Fruits and Fame

July - Aug 2017

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A landlord had two sons. Elder one was very greedy, arrogant and egoistic. Younger one was hardworking, helpful and kind to others. After the death of the landlord, elder one started taking care of the land. Everyone was unhappy because of his ruthlessness. Seeing the plight of others, younger one started helping them in the hind sight of his brother. Elder brother didn’t like it. So he gave a small piece of land to the younger brother and told him to go away. Younger brother planted mango trees in that land. He took good care of the land. Slowly the trees started producing fruits. Travelers passing by would rest under the tree, eat sweet fruits and give blessings to the younger brother. Younger brother’s generosity and kindness earned him more fame and accolades. Elder brother thought that if he also plants mango trees, everyone would applaud him too. He set-aside some land and got mango trees planted. The laborers were appointed to take good care of the trees. Time passed but the trees didn’t produce any fruits. He became sad and invited a saint to resolve his problem. Saint arrived and stayed for one day each in both brothers’ residences. After that he said to the elder brother, “Son! The reason for the trees not producing the fruits does not lie in the land. It lies in your behavior. If you leave your ego and arrogance and be kind to others your trees will also give fruits and the fame.”

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