Gayatri Sadhana the truth and distortions


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Q.1. Is Gayatri worship conditioned? (Is Gayatri ‘keelit’)?

Ans. There are two methods for invoking powers of  Gayatri. One the simple divine method for spiritual progress and the other an intricate method of ‘Tantra Shastra’ for immediate fulfilment of worldly desires. The Mantras of Tantra Shastra also have a destructive power. Unless, they are practised with a strict discipline and for proper objective, they are capable of inflicting harm on the practitioner. A person with an ulterior motive can inflict harm on others through the power obtained by invocation of occult powers through ‘Tantra Sadhana’. Hence specific key procedures are required to unlock the powers of Tantrik Mantras. This,  too, is possible only with the help of an experienced Guru. As doses of a high potency medicine are to be decided by an experienced doctor, decoding or unlocking a Mantra (in the above discipline) depends on the spiritual status of the one practitioner. ‘Durga Shaptshati’ which requires ‘Kavach’, ‘Keelan’ and ‘Argal’ may be quoted as an example).

Vedic Mantras (such as Gayatri) are not bound by such strict restrictions, as they are practised exclusively for one’s inherent spiritual growth and for developing god-gifted capabilities for performing noble deeds. Vedic Mantras, therefore, do not require any ‘unlocking keys’. Nevertheless, as a sick person or a student needs an experienced doctor or a teacher for proper treatment or teaching a beginner in this field too requires the guidance of an accomplished Guru, in the absence of which he wanders aimlessly without making any progress whatsoever in the path of Sadhana. 

None should entertain any apprehension that in Kalyug, Gayatri Mantra has been accursed or that its Sadhana goes in vain. Who can curse God and what effect can it have? This is nothing but a ruse meant to undermine the faith of the people and to allure them to join some other sect. 

Q.2. What is the truth in the belief that God Brahma, and rishis Vashistha and Vishwamitra had laid a curse (shaap) that success will elude the practitioner unless he/ she recites certain verses (shlokas)?

Ans. That this is baseless, is established by the following references from the scriptures:-

a) Gayatri is well known as the inherent creative power of God. She is also at places referred metaphysically as spouse of God Brahma. Scriptures say that with the help of Gayatri, He (Brahma) created the universe and expounded the doctrines of Vedas (the four faces of Brahma symbolize the four streams of Vedic revelation).
b) Vashistha inflicted a crushing defeat on Vishwamitra with the help of Nandini- the symbolical cow which fulfils all wishes and is regarded as the counterpart of Kamdhenu of heaven (Swarg).

c) To Vishwamitra goes the credit of untravelling the mystery of Gayatri. Not only he practised Gayatri for a very long period with strictest of self-discipline, and acquired immense occult powers therefrom, but also developed the expertise and methodology for invocation of divine powers through practice of Gayatri Sadhana. 
From the aforesaid, it is evident that the great spiritual personalities of yore had used the power of Gayatri to fulfil their objectives. There is, therefore, no logic in assuming that they had cursed it and deprived other human beings of its fruits.
It appears that the feudal lords of the medieval ages, propounded their independent cults and to establish their own doctrines found it necessary to discredit the traditional practice of Gayatri. The concocted story of ‘curse on Gayatri’  was the easiest and simplest way of striking at the roots of faith and confidence of the masses. This could have been one  reason behind this baseless assumption. Otherwise, who in this universe has the capability to put a curse on divine manifestations like the sun, clouds, air, lightening, the earth etc. Gayatri is, in essence, the primordial energy of the Almighty. Hence, all are free to utilize it without any restrictions or apprehensions whatsoever. At the most, the concept of the so-called “curse” may be symbolically indicative of the need for a Guru of the status of Vashistha and Vishwamitra, in absence of whom success eludes the worshipper.

Q.3. Is Guru mandatory for Gayatri worship?

Ans. Gayatri is also known as Guru-Mantra i.e. to achieve a higher level of spiritual accomplishment, one needs an experienced Guru as a spiritual guide and protector. Let us draw an analogy from other fields. Some fields of learning require only books, whereas for others like music, crafts, etc. direct help of an expert is needed. Similarly, though the daily rituals of Gayatri worship are quite simple, for higher levels of achievement when the worshipper, (depending upon his own personal spiritual status acquired through previous births) faces several ups and downs, an experienced Guru is needed just as a doctor is required during treatment of a disease. Thus, though one can take up Gayatri worship without a Guru, initiation by a proper experienced Guru is advisable enlightened spiritul master is necessary for receiving instruction and direction for accelerating one’s spiritual growth. The spiritual evolution of the soul is a prolonged process continuing through countless cycles of births and deaths. Sought in a hurry, an inexperienced person posing as Guru may do more harm than good to the disciple.

Q.4. I have already taken Diksha (initiation) from a Guru. Will it be proper for me to seek another Guru ? 

Ans. There are no restrictions on choosing more than one Guru. It all depends on the type and level of achievement sought for. Ram had Vashistha as his family Guru and Vishwamitra for learning of martial and other branches of knowledge. Dattatreya is known for having twenty four Gurus. Durvasa was family-Guru of Krishna and Brahaspati was his Guru in respect of learning the specific branches of knowledge.

In schools, with the change in class, teachers also change. Village Purohit, Teerth Purohit, Family Purohit, Dikcha Purohit, Sadhana Purohit are all different. They do not contradict but supplement each other.

Q.5. Is audible chanting of Gayatri scripturally permissible?

Ans. Some people say that Gayatri Mantra being a “secret” Mantra should only be whispered in the ear during initiation. This may apply to Tantrik Mantras but not to Gayatri Mantra. According to scriptures the Ved Mantras should be chanted loudly with tune or accent according to specified notation. Whispering is needed only for secrecy and it is done in seclusion in conspiracies. There is nothing in Gayatri Mantra necessitating such a secrecy.

Nowhere in the scriptures, audible chanting of Gayatri is forbidden. The tradition of whispering the Mantra in the ears of the person being initiated owes its origin to the vested interests of the dark middle ages, when a particular class of society amongst the Hindus claimed exclusive rights to Gayatri worship and its initiation in order to prove its superiority in spiritual matters. Nothing can be more ludicrous than preaching secrecy and advocating intellectual proprietary rights on worship of God. (During the medieval period the Popes in Europe indulged in similar corrupt practices.) In fact, the scriptures clearly emphasize the need to rhyme the Gayatri Mantra . In Devi Bhagwat (11.3.11) it is mentioned that “Since it protects its singer, it is known as Gayatri”. The ‘Chandogyaupnishad” (Shankar Bhasya) too confirms this assertion. The ‘Niruktam’ says that since this Mantra was used by the Devtas for praying (Stuti), it came to be known as Gayatri Mantra (7.12). Besides, literally the word Gayatri is composed of two words- Gai and Train. In sanskrit Gai stands for ‘To sing’ and Train means ‘to look after’ or ‘to protect’, i.e. it protects the one who sings it. 

Hence, arguments against audible chanting of this Mantra have no basis whatsoever. 
Ordinarily Jap should be performed in such a way that throat, lips, tongue may go on moving but even a person sitting close by may not be able to hear. It is possible to have estimation of average time and number of Japs with the help of a Mala. Those who do not possess a Mala can estimate the number approximately with the help of time. Tulsi, Sandal-wood Malas are most appropriate ones for performance of Jap. For Tantrik applications Rudraksh Malas are used.
Ordinarily, words are pronounced by the movement of throat, palate, tongue, lips etc., According to spiritual science it is also mentioned that there are some subtle centres, channels etc. within the human body which vibrate along with utterance of words.
As soon as the key of a type-writer is pressed, there is a stroke on the paper and the particular letter is typed on it. The letters of Gayatri Mantra have been selected in such a manner that by utterance thereof specific ultrasonic sound waves are created and positive attributes of Gun (virtues), Karma (action) and Swabhav (nature) get activated. A  Sadhak gains spiritually as well as materially by this Sadhana.
Mental Jap without moving the lips can be performed during illness or in a journey when a person cannot take a bath and during the period of Sootak when there is birth or death in a family. It can also be done while walking on a the road or lying on the bed at night.

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