King Shivaji

Nov Dec 2017

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Once Shivaji’s army defeated a division of the great Muslim army. Shivaji’s commander was supposed to bring the defeated Muslim leader before his king; but before he did so, he brought the Muslim leader’s daughter, Gauhar Bano. Shivaji’s commander said, “O King, now that you have defeated this Muslim leader, you are entitled to seize all his possessions. That includes his daughter also. I would be so happy if you would take her as your wife.”

King Shivaji said, “I should marry her?”
“She is such a beautiful young girl,” said the commander.

King Shivaji looked at the girl and said, “It is true, I have never seen anyone as beautiful as you are! I wish my mother could have been as beautiful as you are! Then perhaps I would have had more beautiful features. You are like my daughter. You will not be harmed. You can go back to your father.”

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