
Jan-Feb 2017

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One day a party of Yadava lords, prominent among whom were Krishna, Balram, Satyaki, Akrur etc, were returning from a hunting trip. By the roadside, they smelt the foul smell of decay, emanating from a half rotten carcass of a dog.

“What a foul smell” - said Akrur.

“These lousy city cleaners are no good. This carcass must have been removed already. Those irresponsible lazy idiots should be punished for this for the lack of sense of duty”- proclaimed a fuming Balarama.

“Can you see how faggots are oozing out of those decaying body parts”- remarked Kritvarma.

Krishna gazed at the carcass and smiled that famous beatific smile of his.

“What is so amusing about this rotting decaying thing Kanha?” asked Balrama a bit annoyingly. “Look brother. What shiny teeth this dog had!” Krishna replied.

Yadava elites looked at each other bemusingly.

“He is not reckoned a great man for naught. He’ll always find something beautiful about everything. Krishna you are indeed God incarnate” mused Satyaki.

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