity. We should try our best to make it strong, refined and united.

3.Vidya Vistar (spread of noble thoughts) should become the center of all our activities.  We should become the humble means of spreading Gurudev’s revolutionary thoughts amongst the masses. Every program, discussion, festival, meeting, etc should be dedicated for this purpose. We should search new translators so that Gurudev’s thoughts may be translated and be spread in the regions of different languages.

4.We should organize youth power of our country and utilize it for the upliftment of the country.

5.We should awaken half the manpower of nation, the women, through different activities to create an atmosphere of women empowerment.

6.A meaningful coordination of Shiksha (education) and Vidya (knowledge) is the need of the hour. Dev Sanskriti University has demonstrated that apart from providing skill based education to the students it is possible to make them honest and disciplined citizens. This trend has to be emulated in every school and college / university. It is for this reason that base of Bhartiya Sanskriti Gyan Pariksha has to be expanded and the messengers of the golden culture have to be prepared.

7.A powerful awakening about the protection of environment is required. Some concrete steps have to be taken at individual, familial and societal levels.

8.The eradication of evil addictions, vices has to be taken up and energy saved from such steps has to be utilized for providing jobs to the unemployed.

9.The policy of upliftment of moral values in the society through the medium of entertainment has to be implemented.

10.The educated elites of the nation have to be brought to the same platform through scientific spirituality, so that they can contribute to the building of the nation in novel ways. The revolution of Yoga and Ayurveda should also pick up speed.

The future is certainly bright and the golden era is sure to return. Here we have given only the glimpse of the plan of action to be taken up by the Mission. In the forthcoming issues, our readers will be able to get detailed guidance in this regard through this column.

The disciples of sage Confucius often used to request him to show them someone who had attained the ultimate knowledge of God. One day while touring with them the sage took them to a cave where an ascetic was engrossed in singing devotional songs. The disciples curiously asked the ascetic to enlighten them about spiritual knowledge. The saint felt disturbed by their interruption and asked them to leave him alone. They all quickly moved ahead. As per the direction of their master, now they went to meet an oil-trader in a village.  He was a kind person and people used to have high regards for him. The disciples humbly asked him – “We have heard that you have attained the true knowledge of God”. Could you tell us where do we find him? The dutiful, honest trader smiled and said pointing to his ox; this ox is like God for me. It is only because of him that I can run the oil extracting machine (‘kolhu’, which is drawn by ox); thus, though indirectly, he sustains the lives of myself and my family. I also love him and take due care of him. We are both very happy with each other and I have no worries in my life.”

With confusion more confounded, the disciples continued their journey. Now, Confucius took them to a small house where an old woman was weaving on a small handloom in the compound. Her face glowed from inner happiness. Several children of the colony were playing around her. She was sometimes talking to them, laughing with them and also playfully teaching them in between. The disciples repeated their question to her. She replied – “I see and feel the presence of God everywhere around me. Look He is playing there. He is also in you and me. There is no moment when He is away from us.

Now the master explained to the disciples– “Hope you have now got the gist of the ultimate knowledge of God. Be happy and make others happy under all circumstances – this is the secret of true spiritual awareness and this is true devotion to God.”

Schedule a sacred date with yourself. You deserve time for your life.

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