Odyssey of the Enlightened – 58-‘Akhand Jyoti’ Begins Its Journey – 1

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‘Akhand Jyoti’ Begins Its Journey - 1

Changed routine and a new resolve
He was contemplating that meditation, worship or prayer should be an integral part of the daily routine of (his future) Ashram. A code of conduct should also be established. As far as possible, it should be followed by the inmates of the Ashram. No rule should be flouted due to sheer laziness. After staying for two days in Sri Aurobindo Ashram and studying its routine, Shriram noted down his experiences as well as his reactions. These were published in the form of an article titled ‘Naye yug ka vidhan’ (The Constitution of New Era) in ‘Sainik’. Some parts of the article were published elsewhere also. The zeal that was awakened in Sri Aurobindo Ashram about the integration of life and spirituality kept Shriram’s mind busy all the time during his travel back home.

After returning to Agra, Shriram got engaged in his work as usual, but there was a passionate urge to do something new. After returning from the South, due to the gloom overshadowing the political atmosphere, he started realizing that it would not result in any substantial achievement if he remained stuck to the newspaper. The reasoning was that newspapers provided only the information. At the most they could charge the people with emotion for some time, but the real purpose was not served by that.

The inner-self of Shriram asked – “What purpose do you want to achieve?” No answer came. There was silence for a very long time. The dilemma continued for many days. On the other side, the political activities were almost dead. Only an illusive enthusiasm was visible. There was no matter worth reporting in the newspaper. Congress had formed governments in the provinces; but the truth was that the British Rule and the Congress, both, were dependent on each other. In other words, both of them were in a dilemma, because neither was trustful of this partnership.

The newspapers started writing that both the sides should forget the past and trust each other. As the two sides were now working together, the mutual antagonism was gradually softening up. The personal secretary to Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter to Sri G. D. Birla, in which it was mentioned – ‘Contemplate on the fact that Mr. Garret, the commissioner of Ahmedabad, goes to station to receive Morarji Bhai and that he travels with him in the third class compartment for a long distance.’

Inspiration from Akhand Deepak
This letter was published in the newspapers. Congress volunteers were glad to read such stories. But Shriram was not enthused. He considered this success to be illusory, that was bound to fall like a castle of sand. By the time September (1938) arrived, he became very anxious. Ashwin Navratri was to commence the next day. In the evening, before going to sleep, he took a resolve to conduct special puja during Navratri. He also prayed to the Lord to lead him out of this dilemma. Next morning he got up and, after his daily chores, sat down for Sadhana. He  was lighted twelve years back. He immersed himself in its light. When the formal Upasana was over, he again looked at the Akhand Deepak. After that the sequence of words that came to his mind is like this: Jyoti (flame), Deepak ki Jyoti (flame of a lamp), Akhand Deepak (uninterruptedly lighted lamp), and Deepak ki Akhand Jyoti (uninterrupted flame of the lamp). Then this thought deepened – “A magazine titled ‘Akhand Jyoti’ has to be launched. The lighted Deepak established in the puja-room enlightens its ambience directly as well as indirectly. ‘Akhand Jyoti’, the title that has come to my mind with the inspiration of the Akhand Deepak should enlighten the world.”

Withdrawing himself from the world of news, Shriram decided to publish ‘Akhand Jyoti’ magazine; and within a few days also informed his friends and well-wishers about this step. The wages that he received when he was working for ‘Sainik daily’ were not so much that he could save anything. Further, the liberty of few years that was given by the spiritual guide for participating in freedom struggle was also over. So he again adopted the strict discipline in his Mahapurashcharana Sadhana as he had done before. Japa-Tapa was continuing as usual. However, he became stricter regarding food, daily routine and social contacts. Due to all this, there was no time or means for earning additional resources.

Taiji got mental peace
Shriram went to his village, Aanwalkheda, and informed Taiji about his new resolve / program. She only asked – “Did your Gurudev ask you to do it?” Shriram nodded his head in affirmation. Taiji reproached lightly – ‘Now what will happen to Swarajya (independence)? Will you not work for it now?”

“Mother! We will certainly get Swarajya in a few years. Now I have to work for Ramrajya (perfect world). Gurudev is asking me to work
for it.” – Shriram replied. On hearing this Taiji started singing softly the verses of Ram Charit Manas – “Daihik devik bhautik tapa, Ramraj nahi kahuhi vyapa.” (Meaning: In Ramrajya, there is no suffering of any kind to anyone.) Then she said – “Isn’t the same Ramrajya?” – Saying this she blessed him and thus permitted him to prepare for the publication of the magazine. She was happy due to another reason also; and it was that Shriram would no longer be entangled in Andolan – Dharnas, etc. The strenuous running about here and there would stop and there would be no worry of police raids or arrests. Taiji said – “My blessings are also with you for the task the Lord has assigned you. I have very little desire and that is already known to you.”

Shriram said – “Yes, Yes; I know very well. Neither I am leaving you nor will I take you out of the land of Thakurji (Lord Krishna).” Whenever a new topic arose in which there seemed some possibility of going somewhere, then there was only one insistence of Taiji that Shriram should not become an ascetic. This time again, she was trying to drive home the same point; but before she could begin, Shriram repeated his resolve. He stayed in Aanwalkheda for three more days. There was no person with whom he could discuss about his new plans. From this point of view, this was an unfavorable condition; but from the point of view of solitary contemplation, self-reflection and conceiving original ideas, this was an ideal situation.

Outline of Akhand Jyoti started taking shape
While making the plan, Shriram filled several pages. When he thought on all the aspects, like the contents of the magazine, writing, editing, printing, distribution, etc, it appeared that the task was not easy and that it would require some companions or co-workers; and these companions had to be such that they had some experience. The new venture could not be carried on with the help of neo-learners. The solution to this came from within – “We will see after reaching Agra”. Then another thought followed, “Due to the slackness in the Press-world, some workers might be searching new jobs. They can be employed.” This train of thoughts was interrupted by Taiji. She said – “I am observing from yesterday. What are you engrossed in? Is there any problem?”

“No Tai” – He said – “In fact my mind is tired and hence I am silent.”

Taiji said – “Then take rest. Don’t worry too much about ushering in of Ramrajya. All the resources will be collected. I will arrange. When will this property of the ancestors come into worthwhile use?” She kept her hand on the forehead of Shriram and shook his head slightly. Then she sat in front of him and said – “Will you take Bahu (daughterin- law) and Om (grandson) with you?”

Shriram looked towards mother’s face. Taiji said, “Till now there were many co-workers in the press. So there was no problem. But when you start new work, you will be alone. Who will share your load?” Taiji paused for a few moments and then said again – “Do it like this. Take Bahu and Shraddha (younger daughter) with you and leave Om and Daya (elder daughter) here. I will take care of them. Shraddha is very young, so she will need her mother.”

Preparation for going to Agra
He didn’t reply to Taiji. So she said further – “You might be thinking that I promised you to take care of the children till the independence is achieved; but now I am changing. No! I stand firm on my resolve. Bahu will live in Agra and take care of you and will represent me.”

Shriram listened to this talk also silently. He didn’t resist. His silence was taken as acceptance of Taiji’s proposal. Accordingly Taiji started collecting at one place all the necessary household items like ration, utensils, bedding, clothing, etc. Shriram realized that the preparations were being made for his shifting to Agra with family. The space in the house, where he stayed in Agra earlier, was not sufficient for the full family. Further, one extra room was required for publishing ‘Akhand Jyoti’ magazine. The advice of Taiji to keep wife and younger daughter with him sounded good, but the arrangement of a house with more space was to be done. So he requested Taiji to wait for some time. Taiji agreed.

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