Our children are living under extreme pressure

July - Aug 2010

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Human life is primarily divided into four phases – childhood, adolescence, youth and old age. Childhood is the very first phase of life. The mind and brain are not completely developed in this stage. They get developed slowly over a period of time based on the circumstances. There are many aspects of life which, when known prematurely, can lead to unfavorable consequences. Because of various forms of media and other sources, children are getting access to that information, which probably should be known 6-7 years later. The cells of the brain are not developed sufficiently to absorb this information at that young age. In such a situation, children are subjected to pressure and tension because of which several kinds of fears and doubts get entrenched in the mind leading to complexes in the brain.

A research done recently reports that children who experience more mental tension age faster than other kids. The hair begins to turn grey, lines of worry get formed on the face, memory begins to wane and they tend to commit more mistakes. The moment innocent smile vanishes, life feels like a burden. Because of increasing tension in life, children remain depressed and it puts enormous pressure on the brain, because of which the brain cells begin to develop prematurely. The tender brain of the child is unable to handle the tension and pressure, because of which it grows in a disorderly way and is unable to manage tension. This results in the telemeyer of the body reducing with age. In such a situation, the brain of the child begins to indulge in thoughts that are much beyond their age and they remain sad.

In a research done to understand this condition in greater depth, psychologists examined the DNA of 31 youngsters. They found that the telemeyer was of small size. It is not a problem if it is small in adults, but its reduced size in children is a matter of great concern. In such a situation if the parents or family of the child do not pay enough attention to him or blame him for mistakes, then there is an increased chance of the child going astray. Such children are subject to different kinds of mental complexes and end up in treading the wrong path and ruining their life. If you happen to observe the symptoms given above in your child, please do not scold or beat him. Your punishment will have a deep impact on his brain in an adverse way. If your child is facing some kind of physical problem, do not make him feel as though he is inflicted with some disease. Instead, treat him like a normal child. This will prevent him from feeling depressed.

In the present times, the parents have become so busy that they do not have the time to understand the child in the correct way. This has an adverse effect on the child. Lack of required attention creates a gap between the child and the parents which leads to a situation where the child is not able to express his feelings freely. He keeps his thoughts to himself and suppresses them. He feels that nobody understands him, that nobody loves him and that it is useless to live in this world. In addition to this kind of pessimism, there comes a communication gap within the family and tension prevails at home. Girls are prone to this problem more than boys, since they are not given due importance in our male-dominated society and have to face constant hurdles in their path. With growing age, the number of constraints imposed on girls increase and their chances of growth and independence is snatched away.

The solution to this grave problem lies in increasing social awareness. Parents should not distinguish between their children, be it a boy or a girl and give them sufficient love and care. Giving too much attention is not the solution to the problem. They should give enough attention such that the child feels that his parents love him and that they understand him. To achieve this, parents have to spend time with their wards; discuss their problems and offer appropriate solutions; and fulfill their small requirements. Only then, the child can joyfully grow through his childhood. This is possible only when the atmosphere at home is peaceful and there is a bond of love and understanding among the members of the family. In such situations, a child can handle the most challenging situations, emerge successfully from them and build a path of balanced growth for himself. But, if opposing situation exists in the family, the mental capabilities, intellectual acumen of the child and his personality get impaired. The primary responsibility of a child’s well-being lies with the elders of the family, because the integrated growth of the child depends on the behavior, samskaras and atmosphere created by the elders at home.

Never mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps you make a living;        
                                                                                                                    the other helps you make a life.

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