Amrit Chintan

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You want Ïakti (source of life, source of physical, mental and spiritual strength). But from where will it come? You must know that you don’t have to beg for it. It is within you. In fact, as a human being, you are the manifestation of Ïakti. But the Ïakti in you is lying dormant or is being drained out because of your ignorance and wrong doings. Now you set things downside up and replace the wrong by right. Dedicate your efforts for self-improvement. First deserve it! Then it will naturally awaken within you. You, at least, take the first step; I am there to help and support you. I will activate your Ïakti. My Guru has suffused immense Ïakti in me. It is for your welfare. I assure you that if you attempt to deserve it, you will not be deprived of it any more.

You want ϳnti (blissful peace). What do you need to do for it? Pray before the ‘Goddess of peace’? Offer gifts to Her? Will you just cry for it and ϳnti will descend upon you? Don’t worry! As you will progress in your endeavors of making yourself more and more deserving, it will be generated within you. I will bless it upon you. An ocean of ϳnti is lying within me. As a caring father transfers his property to his deserving heir, I will also distribute it among the worthy ones among you all. The unlimited grace of God bestowed upon me and all the beatitudes of my puñya (benevolent deeds) are reserved for this purpose. I am willing to give it to you.

Only condition is that you will have to purify, improve and uplift yourself by sincere endeavors. The ascetic disciplines of s³dhan³ and anuÌÚh³na are meant for this very purpose.

[Taken from a discourse “S³dhan³ Me Pr³ña  J³ye To Kam³la Ho J³ye” delivered by Pujya Gurudev Pandit Shriram Sharma, Acharya at Shantikunj, Hardwar in 1981]

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