Multiple Facets of Scientific Spirituality

Jan-Feb 2017

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Science means knowledge. It originates with the natural quest of human mind to know the unknown, to decipher the truth. In the early ages of civilization, science as a type of knowledge was more closely linked to philosophy than it is now. Its methods and practices, and hence its domain have expanded and transformed with human intellectual civilization. As modern civilization progressed with understanding, interaction and use of manifested realms of Nature (i.e. matter or perceivable facets of Nature), and social or collective efforts, the disciplines of Science also emerged accordingly. Today “science” is predominantly defined or identified as one or more of the Natural Sciences (e.g. Biological, Chemical, Geological, Physical Sciences, etc.) or Social and Applied Sciences (Economics, Sociology, Psychology, Political Science, etc., and Statistics, Engineering Sciences, etc., ). The “Philosophical” base of science has now got confined to Abstract Mathematical Sciences, Logic, etc. Notably, what makes a subject, piece of knowledge, thought, or method of learning, as part of “Science”, is the scientific approach to its discovery, acquisition, and study. ‘Scientific- ness’ (scientific spirit) is the core of Science. Indeed, all the worth and predominance of science is there because it is “Scientific”.

The adjective “Scientific” in truest sense of the word implies - thorough, and free of prejudices, irrationalities and biases. It thus ascertains authenticity, rationality, consistency, and universality. However, due to narrow interpretation of “Science” as material based modern science, the term ‘scientific’ too is widely interpreted as - systematic, methodical, and in consonance with prevailing theories/concepts of modern science. The real complete meaning of ‘Scientific’ is, in fact, naturally rooted in “Spirituality”. But the way spirituality is understood and practiced since the post-medieval times, reflects quite the contrary. “Scientific Spirituality” deals with the scientific nature, perennial relevance, and universal truth of spirituality which is the vital need of the present times.

Today, many people interpret “Spirituality” as a field of occult philosophy dealing with spirits and even confuse it with “Spiritualism”. Many link it with religious customs, blind faith and superstitions. For many others, spirituality is meant only for ascetics; they think that adoption of spiritual life requires complete renouncement of worldly activities, etc. However such interpretations only reflect incomplete and incorrect information and knowledge. The real meaning and field of “Spirituality” is as vast and deep as the existence and experiences of the Omnipresent Eternal Consciousness- Force. It pertains to realization of conscience, enlightenment of inner-self, and evolution of consciousness-faculties. In simple terms, as explained by seer-sage and spiritual scientist of our times, Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya, spirituality deals with emancipation, progress, expansion, and illumination of intellect and emotions that lead to expansion of selfishness into selflessness, transformation of egotism into limitless compassion and generosity, and awakening of divinity indwelling in the inner self.

Spirituality can’t be adopted through abstract philosophical thoughts, through lip-service, or by ostentatious rituals and orthodox customs. One does not have to renounce the world and go to the forests or remote mountains to practice it. There is no place for delusions, blind faith or superstitions in it. However, in the present times, it will need the support of science (scientific-spirit) to cast out the prevailing misconceptions and delusions. It will have to prove its authenticity and relevance. Spirituality and science should support, guide and supplement each other. Realizing this, Acharya Sharma pioneered renaissance of Scientific Spirituality in the modern age in a comprehensive and practical way.

What is Scientific Spirituality?

Acharya Sharma envisaged “Scientific Spirituality” as the beacon light of golden future for the world. He, like several visionary scientists, thinkers and social reformers, realized that - the convictions and practices of spirituality weaken their authenticity without scientific spirit and openness. The philosophy and teachings of spirituality without having scientific approach lose their relevance and originality in the smog of blind-faith and superstitions. Also, every discipline of science (be that any branch of natural, physical, mathematical, or, social or applied science), remains narrow and incomplete without incorporating spirituality. Material based science without spirituality has no bonds of human values and so there is an obvious danger of its becoming aristocratic and apathetic. (In practical sense), Scientific Spirituality lies at the core of mutually complementary, constructive, and supportive roles of science and spirituality.

We all know that scientific and technological development may produce wealth, comforts and prosperity but not the elixir of benevolence, love and compassion. The so-called social sciences too remain confined to intellectual domains and are influenced by predominant thoughts, theories, models and practices advocated by influential and celebrity scholars in a given period of time without any real effect on individual or social character-building. (For example, research and studies of the moral sciences, humanities, ideal theories of socio political systems, etc, continue to flourish in the present times, but we hardly see any impact of these in altering the trends of moral-cultural devolution, declining integrity of character, human values, and the rising social disharmony and anarchy).

The light of sagacity and benevolence and the perpetual power of inner strength essential for social responsibility, dutifulness, integrity, and moral ascent originate and expand only through spiritual enlightenment. But most of us have somehow ignored even the necessity of our own spiritual fitness and progress. Or, we have confused and neglected ‘spirituality’ as an offshoot of hallucination and emotional whims or as subject matter only for ascetics. This ‘folly’ of the wise and ‘progressive’ intellect of today has put the world on a precipitous edge where even healthy sustenance of life on the earth has become doubtful. Scientific spirituality has promising potential as a crucial remedial and comprehensive measure/mode towards sustainability, holistic development and bright and blissful future.

Scientific Spirituality is an evolved science of mind that illuminates the intellect towards righteous path and awakens divine sensitivity in the heart (emotional core). The paradigms of scientific spirituality may be broadly classified as follows.

Absolute Knowledge:

The theories and principles of Scientific Spirituality originate from a universal view that incorporates both spiritual and physical entities within the scope of its explanatory framework. In this way, spiritual entities can be understood to be “real” or “existing” in the same way as physical entities. This kind of theoretical continuity between the physical and spiritual worlds allows for the understanding of spiritual phenomena as law governed.

One paradigm of this sort that has been highly developed within India is the philosophy of Vedanta. Vedanta is a consciousness-centric paradigm which views reality as emerging through each of us from a unified (Omnipresent), eternal consciousness-force (Brahm) in each form of existence and each moment of (physical, mental or transcendental) perception. Like Vedantic philosophers, the Quantum Physicists also view the physical world as emerging from (consciousness) energy. Max Planck, the founder of Quantum Physics underlines this similarity explicitly - “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness...” [c.f. Planck’s interview reported in “The Observer”, January 25, 1931].

By maintaining continuity between material and spiritual dimensions, the vast domain of Scientific Spirituality incorporates both (the material and the consciousness) dimensions within its explanatory purview. Considering the eternal existence and fundamental role of consciousness- force, Scientific Spirituality is an absolute science that can unfold all secrets of life, can decipher mind as a material element, can explain the science of destiny (law of karma), fully elucidate the manifested as well as transcendent Nature, everything. All streams of knowledge emanate from this absolute science.

Key to Holistic Development:

Scientific Spirituality holds that consciousness of a being is raised up (evolved) not by magic or a capricious boon granted from super forces, but rather by forces that can be rationally understood and perhaps repeated. This idea does not deny the importance of faith or devotion; these two are essential factors. Nor does it deny the role of divine forces in human ascent. Perhaps it does, however, prioritize human effort and suggest the importance of diligent spiritual endeavors (sadhana).

A particularly advanced theoretical system for understanding the mechanisms of this process is the theory of a sublime element of primordial life-force energy that exists at the threshold between consciousness and matter. Within Vedic (Hindu) philosophy, this sublime energy is called praña. Within Chinese traditions, it is known as Chi. The methods and (sadhana) practices of Scientific Spirituality deal with gathering, conserving, raising, constructively using, and expanding this vital spiritual energy.

Raising of praña results in enhancement of vigor and vitality (and hence good health of the physical body); it gives rise to brilliance and focus of intellectual and other mental faculties; it generates soothing balance of emotions with inner contentment, and inspires benevolent sentiments. In short it is the key to holistic development of personality. Progress in this process gradually leads to spiritual enlightenment and awakening of divine sensitivity and unalloyed bliss.

Practical Aspects – Implementation in Scientific Light:

An important facet of Scientific Spirituality is the use of the scientific method for studying and validating the effects of different spiritual practices of raising praña and dissemination and practical implementation of spiritual knowledge in scientific light. For example, through measuring indicators, such as brain waves, memory retention, stress-level, hormone levels, etc., the full rigor of the scientific method can be applied to studying the effects of spiritual practices such as yoga-kriyas, meditative rhythmic chanting of Vedic Mantras, etc. Advanced research studies can also be used to assess, verify, and demonstrate extrasensory potentials of spiritually enlightened mind. This kind of research is necessary for spiritual practice to be accepted by communities holding materialistic philosophical commitments.

Scientific Spirituality also pertains to integration of spirituality and social sciences. The methods and practices of upasana, sadhanas and sadhana aim at holistic development of the individuals as well as the society. Acharya Sharma regarded scientific spirituality as the key to holistic management and progress of human life on personal, professional, familial and social fronts. He signified positive attitude and focused, thoughtful and thorough endeavors of self-refinement and self-development as essential features of scientific spirituality and guided feasible, effective methods and training programs to achieve this. The characteristics of social service, social transformation, self-restraint, non-sectarianism, and science integrated in the comprehensive, grass-rooted approach guided by him make it authentic and relevant for personal and social transformation in the current era.

The three paradigms of Scientific Spirituality, namely viewing consciousness to be law- governed, thinking within a paradigm that includes spiritual dimensions, and applying scientific method to the study and use of consciousness-science, provide the ground for a universal spirituality that includes all traditions by transcending the boundaries of any particular stream of faith or culture.

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