Welcome the Beginning of a Great Revolution

Jan-Feb 2017

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With the dawn of New Year 2017, everything appears to be changing. In fact, whenever great changes occur, some developments take place in the background; but the common masses do not comprehend them. Then, abruptly, a significant change occurs and people realize why those earlier developments took place. Param Pujya Gurudev once said that revolutions arrive like the coaches of a train. Assume you are waiting on the railway platform to board a train. Suddenly the announcement of the arrival of your train is made and there is hustle and bustle. The engine comes first and one-by-one all rail coaches start arriving. If you are standing at the right spot on the platform, your coach (Sleeper, AC-3 or AC-2 or other) arrives in front of you and you board the train. The train leaves the platform as quickly as it arrived. Social revolutions are similar to trains with respect to arrivals and departures. They arrive one after another and the era changes. The whole atmosphere changes, the wind changes its direction. In 1857, no one could imagine an independent India, but the whole atmosphere was charged by the sacrifices of Rani Laxmibai, Jhalkari, Tatya Tope, Mangal Pande and many others, and this prepared the background for the country’s freedom. Almost immediately (within 15 years), great souls like Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi, Sri Aurobindo, were born and later they made their special contributions in the freedom movement in their own ways.

Thakur Sri Ramakrishna Dev and his disciples and followers, Bankimchandra Chatterji (poet of ‘Vande Mataram’), Rasbihari Bose and many unnamed revolutionaries from Bengal started working towards achieving the divine objective. Bhagat Singh along with his compatriots appeared on the scene in the second decade of twentieth century. Mahatma Gandhi returned from South Africa and started playing his role along with Gokhale, Tilak, Patel, etc. All this happened prior to a great change. Sri Aurobindo, Ramana Maharshi and Acharya Sriram Sharma played their special roles in the spiritual realm. With the transition of Sri Auribindo to the astral plane in 1950, an era ended. But, Param Pujya Gurudev Pandit Sriram Sharma Acharya took up the momentous task of ‘Vichar Kranti’ (Thought Revolution) in his hands and, as a result, a gigantic fraternity called Gayatri Pariwar was established with a revolutionary spirit.

Param Pujya Gurudev had prophesied (Akhand Jyoti March 1967 issue, page 34) – “In the coming years no individual will be able to own the so-called precious commodity - ‘wealth’. Its ownership is certainly going to be transferred to the Government and the society. If one wishes, he can note it as a prophecy. The coming years will prove this fact verbatim. I, therefore, humbly request the sensible persons that they should not indulge in amassing wealth and accumulating property for their offspring. All of us have witnessed the fall of kings and zamindars with our own eyes. Now we should be ready to witness individual property getting declared as public.”

The Prophecy of a Visionary

“The Will of God is making an arrangement for the transformation of an era. Assisting in this process will be the greatest farsightedness of the enlightened souls of the present age.” This is a revolutionary prophecy. I got a copy of one of his sermons of those days in which he says – “I will not let you to be miserable or get entangled in worldly problems. I will uplift your status......from the viewpoint of money! My children! In the coming days, money will become such a thing that no one will hoard gold bars or currency notes. Even today, raids are being conducted. In the ensuing years, raids will be such that even the wealth hidden under the ground will be extracted and exposed. Therefore, I will not make you wealthy. Why should I give you a thing which will have no value? I will make you an empathetic, a thoughtful and a great man; I will make you a messenger of God.”

Param Pujya Gurudev made a spectacular announcement (in 1970-71) during 108-kundiya yagya organized in Gorakhi Maidan, Gwalior in front of the then Deputy Chief Minister Smt. Vijaya Raje Scindia (mother of late Madhavrao Scindia). The announcement was – “I, Shriram Sharma Acharya, declare in front of you all that there will be no value of money after fifty years from now. Money will get equitably distributed. A spiritual socialism will dawn.” The person writing these lines, the Chief Editor of this magazine, was present in this congress. His father was serving as a civil judge in Gwalior at that time.

Understand the Message of the Seer

In those days, following message was propagated by Pujya Gurudev – “In the coming years, not a single man will remain rich. The money will be distributed. Society (democratically elected government) will control wealth; and we will be able to use only what is needed for sustaining life.” This is being said in the context of a recent step of the Indian Government towards a great economic revolution. Our Prime Minister suddenly announced at 8 PM on November 8, 2016, the demonetization of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 currency notes. These notes were being illegally used by terrorists, property dealers, drug smugglers, and mafia kings. In his address to the nation, the Prime Minister explained the reasons behind such a drastic move and also outlined the methodology for exchanging and depositing the old currency notes in banks. With this step, thousands of crores of black money that was being used for a variety of illegal works and crime has either become white or paper waste. Now the money possessed by people is under the scrutiny of government and the income tax department. Don’t you think the prophecy of Pujya Gurudev has come true? In fact, this revolutionary step is only the beginning of a major change that is going to occur very soon.

Irregularities are everywhere. Black money, corruption, vote-for-note, profiteering, hoarding, bribery, and other evil practices are hindering social progress. Unless such crimes are halted, the objective of a progressive India will only remain a dream. With this economic step, every citizen felt that the change for the better is in the offing. However, unless this change comes from within, nothing will happen. Pujya Gurudev always emphasized the utmost need for the purity of mind first (Gayatri Mantra!).

The Dilemma is Temporary

There is an atmosphere of hurry-scurry everywhere. People, especially those who possessed black money, were stunned by this sudden surgical strike of the government. Some people are abusing the government for not giving enough time. Some sceptics are saying that the benefits will be short-lived; the game of black money will again be played openly – instead of one-thousand notes, people will now hoard two-thousand notes, and so on. Such people are perhaps unaware that the present government has many arrows in its quiver. Banks, lockers, ATMs, cashless transactions will keep the money floating. There is very little chance of money being hoarded by select people.

Ravana too made a golden Lanka. His dream was to build the stairs to Heaven. But did his dream come true? In our country too, there is a network of elegant farm-houses and skyscrapers that are owned by individuals. All these are standing on the foundation of corruption and black money. Now the strategy is afoot so that most of the transactions are cashless. This will prevent hoarding and theft, and the common man will live peacefully. All earnings will be under the scanner of the government. This is the beginning of spiritual socialism.

Our Own Gayatri Pariwar

Param Pujya Gurudev established this Mission by collecting ten paisa or twenty paisa or one rupee and in some cases one day salary of honest and hardworking parijans. Even now the same policy is being followed by the Mission. Our Prime Minister started Jana Dhana Yojana for the poor and, considering the importance of micro-economy, got the bank accounts opened for everyone. The result is that the surgical strike has affected only the hoarders. Do you think all black money will come out by this operation? Probably not; but the foundation of this demon of black money has been shaken from the core. Now new revolutions will follow and will give birth to a greater positive change. It might take 9-10 years, but the nation will remain secure, the economy will improve and very soon our nation will again attain its past glory of a golden bird.

New Revolutions in the Offing

What are the revolutions that are waiting in the wings to make this part of earth, India, a truly great nation? First one is that expensive marriages will be stopped. There were 1.25 lakhs of marriages in Delhi alone in three days following the announcement of demonetization. One can imagine what would have happened to the affected parents and relatives. But what can be done? It is the will of Mahakal (Time Spirit) that there should be ideal marriages. Unnecessary expenditure must be stopped. The economy of the rich built on the money of the poor should be demolished. The middle class may complain about what have they done to deserve this? The sin of the middle class is that they have tried to emulate the rich by copying expensive habits to falsely show that they too are rich and spending beyond their means.

The next revolution will result in the upliftment of rural economy. Cottage industries will flourish again. In this youth revolution year (being observed by our Mission), we mulled over the formation of ‘Swavlambi Loksevi Mandals’ nicknamed ‘Swalokam’ so that all the youth get jobs. People will understand the importance of labor. Hooliganism will reduce. Mistreatment of women will also stop. The gates of huge private colleges, erected by capitation fee, will open for the poor and there will be coordination of spirituality and education in true sense. There will also be change in the electoral system. Within a decade, the foundation of transformation of the era will be laid. All this will be visible by 2025-26. The present crisis has blown a whistle for the arrival of a great revolution. Let us welcome it wholeheartedly!

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