Change of Era and Future World - Some Prophecies

July - Aug 2017

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Curiosity to know the future course of life is a common trait of human beings. Astrologers, Palmists, Numerologists, Tarot Card-readers, and other kinds of foretellers, have always been in demand in different walks of life across the globe. The trend has not changed even in the modern world in spite of magnificent advancement and influence of science and technology. Generally people are curious to know about future course of their personal life, professional career, gain etc. Most often, people go to such foretellers whenthey are facing some adverse phase of life, going to venture into a new business, or take a risky chance, or want to invest in a lottery, etc.

Usually the fortune-seekers who believe more in luck than in their own efforts, those scared of negative results or hardships, or those with excessive self-obsession and less courage run after the astrologers, palmists, card-readers, etc. However, it is not rare to find that even those who work hard, plan things thoroughly with due gauging of the circumstances and likely consequences, etc, also take into account the predictions and / or advice of the foreteller(s) whom they consider reliable. Moreover, the inquisitiveness of mankind is not confined to personal or professional level; predictions on future of news-making leaders, other celebrities, nations, etc also interest almost everybody.

Whether Astrology, Palmistry, Numerology, Card-reading etc is scientifically valid or not, whether such faculties could be acquired through training, etc, may be debatable. But the possibility of precognitive, intuitive and other psychic faculties of human mind cannot be denied, as, the evolution of consciousness has no limit. World history has also witnessed many live examples of extrasensory powers and super-human potentials of the human mind that appear simply incredible, astonishing...! Psychic potentials of peeping into the past and future of individuals, prophetic vision of the entire world, etc, are such prodigious talents that have amazed the world from time-to time.

Apart from some spiritual saints of our times, Nostradamus, Jean-Dixon, Jules Verne, Cheiro, etc, are noted among such gifted visionaries, who became globally popular because of their time-tested historic predictions [1-5] . Let us look at what they have predicted about the epochal changes and the future of the world by the second half of 21 st Century and beyond, as this would help us prepare for the future in a better way.

Nostradamus was a French physician and seer who wrote his quatrains in the later part of the 16th century. The quatrains were visions that he had of the future running ahead beyond 21st century. As the quatrains were generally written in very arcane and abstruse terms and not in any chronological order, they were not noticed or validated before the occurrence of major events the glimpse of which was interpreted by some scholars later on. The flowery nature of the language and the often highly allegorical style of depictions in most of his writings (compiled as “Centuries”) has now attracted many scholars across the globe and also posed challenges before them to research and decode what is there in store for the world.

Some of his predictions that have proved true include — his prediction of date of his own death, and the time and circumstances under which his skeleton would be rediscovered; his forecast of the Great Plague of London, the Great Fire of London, and the blitzkriegs of London during World War II, etc. The collage of several of his quatrains (C1/Q24, C6/Q97, C9/Q92, C10/ Q72, and C10/Q74) also ‘narrates’ the horrifying terror attack of 9/11 on the twin towers of World Trade Centre, New York.

Interestingly, the indications in some of the quatrains have not been so obscure and have been interpreted by the scholars almost non-disputably [2-3] . Some of these also clearly cite the specific year or period of a future event. Some of these, relevant to the future at this juncture of change of millennium and beyond are cited (as English translation of the original French text) below.

“In the year 1999 and seven months from the sky, will come the great king of Terror. He will bring to life the great King of the Mongols.Before and after War reigns happily.” - (C10/Q72)

As interpreted by several scholars and as is also being witnessed by the world, this corresponds to the peak of terror, proxy wars, instability, cultural devolution, environmental pollution, global warming, selfish use of veto by powerful nations like China to suppress the justified rights and demands of peace loving developing countries, at the juncture of the change of millennium.

Nostradamus also predicted that this ‘King of Terror’ (‘King of Mongols’, or, as interpreted by scholars, ‘The third Antichrist’ referred in other quatrains of Nostradamus) will be around for 27 years: 

“The third Antichrist soon annihilates everything, Twenty-seven years of blood his war will last. The unbelievers dead, captive, exiled with blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering the earth.” - (C8/Q72)

As cited by some scholars [3] , in his epistle to Henry II, Nostradamus is supposed to have also predicted occurrences of many natural calamities. In some quatrains (in C9) he also warns of global warming in this period.

Dawn of Golden Age: Nostradamus has also predicted rise and blossoming of spirituality, true religious awakening and a golden future of thousands of years after the period of 27 years (approximately, 1997 – 2024) of gloom and doom.

Several scholars have found this positive theme of spiritual growth and development of all people in at least 60 of Nostradamus quatrains. For example see the following:

“The body without a soul is no longer at the sacrifice. At the day of death, it comes to rebirth. The divine spirit will make the soul rejoice seeing the eternity of the world.” - (C2/Q12)
“The divine world will give to the substance (that) contains heaven and earth, occult gold in the mystic act. Body, soul and spirit are all powerful. Everything is beneath His feat as at the seat of heaven.” - (C3/Q2)

Notably, the predictions of Nostradamus closely match with the dates and descriptions (cited from ancient scriptures) in the previous
issues of this magazine where we had discussed with authentic references, the critical phase of adversities at the juncture of epochal change, the year 2025 to mark complete end of the Dark Age (Kaliyuga) and onset of about ten thousand years of Golden Age thereafter.

Jean Dixon (1904-1997) is supposed to have had the psychic power of peeping into the future through a crystal ball [4] . Some of her globally recognized forecasts are — swearing-in of John F. Kennedy as the President of America and his assassination before completion of the tenure; date of Independence and division of India; assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. Like Nostradamus, her prophecies also describe the emergence of three antichrists the 3 rd of whom would be most dreadful and devilish. Scholars have linked her mentions of the periods and characters of the first two with Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler. The third one is seen
by most as among the most dreadful leaders of Islamic terrorist groups at present.

Similar to the prophecies of Nostradamus, Jean Dixon has predicted the dawn of good times after the dark night of wide-spread violence. She is also said to have ‘seen’ that spirituality and human values will be the guiding force of the new Golden Age the light of which may arise from India.

Several of the science fiction and related stories and novels written by Jules Verne in the early and mid 19th Century surprisingly became reality of the technologically advanced world of the 20th Century. As cited by Edwin Stepp [5] , Verne’s writings had influence on some noted space scientists, astronauts, and their path- breaking missions. Apart from narrating the use of television and several high-tech devices in the lives of the characters of his fictions, his imagination of the places of launching in America and landing on the moon also closely matched with those of Apollo 11. It’s amazing that Verne could accurately ‘estimate’ the velocity required for his ‘imaginary’ spaceship to escape earth’s gravitation and also described the effects of weightlessness experienced by his novel’s astronauts. Not only that, Verne also ‘visualized’ that the re-entry in earth’s atmosphere of the craft would be fiery like its propulsion in the space.

In spite of his supposed passion for ultra technological development, this visionary scientist-cum-author had warned the human race against excessive dependence on technology and mad rush for high-tech developments at the cost of exploiting natural resources, environment and humane values. His views are likened by some scholars to the gospels in Bible (ref. Matthew 24:27 and Isaiah 2:4) that narrate the peak of sinful acts of mankind and God’s intervention to prevent total extinction of life on the earth after which the (remaining) people would learn to live in mutual harmony and peace.

This vision of the future world resembles Swami Vivekananda’s prophecy. What the latter had envisaged way back in 1896 about rise of labourers in Russia and China indeed came true like several of his other prophecies. He had also envisaged predominant role of spiritual culture beyond the age of materialism.

Interestingly, similar to the prophecies of prodigious minds, the insightful visions of some intellectuals of the modern times as well
support the dawn of bright future of spirituality after the climax of all-round challenges and adversities across the world. Similar to the
views of Swami Vivekananda, the findings of these scholars predict a leading role of India on multiple fronts of socio-economic progress. We shall highlight these findings along with other forecasts about the future society in the next issue.

1. Sharma Shriram Acharya (1995). Yug-Parivartana Kaise aur Kaba?” Pandit Shriram Sharma
Acharya Samagra Vangmaya Vol. 27. Akhand Jyoti Sansthan, Mathura.
4. Jean Dixon (1969): My Life and Prophecies. (1 st ed.) William Morrow, NY. (ISBN: 978-

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