Companions in Solitude


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It was my good luck or perhaps it was just a chance that I had 
the privilege to be associated with an able and accomplished 
Master (Guru) and to work under his guidance and patronage throughout my life. His kindness began to be showered upon me from the age of 15. From my side, I sincerely and steadfastly tried to be a worthy disciple of this Great Master. All my activities - physical as well as emotional - were placed at his feet and I decided to play as a mere puppet in his hands. This has been an ongoing process. It would be better to describe all my actions as the acts of a puppet in the hands of a Master Puppeteer.
My Gurudev’s divine appearance in astral form took place as soon as I completed my 15th year of age and entered the 16th. Firstly, I was asked to kindle an Akhand Deep (sacred lamp kept uninterruptedly burning on cow’s milk fat) and sitting before it to chant 24 lakh Gayatri mantras every year and perform a Yagya there after. This process of yearly Purashcharan was to be continued for 24 years, living only on bread of barley and cow’s buttermilk. This command was strictly followed in letter as well as spirit. Thereafter a series of constructive activities like writing, lecturing, organizing and publicity were carried on for ten years in order to arouse religious awakening amongst the masses. As a result, four thousand branches of Gayatri Pariwar came into being. The organization that sprang up during those years laid a solid foundation for the structure of the New Era to rest upon. The energy gained from the Purashcharan Sadhana of 24 years was utilized in 10 years. Energy was required afresh for carrying out greater responsibilities. So I was commanded to undergo rigorous penance of special nature by staying in certain locations in Himalayas where vibrant spiritual energy still continues to flow. Thus, in 1958 I set out on one year’s penance in the Himalayas. This Sadhana of one year was performed by staying at Gangotri where Bhagirath had performed his Herculean Tap and at Uttarkashi, the place of Tapascharya of Parshuram. Bhagirath had undertaken his penance in order to propitiate Ganga to descend on this earth, while Parashuram’s purpose of penance was to obtain the divine axe with which to rid the earth of demonic forces. My Sadhana was intended to acquire energy for initiating a New-Era of harmony and peace for humanity.
While trekking to Gangotri for this penance of one year, numerous feelings and thoughts used to crop up in my mind. I used to write down those experiences and feelings. Some of the experiences were such that others too could benefit by them. So these were sent for publication in Akhand Jyoti. However some of the experiences were such that their publication during my life time was deemed improper, hence these were held back.
The articles that were published in Akhand Jyoti under the title “Sadhak Ki Diary Ke Kuchh Prishtha” (Some pages from the diary of a Sadhak) were appreciated and liked by the people. So it was decided to publish them in the form of a book titled “Sunsan ke Sahachar” (Companions in Solitude). While the events narrated in this booklet have become old, the thoughts and emotions expressed are of perennial nature and passage of time has not dimmed their usefulness. It is hoped that the vibrant feelings that arose in my conscience will inspire the readers in the same manner and the booklet will thus prove its worth.
A special portion about the features of the Heart of Himalayas has been incorporated in this compilation. The region of about 400 miles between Badrinarayan and Gangotri has been the locale where normally the great Rishis had performed penance (Tap). What can be called the paradise on earth is this portion of land. If we correlate the history of gods and events mentioned in the stories of Heaven with geography, it would substantiate the theory that those events and the rule of Indra (King of gods said to be ruling in Heavens) have taken place on this earth and that the centre from where Dev Sanskriti originated is the abovementioned part of the Himalayas. This region of Uttarakhand which is the real Heart of the Himalayas is now covered with perennial ice and the cycle of climatic changes has made it uninhabitable for the weak bodied human beings of the present day. The region referred to as Uttarakhand is shifting down and is limited to Hardwar – Badrinarayan – Gangotri - Gomukh.
In the Heart of the Himalayas, still exists a powerful spiritually surcharged area. My Master draws his tremendous incomparable energy by staying at this coldest of places energized by the purity of the penance of Rishis. I too had the good fortune to stay here for some period and to see those divine places. I have described in Akhand Jyoti what I saw and experienced there. This is the region, which can be said to be the axial Pole of spiritual energy, on this earth. The unique powers of North and South Poles of the earth are well known. I have come across the Pole of Spiritual Energy on Earth. It is necessary to draw the attention of the world towards this Spiritual Centre of Earth. So this information can be considered to be invaluable. This is also the reason why Brahmavarchas, (The research institute to coordinate scientific and spiritual research), and Gayatri Teerth, Shantikunj have been established at the entrance of Uttrakhand. The people who visit these energy centres experience inner peace and are inspired to lead a nobler way of living.
- Shriram Sharma Acharya

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