Let’s Join Hands in Adoring Mother Nature

July - Aug 2017

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If man enriches Nature, Nature too enriches man. If man nourishes Nature, Nature too nourishes man. This relationship between man and Nature continues to be unbroken and seamless as long as Nature and man both remain preserved, protected and flourishing. But when this relationship gets disturbed Nature becomes annoyed and man becomes endangered. This is precisely the reason behind the Nature’s fury frequently seen now-a-days. Nature which used to shower prosperity as goddess Mahalaxmi and bestowed knowledge as goddess Mahasaraswati has now become Mahakali and showering destruction today.

It is from the bosom of Nature that myriad forms of life - all types of plant and vegetation, all species of animals and other living beings -are born. Nothing is outside Nature. Nature is the mother which has given birth to all without discrimination. All aspects of life, all its pleasures and beauty have blossomed forth from Mother Nature and are in umbilical bond with her. 

When we go against Nature, life begins to lose its shine and dark clouds of crises begin to fill the sky. The cycle of death, destruction and misery starts and becomes so intense and encompassing that there remains no escape from it, no space for a foothold. Storms of deluge and devastation blow everything away.

What never happened in the past is happening today; what was never imagined is starkly visible now. The never-heard-of is being heard, the never-seen is being seen, and the never-experienced is being experienced. Accidents, diseases, earthquakes, floods, and tsunami - all the destructive changes in Nature are happening all around us. Life has become intolerably painful and there is unending flow of misfortunes.

The situation today is horrifying. And why is it so? It is simply because of the imprudence of mankind, of the so-called best specimen of Nature’s progenies. He to whom Mother Nature had assigned the responsibility of continuously enhancing the beauty and richness of life is himself doing the opposite. Mother Nature is, therefore, angry with him. Her anger needs to be pacified.

Nature is the mother. Nature is the life giver. She is sensitive and affectionate. Whatever be the provocation, the mother cannot remain angry at her children for long. Why would she want to destroy her own progeny? Her anger is merely to give a lesson to her own child - the mankind and to awaken it. Man has deviated from the right path and is harming himself. The mother would never want that. So she is always striving through various means to chide him and goad him onto the right path.

If the children learn and follow, mother again showers her blessings on them. Today man has turned away from Nature and has adopted an unnatural lifestyle. To fulfil his selfish desires and satisfy his ego he has indulged in mass cutting of trees and devouring of forests; he is erecting huge buildings which are drying up the soil fertility.

He has not left the air pure enough for breathing and is not deterred from polluting even the space. If we stop committing these inexcusable crimes even now, it would be possible to propitiate Nature. To reverse the damages already done, what is needed is enrichment of the flora and protection of the environment. We need to shut down the factories and plants which are heavily polluting the rivers. The day our rivers are dead from the incessant discharge of chemical and other pollutants, the very existence of life on earth would be in danger.

Water is vital for life. Hence rivers need to be depolluted. Cutting of plants and trees is depriving man of vital breath because they
absorb the pollutants from the air and release pure oxygen. Similarly the soil fertility is being depleted. This soil which gives us crops and food is everyday being converted into sand, concrete and cement. Highly productive land is getting unfertile, or is being devoured by the expanding cities and towns. Damage to environment means damage to Nature. Protection of environment means being grateful to Nature and receiving her boons. By rectifying the mistakes we can restore the balance in Nature. This is akin to adoring the Nature. This way we can start getting her immeasurable benefits again.

What is needed today is that we restart thinking of Nature as our mother, and make efforts to preserve and nurture her. Only an enriched Nature can enrich our life and fill it with bounties. The delicate interrelationship between Mother Nature and man needs to be made lively again so that we may avoid any future crises and calamities. If we adore Nature and nurture her, our own life automatically gets nurtured and becomes joyful.

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