Amrit Chintan

July - Aug 2017

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Let’s Adore Sadguru’s Padukas

Padukas are the wooden sandals traditionally worn by saints and seers. Guru’s padukas are considered holy because they represent guru’s spiritual foundation (supreme knowledge, tapa, experience, etc).

The padukas worn by Sadguru (the spiritual master) get charged by his lotus feet. When a dedicated disciple bows to these padukas, he receives part of his master’s tapa as a blessing. Adi Shankaracharya has reverently composed:

Nata yayoh sripatitam samiyuh, kadachidpyashu daridravaryah |
Mookashcha vachaspatitam hi tabhyam, namo namah srigurupadukabhyam ||

[Adi Shankar’s Guru Paduka Strotam, 3 rd Shloka]

Meaning: My prostrations to the holy sandals of my Guru, adoring which the worst poverty stricken, have turned out to be great possessors of wealth, and even the mutes have turned out to be great masters of speech.

On the auspicious festival of Guru Purnima, let us prostrate to the holy padukas of Param Pujya Gurudev with reverence and seek his blessings.

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