Have a Glimpse of the Future-World and Get Ready for the Change

Nov Dec 2017

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Gurudev Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya was a true saint. Despite being a siddha of Gayatri and spiritual science of Yoga at the preeminent level of the rishis of the Vedic Age, he kept his supernatural powers away from publicity and lived an austere life of a devotee whose heart pulsated for the welfare of all living beings. Millions of people in agony or those suffering from adversity of circumstances, as well as the seekers of spiritual light used to go to him with their prayers. No one returned empty-handed. His divine blessings, pure love and enlightening guidance fulfilled their lives with happiness, self-awakening and miraculous support from the visible and the subtle worlds. Several volumes of thousands of pages would be required if one attempts to compile the experiences of all those who had ever had the opportunity to meet this rishi of our times (Yugrishi). His life was an open book that stood as a living testimony to the universality of the science of spirituality. In the previous issue, we had presented his premonitions of several unexpected globally threatening events that occurred in last four decades. We had also cited his spiritual efforts of successful prevention of their devastating consequences well in advance.

Vision of the new world order:
A ship’s searchlight is seen at the shore long before the ship’s arrival. Many people experience a fleeting premonition but only a few pay attention long enough to decipher them correctly. Several animals have the extrasensory sensation of natural events such as tremors, cyclones, tornadoes or heavy rains. Study of their hectic movements and unusual behaviours are often found useful as preventive alarms. The clairvoyance of seersages like Acharya Sharma is far more advanced and reliable, as it is ‘perceived’ through their spiritually awakened sixth sense. Here we outline his vision of the future of the world at the peak of 21st Century c.f.[1-4].

The course of human history today is now witnessing the culmination of a natural cycle of “Change of Era”. Over the past two centuries, the shadows of a dark age have been disturbing humankind with chaos and disorder. However, in accordance with the natural law of periodicity, this period too must come to an end. This process of epochal change has begun since past couple of decades. Everywhere, the people of the world are eagerly awaiting the end of the Dark Age and the dawn of the Golden Era of Satyuga (Age of Truth).

Despite the pessimistic forecasts from several thinkers and scientists, he assured again and again that a bright future was in store for humankind as a whole. Believe it or not, the new era will witness revival of divine culture – the culture of virtuous values and righteous intellect embedded with compassion, humanity, morality, altruism, integrity, etc. The culture of opportunism, commercialization, advertisement, powergrabbing, oppression, deception and exploitation prevailing today is worse than the culture of demons. This degrading culture of the modern era is hidden within the glitter of ‘smart’ deceptions, intellectual diplomacy and cleverness. That is why, it continues to attract not only the moneyminded people or those driven by materialistic aspirations and glamour, but also the apparently progressive and learned fellows. However, the foundations of falsehood, howsoever gigantic its expansion might be, are always shaky. The light of truth can dispel it in an instant.

According to Acharya Shriram Sharma, cultivation of inner-strength and awakening of intrinsic desire for spiritual ascent will bring about an extraordinary transformation in the aspirations, thoughts and behaviour of humankind and will turn the course of the misguided human endeavour upside-down from cravings and evils, towards humane sensitivity and social benevolence and elevate it towards wisdom. Thus, gradually, an environment will be created that would resemble resurrection of Satyuga.

The bright era will neither witness wars nor any epidemics of grand scale. Nor will there be any reason for worries on account of paucity of resources arising out of population explosion. The enlightened and empowered woman will herself refuse to produce more children, will prevent drainage of her energy; instead, she will channelize her immense power to what is absolutely necessary for promotion of viable prosperity and compassion. With the progression of twenty-first century, women will play an important role in the ascent of human society. They will be guided and supported in their actions by the sublime light and the combined power of the divine trinity of goddess – Saraswati, Lakshmi and Kali.

Science will continue to progress, not in its singletracked materialistic form, but as a spiritually motivated science for holistic development. Adoption of this new form of science will automatically solve those problems that have produced a hazardous situation like the threat to sustainability of life faced today. With the adoption of simplicity and prudent self-discipline in their life, people would enjoy natural good health; load on natural resources and energy consumption will also reduce drastically. Nature-friendly and altruistic life-style would result in Nature’s grace, and enhancement in social harmony.

The system of education will also change. Besides providing livelihood, the new educational system will also nurture holistic development of personality and groom the students into responsible, duty-bound, vigilant, thoughtful, talented, caring, and compassionate citizens.

But how will this great change materialize? Will it happen on its own as per God’s Will? Certainly Not! Nature does not allow anything to happen against its universal laws. These are the moments of the ‘birth’ of a new era. The ‘labour pains’ will also be historic and will be experienced both within and beyond the physical dimensions of the world. Demonic forces won’t accept defeat easily. The darkest hour is just before the dawn. A person’s respiration rate quickens at the time of death. Similarly, the devilish forces, in all their negativity, will advance their last ditch effort before annihilation.

Acharya Shriram Sharma clearly warned about the difficulties and the testing times of the transitional phase. The world is undergoing unprecedented and rapid transformation towards a new era of human history during the Yug Sandhi (era-transition) period (~1980 to 2000). The adverse consequences of inhuman deeds and follies of mankind would be at peak during most part of this transitional period. Natural calamities, dreaded health hazards, allround threats, regional wars, social conflicts and anarchy, etc, would pose enormous hardships, sufferings and pains. Unless we change our selfish outlook, our attachments with sensory pleasures, our thinking and our life-style, we would not be able to bear the terrible outcomes.

Though he said that Golden Age would be the imminent result of divine will, he also emphasized that the human society would have to play an important role. According to him, the present generation of humans on Earth has been given the task of ushering in this new era by means of launching a popular movement aimed at raising the collective level of human consciousness throughout the world. The evolutionary force of supreme divine energy has already been activated in the transcendental world; its manifestation in the physical realms of Nature will occur only by human effort. Great souls are already born in different parts of the world to lead in these endeavours, but this time the immensity of the task of eradication of negativity of Kaliyug (Dark Age) would require awakening and devout participation of almost the entire human race [....].

A Mission to usher in the New Age:
Acharya Shriram Sharma not only predicted the certainty of Golden Future against all odds, and warned about the inevitability of the challenges and great epochal changes on multiple fronts of life before that, but also carried out epochal spiritual experiments to minimize the adversities, and hardships of this momentous transitional period and to awaken collective consciousness of human kind to prepare for the epochal transformation.

Noted among the majestic spiritual experiments guided by him is the Yuga Sandhi Mahapurascarana of total 2400 crore japa (rhythmic enunciation with meditation) of the Gayatri Mantra by collective participation of millions of sadhakas across the globe around the sunrise time every day during 1980-2000. Although his Susmikarana SadhanaF1 alone was sufficient to create suitable ambience and generate the necessary flow of spiritual energy for the global transformation[5-6], the objective of this collective sadhana was to awaken the force of collective consciousness and spiritually awaken the potential torch-bearers of the new world order.

Acharya Shriram Sharma initiated the Yug Nirman mission with hundreds of reformative, educative and reconstructive projects for the welfare of the masses. The distinct feature of his mission is that he also motivated and enabled people to elevate their inner strength and inculcate virtuous tendencies by Gayatri Sadhana. Dissemination of the philosophy and practice of Yagya in scientific light was another milestone of his divine mission that inspired the masses towards altruistic service and organized activities for eradication of blind customs, purification of the manifested as well as subtle environment of life, and expansion of knowledge[7]. He pioneered renaissance of Scientific Spirituality and initiated the Vichara Kranti (Thought Revolution) movement.

As the term “Thought Revolution” implies, Acharya Sharma conveyed a message not about a political or economic revolution, though those too must surely follow, but rather about a revolution within human thought. Instead of looking for technological or legislative solutions, or relying on rich or powerful members of society, Acharya Sharma located the roots of our global problems in the level of the human collective consciousness. By emphasizing the primacy and power of the consciousness that resides within each of us, Acharya Sharma brings the frontiers of the global crisis within reach and to where they can be directly accessed by each of us[2].

He advocated Swadhyaya and SatsangF2 as most effective means for refinement, prudent and constructive orientation of thoughts and intellectual faculties. He guided Upasana, Sadhana, and AradhanaF3 for self-purification, chiselled glazing of inner potentials, and awakening of Bhava-SamvedanaF4 that can eventually awaken the divinity indwelling in human self. His teachings underlined Bhava-Samvedana as the core source of immense power that would play most significant role in the realization of epochal transformation of the dark phase of humanity into divinely pure and illumined Age of Truth.

“Gayatri Pariwar”, a global family-like sociospiritual organization founded by him is instrumental in expanding the Yug Nirman mission at grass-root level. Its fraternity at Shantikunj, Haridwar and several centres in India and abroad provide practical guidance and trainingF5 to help everyone prepare to usher in the bright future. Let us all pledge/join hands and wholeheartedly participate in the human endeavours essential towards materialization of this epochal change in world order in the decades to come.


F1. Susmikarana Sadhana: Supreme endeavour of subtlization and spiritual transmutation of selfexistence. (This sadhana generates the supernatural power in the yogi to expand his/her energybody and mental-body to omnipresent levels beyond any barrier of time and space at will).
F2. Swadhyaya and Satsang: Swadhyaya - Self-study and self-training in the light of sagacious thoughts and teachings of elevated souls. Satsang - Attending spiritually illuminating discourses and discussions; being in the company of great personalities.
F3. Upasana, Sadhana, and Aradhana: Upasana: devotional, meditative practice of sitting near God, i.e., having an emotional proximity with divinity that induces divine feelings and inspires benevolence. Sadhana: Self-determined endeavour of self-restraint (over sensory passions and mental agility) and adoption of spiritual discipline for inner purification. Aradhana: Generous service, philanthropic act for the welfare of all.
F4. Bhava-Samvedana: The most evolved and purest form of emotional sensitivity that generates compassion, generosity, self-less service and unalloyed saintly love for all beings through the deep core of the inner-self.
F5. Training is provided via sadhana-courses and specialized workshops free of cost, and sans any constraint of creed, caste, faith, education or social status. (For detailed information see www. awgp.org or contact shantikunj@awgp.org)

[1] Great Moments of Change. (Translation of Hindi book “Parivartan Ke Mahan Ksana” by Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya. 1st edn. 1991) Publisher: Sri Vedmata Gayatri Trust, Shantikunj, Haridwar. (Rev. Edn.) 2012.
[2] Thought Revolution. (A western introduction to the work of Acharya Sharma written by a researcher with penname “Brahmvarchas”) Publisher: Sri Vedmata Gayatri Trust, Shantikunj, Haridwar. (Revised Edition) 2015.
[3] A Glimpse of the Golden Future – As foretold by seer-sage Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya. (Translation of a compilation based on some articles and discourses of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya during 1942-1990) Publisher: Yug Nirman Yojana, Mathura.
[4] Yug-Parivartana Kaise aur Kaba?” Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya Samagra Vangmaya Vol. 27.(1st edn.) Publisher: Akhand Jyoti Sansthan, Mathura, 1995
[5] Susmikarana Evam Ujjaval Bhavisya Ka Avatarana – I. “Pandit Shriram Sharma Vangmaya” Vol. 28. Publisher: Akhand Jyoti Sansthan, Mathura, 1995.
[6] Susmikarana Evam Ujjaval Bhavisya Ka Avatarana – II (Satayuga ki Vapasi). “Pandit Shriram Sharma Vangmaya” Vol. 29. Publisher: Akhand Jyoti Sansthan, Mathura, 1995.
[7a] Yagya Ka Gyana-Vigyana. “Pandit Shriram Sharma Vangmaya” Vol. 29. Publisher: Akhand Jyoti Sansthan, Mathura, 1995.
[7b] Applied Science of Yagya for Health and Environment. (ed. Dr. Pranav Pandya). Sri Vedmata Gayatri Trust, Haridwar. (4th Print) 2016.

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