Gayatri Sadhana the truth and distortions


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Q.1. Why is Gayatri Mantra regarded as Guru Mantra?

Ans. Every body knows that one can learn very well under the direct guidance of a capable teacher. This, however, does not mean that a person devoid of knowledge and character be accepted as Guru. Instead of accepting an illiterate person as teacher and suffer the consequences it is better to regard the scriptures or any rishi  or devatma as one’s Guru and for this purpose even a picture or an idol of the person concerned can be used.

All human beings are born through the same biological process as other animals. Man is, therefore, in no way different from other species of animal kingdom, until he takes the first step towards his spiritual evolution by way of initiation in Sadhana. This ceremony of initiation amongst the Hindus is known as the Upnayan Sanskar.  The newly initiated person is called a Dwij (i.e. born-again) in spiritual parlance.

Each Hindu is traditionally required to undergo Upnayan Sanskar. In course of this ritual, the subject is made to wear a Janeu (sacred thread) across the body on the left shoulder as a constant reminder to follow the disciplines of Gayatri in life, (The Christians wear the crucifix for a similar purpose). During the Upnayan ceremony, the Guru initiates the person concerned exclusively in Gayatri Mantra. This is why it is known as the Guru Mantra.
Literally too, the word ‘Guru’ in Sanskrit means ‘Heavy’, ‘powerful’ or ‘significant’. Since, this Mantra has been  referred to in the scriptures as the very manifestation of omnipotence and omniscience of God it is justifiably called as Guru Mantra.

Q.2. Is Diksha necessary for Sadhana?

Ans. Aspiration for salvation is the birth right of all human beings. Scriptures say that in the biological kingdom created by God three phenomena are extremely rare. One - to be born as a human amongst the innumerable species of living beings; Two - a strong aspiration for salvation from bondage and three - the patronage of a spiritual preceptor and guardian (Guru). Coming in contact with a true Guru and a desire to be initiated are the greatest blessings of life.

The credibility of Guru, is however, the most significant aspect of “Dikcha”. According to scriptures the Guru must have four basic qualifications:
He must be:
(1) “Shrotiya” - i.e. not only well-versed in scriptures but also the one who knows their subtle secrets and has realized their true import in his life.
(2) “Vrijino” - with a spotless reputation; sinless.
(3) “Akamahata” - i.e. he should have no other motive except that of purely doing good to others. He should be an ocean of compassion - without any ulterior motive of name,  fame or any material gain.
(4) “Brammavittam” - The one who has himself realized God.

The Guru is not only a teacher. He transmits spirituality, by personal example. Thus, a grave risk is involved if one falls in the clutches of a fake Guru. If, because of ignorance, someone has taken a Dikcha earlier from an unqualified person, prudence demands seeking a true Guru for spiritual growth,  Such Gurus are, of course, rare now-a-day.    

Q.3. What are the rules to be followed after taking Diksha?

Ans. After initiation, the devotee is expected to maintain  regularity in daily routine of worship (Upasana), a persistent endeavour for developing purity in thoughts words and deeds by studying scriptures and interacting with saintly persons (Sadhana) and by donating a part of one’s time and resources for welfare activities (Aradhana). Strict adherence to the routine of Upasana - Sadhana - Aradhana is essential. Nevertheless, if there are some momentary disruptions because of contingencies, one should not have any misgivings about divine displeasure, because God, like mother, is full of love, patience and forgiveness.

Though certain restrictions on diet (such as vegetarianism and abstention from hard drinks) are recommended for accelerating progress in Sadhana, these are not mandatory for the beginner. The devotee has free choice of time and period of Upasana to suit his / her routine. 

Q.4. Will one incur divine displeasure if there are some inadvertent errors during worship ?  

Ans. Absolutely not. The Creator is like our Mother. The Divine Mother has only love for her children. How can She punish unless the fault is deliberate? One may contemplate on God even while lying on bed (when one is sick) or without proper physical cleanliness or rituals. The benefits, however small, will definitely accrue. One should not have the least apprehension about harm or divine displeasure due to errors in worship. If any mistake is committed in the rituals of Tantrik Sadhana, the deities, who are mostly demoniac,  may get annoyed and harm an errant Sadhak. However,  Gayatri  is the Divine Shakti, the affectionate mother, full of forgiveness and compassion. She loves her child who lisps and cannot even speak properly. Gayatri is such a Kamdhenu.

Even erroneous worship having righteous aims and objectives becomes fruitful, if it is faithfully done. It is said about Valmiki that he could not even utter Ram properly and by uttering ‘mara, mara’ attained godliness. In Rightist path of Sadhana, sentiments are more important than rituals. None has been harmed on account of any omission in the method of Gayatri worship. Still, if there is any apprehension, the guidance of a spiritual master in this path of Sadhana can be sought in the matter.

Q. 5. What are indications of progress in Sadhana?

Ans.  After prolonged and persistent ‘Sadhana’ with faith and dedication , the following characteristics appear in the devotee:-

1. Magnetism in personality; sparkling eyes; force in speech; a glowing countenance; gravity and stability in expression. These qualities deeply impress everyone coming in contact with the devotee. People interacting with a devotee of Gayatri behave in conformity with his / her wishes.
2. The devotee feels a new celestial energy operating from within.
3. The devotee progressively loses interest in improper 
(sinful) activities. If, some wrong is inadvertently committed by him, he feels extremely repentant. He neither becomes elated on favourable happenings, nor loses equanimity while facing unfavourable circumstances.
4. If he curses someone on becoming deeply hurt, the adversary encounters great misfortune.
5. On the other hand,, his good wishes always result in the welfare of the concerned person.
6. He develops the faculty of thought reading. None can  hide his shortcomings, covert actions and motives from the penetrating gaze of a Gayatri devotee. 
7. He can communicate telepathically with people living far away.
8. The environment around him is very quiet and serene. People find unusual peace, purity and serenity in his presence.
9. When at the zenith of his progress, he can paranormally transfer a part of the spiritual energy (collected by him in course of his Sadhana through ‘Tapascharya’), to any deserving individual, for which the latter need not make the required effort. This is called the process of ‘Shaktipat’ in yoga, which the Guru uses for grooming the best disciple as his successor.

10. While contemplating, during the waking hours or in course of meditation he may see emissions of multicoloured lights, other para-normal lights or hear celestial sounds or words.

These are some visible signs of progress in ‘Sadhana’ Besides, the devotee acquires many paranormal capabilities,   which are much beyond normal human experience, knowledge and resources.

Q.6. I have been doing Gayatri Sadhana regularly. Nevertheless, at times, I feel depressed and dissatisfied with my progress. What is the remedy?

Ans. The feelings of occasional depression, dissatisfaction with progress and momentary loss of interest are not uncommon in course of Sadhana.
In order to understand this paradoxical phenomenon, it is  necessary to understand three successively higher phases of spiritual evolution. These are known as :-

(1) The Mantra Diksha or Initiation 
This is the initial Kindergarten stage - the ‘Bhuha’ stage of Dikcha, in which the ‘Acharya’ - a representative of Guru, introduces the novice to the concept of Gayatri disciplines through ‘Baikhari Vani’ (by speaking). Any contemplative, spiritually- wise, high-character, talented, person may assume the charge of an ‘Acharya’. Nevertheless, this is a great responsibility, since after establishing the spiritual relationship, sins and virtues of the disciple are shared by the Guru. Since the Guru, by definition, is sinless, his displeasure on any dereliction by the devotee is quite natural. Besides, it must also be very clearly understood, that merely admission to the school of Sadhana through Mantra Dikcha is not sufficient. The devotee must persistently endeavour to qualify for the higher stages of Diksha.

(2) Agni Diksha or Pran Diksha
This is the ‘Bhuwaha’ stage of Dikcha carried out extra-sensorially, through ‘Madhyama’ and pashyanti Vani (Telepathic and soul-to-soul communication). In this case the Guru undertakes refinement and development of the Sukchma Sharir - the conscious and supra-conscious levels of mind (‘Man’: ‘Budhi’, ‘Chitta’ and ‘Ahankar’) of the devotee.

When the devotee graduates to this next higher class of ‘Agni Dikcha’, the Guru extra-sensorally transmits a part of the spiritual charge (Pran) to the devotee, from his own spiritual battery accumulated after prolonged Tapascharya.

The ‘concepts’ planted and developed during the Mantra Dikcha are now translated into ‘action’ by this new acquisition of powerful energy (Pran). At this stage, there is a great turmoil in the inner-self of the devotee, which he/ she apparently feels as a fast growing dissatisfaction with his / her progress, uneasiness and momentary depression. These external symptoms are, in fact, an indication of the churning, taking place within deeper levels of the soul.  Hence, unless the devotee feels this turmoil, it is to be assumed that the activation by the Guru has become feeble, because of some shortcomings in the devotee’s Sadhana.
After Agni Dikcha, the devotee becomes more enlightened and is able to discern his / her personal faults, however trivial they are. The term Agni Dikcha owes its nomenclature to the process of ‘Incineration in the inner-self by the fire of discernment’. The phenomenon is parallel to the exercise of Tapascharya for the purification of physical body.

There are three clear signs of a person undergoing Agni Dikcha. (1) A strong inclination to perform ‘Tap’ for self-purification, (2) A feeling of discontentment with one’s progress and a desire for speedy innergrowth and  (3) realisation of many shortcomings in  one’s thoughts, behaviour and nature.

Here, it must be emphasised that ‘Only that Guru can give Dikcha, who has himself earned and conserved sufficient spiritual charge by performing Tapascharya’.

(3) Pran Dikcha (‘Swaha’ stage)
This is the highest level of Dikcha in course of which the transfer of spiritual energy takes place from the soul of the Guru to the soul of the devotee. This is the process through which the Guru hands over spiritual succession to the most deserving disciple. In other words, it means appointing the spiritual successor. 

Q.7. Why is the Sadhak advised to keep the progress in Sadhana a secret?

Ans. The purpose of keeping Sadhana secret is only to avoid the possibility of confusion because of multiple interactions with people, so that after dispelling all doubts, one holds fast to it firmly and marches ahead on the chosen path. People try to criticise, find faults and suggest new methods and create doubts in the mind of the Sadhak, if he discusses the method of his Sadhana with several persons. Everyone who is consulted will suggest something new and the Sadhak’s mind will get confused and he will lose faith. He will then change frequently his method of Sadhana and on account of doubt get deprived of its benefits. It is therefore, essential to have full faith in one’s well settled method and it should be pursued with unflinching devotion, under the guidance of an accomplished Guru. 
Q.8. How is Gayatri relevant for humankind in the present times ?

Ans.  Each individual is born with certain characteristic traits and IQ., all of which can not be explained as genetic inheritance. For instance, genetics has no explanation for the rare birth of a saint, genius or an idiot in several generations of a family. It is also a fact that many of these exclusive personal traits change in course of growth of  the person from childhood to adulthood. Modern scientists generally ascribe these changes to social environment and education. The science of today is, however, unable to throw light on the reasons for presence or absence in an individual of characteristics like empathy, compassion, large-heartedness, tolerance, courage, equanimity and creativity. Nor has modern science succeeded in devising gadgets or courses for inculcating these virtues.

The spiritual masters in the East on the other hand, maintain that the Absolute Repository of all virtues, which we call as GOD, is that source from which it is possible to acquire positive traits by personal endeavour through specific Yogic exercises under the guidance of a Guru. This is the objective of all spiritual pursuits in the East.
Ever since the dawn of civilization in India, it has been emphasised that no amount of material progress in science and technology can bring about lasting happiness, peace and prosperity for humankind, unless the individual - the unit of family, society, nation and global population, is transformed by infusion of positive thinking. The so-called progress in the West is also responsible for two world wars, nuclear-proliferation, environmental pollution, disparity in living standards, conflicts, poverty and disease all-over the world.

Gayatri is a panacea for all problems - Personal, Family, Social, National or Global : The Gayatri Sadhana is a product of thousands of years of research. Following Gayatri Yoga any individual, irrespective of caste, class, colour, nationality, social status and religious  affiliation can acquire strength from the Indwelling Divinity for solving all problems of life.   

Q.9. What is “VAAM MARG”? 

Ans. Yogic Sadhanas are carried out in two ways. These are designated as the ‘Dakchin Marg’ and ‘Vaam Marg’ or Tantra. References in this book pertains to the Dakchin Marg - which is the process (Sadhana) of attracting the omnipresent powers of divinity, interacting with them by developing spiritual magnetism and cultivating paranormal faculties therefrom. The Vaam Marg, on the other hand, is the technique of pulling out bio-energy from living beings and utilizing it for exercising psychic control over others and for exorcist activities.

The source of Tantrik power is not the universal divine powers, but the physical energy produced by friction of subtle particles of nature rotating around their axes at tremendous speeds. Tantriks call this energy as Durga or Kali.

In practice, the Tantrik excites the bio-energy of an animate being  by violently killing it or inflicting excruciating pain on it by extraction of flesh or blood. It is tempting for some highly egoistic and ambitious persons to acquire extraordinary powers  through Tantra, But its practise is extremely complex and dangerous. Only an extraordinarily courageous and fearless person learning under an expert can achieve success in Tantra. There are numerous instances of persons becoming mentally deranged, permanently paralysed, sick, losing power of speech, sight or hearing in course of Tantrik practices. The details of Tantra have, therefore, been kept secret and out of reach of common man. In ancient times Tantra was used for welfare activities like self-defence, espionage, treatment of terminally ill and for enhancing the intelligence quotient of mentally retarded. The practice is now extremely rare.    

Q.10. According to the Law of Karma, everyone has to face the consequences of one’s good or bad deeds. How is it then possible for Gayatri to absolve one from sins?

Ans. It has been described that Gayatri dispels the darkness of sin. It does not mean destruction of the result of sin. It means getting rid of sinful tendencies.

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