Amrit Vani Know the Essentials before Expecting Great Results of Sadhana

Sept-Oct 2017

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Know the Essentials before Expecting Great Results of Sadhana 
(Translation of excerpts of some discourses given by Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya as part of constructive programs of mass-awakening/social upliftment) 
Let us begin with collective chant of the Gayatri Mantra: 
“Om Bhur Bhuvah Swah, Tatsaviturvarenyam Bhargo Devasya 
Dhimahi, Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayat ||” 

Sisters and Brothers, 
Many of you get inspired towards devotional and spiritual practices of sadhana1 with a hope to be blessed with great benefits. But you often get frustrated, as you don’t know the prerequisites and don’t follow the right approach. 

Correct Approach to Devotion 
Upasana2 is an integral component of spiritual endeavors of sadhana. The main purpose of upasana is – cleansing of the inner self; that is, removal of the vices, untoward tendencies and negative impressions assimilated in the mental domain, in convictions and desires. It is not easy. But there could be no spiritual progress without it. You cannot augment your worthiness without sincere endeavors of upasana. If you could follow it, you will not have to worry about blessings. Divine tendencies would naturally enter and assimilate in your mind, in your inner self, as you progress in this endeavor. 

The first thing you need to do to induce ‘life’ in your upasana is - thorough introspection and sincere attempt with the force of your inner urge to uproot the blemishes. Try also to uplift and inspire your mind by convincing it that this will lead to immense joy in doing up³san³. Once you determine and firmly endeavor to cleanse your mind and chisel your personality, things won’t be so hard. As the self-purification progresses, your positive qualities, your hidden virtuous tendencies, and divine inspirations begin to surface. You may think these are blessings from above by the grace of Almighty. My child, the grace of Almighty is always there; you miss it, as you are not well prepared. There is nothing exceptional in the elevation, enlightenment and empowerment experienced with adept endeavors of up³san³. Nothing is bestowed from above; it is awakened from within. Recall the example of rainfall! The clouds don’t come from the higher planes to shower the rains. They are the result of evaporation of the sea- water, the fruits of the tapa3 and generosity of the ocean! 

Experience of divine grace, inculcation of virtuous qualities by invocation of divinity (through devout up³san³ after self-purification) is a natural process. If you take a deep breath, your lungs will be filled by air to their full capacity. Air is pervading all around in earth’s atmosphere; it is its nature to fill the empty space. Similarly, it is the nature of divine powers to grace us as per our capacity. Their nature is — to give. We should have the empty space (worthiness) to retain their generous bequests. The divine forces as well as devilish forces are active in Nature. They are attracted in their own ways towards compatible antennae at the receiving end. We have to check what kind of receivers we possess.

Generate Inner Strength 
If your lungs are weak, they can’t resist the attack of infections. In their weak condition, hazardous bacteria like mycobacterium may also invade and cause tuberculosis (T.B.). Similar is the case of many other infections and diseases. Though sublime in nature, the health of the subtle body also suffers such risks. If you lack strength of character, if you do not have firmness and stability of mind to adopt moral values, then evil tendencies, sinful desires and varieties of wrong doings in the world will attack and further augment your infirmity. On the contrary, if you have the inner strength, purity of thoughts and character, then good qualities and favorable effects will be naturally attracted towards you. 

For example if you are walking with a neat and healthy baby, he will attract everyone around. People will smile at him, call him near them and ask him to sit near them. Someone will try to play with him and give him something he likes. Someone will say – “the child is so cute, we want to play with him”. Someone would like to hug him and take him on the lap if he continues to smile, giggle, or talk in his sweet voice… Why? Is the child related to them? No! Then…! Is he is some kind of ‘Lord’ or ‘big boss’? No! Then…! It’s his natural beauty and purity (of his being) that charm everyone. 

Why don’t you generate the beauty of purity, alacrity and benevolence in your heart? Why not you activate the benign force of attraction in you that will also attract goodness around? Why don’t you cultivate those qualities in you that can invite the divine powers — which (directly or indirectly) run the world — to grace you in your benevolent efforts, to strengthen and illuminate your inner self? Please note, these qualities cannot be bought by any amount of wealth; these potentials cannot be ‘transplanted’ or ‘transferred’ by anybody. They are to be awakened and inculcated within you through your own endeavors. 

Look at the lives of great personalities! It was the strength and charm of their noble character, their high ideals and human-values that had paved the path of their success. As you might know our former Prime Minister Shri Lal Bhadur Shastri lived in severe hardship. He used to get only two rupees a month to continue his studies. With this meager amount he had to manage his transport, books, everything. He was not strong physically either. But his character, his dedication for the nation, his genuine qualities were such that among all the young volunteers of the Congress Sevadal, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had chosen only him for assistance and sharing of responsibilities in many important projects. 

Success of Sadhana Sadhana in simple terms means – self-determined endeavor of self-refinement and self-development. Attainment of siddhis (supernormal potentials, extraordinary success) through sadhana is as true as any universally affirmed scientific fact, or Law of Nature. It has its own method of experimentation, which should also be ‘scientific’ in truest sense of the term. Not only in the field of spirituality, this principle of ‘success of sincere and righteous efforts’ works in every walk of life. 

For example, Lal Bahadur Shastriji had done the ‘sadhana’ of a duty-bound, principled life. In spite of all odds he continued his studies, also looked after his responsibilities towards his mother and later on towards his own family. Above all, his dedication towards service of the nation continued with brighter sheen after each chiseling phase of hardship. This amounts to sadhana, which gives weightage and bright charm to one’s personality. This is what made his personality so valued and powerful that the great leader, Nehruji advocated his active participation in governance of independent India. Shastriji became an M.L.A., then a minister of UP govt. Later on he was selected on the Union Cabinet. Because of Pt. Jawarharlal Nehru’s high opinion about him, he was also chosen as Nehruji’s successor and was appointed as honorable Prime Minister of India. You all know that whichever duty, whichever position Shastriji was given, he succeeded in his efforts with immortal glory. So you see how God blessed him! 

Every genuine sadhaka gets the deserving support and grace of God. He does not have to demand or pray for it. God has arranged for His divine powers in the system of Nature. They are always ready to help and elevate whosoever is sincerely making best use of his available resources and faculties, is making adept attempt to improve. In fact they always look for people having saintly tendencies, people who have nurtured some qualities of great personalities in themselves. I have had the opportunity to meet and interact with many great saints, seers and siddhas; therefore I can tell you about them with full confidence. These siddhas are also eager to help people in their sincere endeavors of self-improvement and ascent in life with sustenance of ethical values. I can assure you on their behalf that you will not have to search for them; they will themselves come to you and offer a helping hand once you proceed along the path of s³dhan³ with your full energy and devotion. 

No Place for Sycophancy or Bribe 
It is disappointing to see how you have made a mockery of upasana! You don’t even seem to remember what has been taught to you here. For you even the great science of spirituality has no value. You don’t concentrate on meditation or introspection. Even your prayers lack the sensitivity of a devotee. You only know one thing, and that is to somehow do some rituals of worship to make a bargain with God. You have been doing that throughout your life. Cheat people, deceive yourself, and by all means fulfill your vested interests, satisfy your selfish ego, get things done by telling lies, make false promises or shameless flattering — this is what you seem to have been doing in one way or the other on every front of life! That is what you are doing in your upasana too!

You want to appease the gods! You want to bluff them! This way you degrade your own faith. Whatever you may think of your beliefs, hyped sacraments, religiousness or theism, none is even remotely linked with true spirituality and religion or with any god. You don’t deserve to utter the word spirituality. If you have some reverence for divinity, please stop making a mockery of upasana. 

Have Maturity 
It is time you understand the fact that the success of upasana-sadhana depends upon the depth of your inner faith, purity and integrity of your character, your benevolence, your compassionate sensitivity towards others and your other virtuous qualities. I therefore reemphasize that gods do bequeath boons but only upon those who deserve them. 

Some elderly lady had kept her box of precious gold jewelry in her bank locker. Friends in her neighborhood were curious – for whom these were? “These are for my daughter-in-law”, she said with a mixed expression of affection and pride. What do you think, she would have given the expensive ornaments to just anyone who cried and begged for them, or to any of her sycophants? No she had kept them in safe custody only for her daughter-in-law, so no one else had the right to have that jewelry. 

A teenager was crying before his father to have the license of a gun! His father himself was the chief of the concerned department. Do you think he should have issued it for his son, as he loved the latter a lot? Certainly not! This boy could have acquired it at the right age only after proving his maturity and passing the necessary qualifying tests.

At present you are like a ‘kid’ in the field of spirituality. How can one teach you an advanced level s³dhan³? You have to first mature in this field, be deserving, then only you can think of doing KuñÃalinº J³garaña, Pancha Koïºya S³dhan³, etc. These are not children’s games! If I teach and allow you to experiment on these, you won’t be able to bear it; the ‘energy-explosion’ inside will blow you up. For inflating a tire with extra air, it should also be big and strong, it also should have adequate space; else…, it will soon burst out. What will happen if you use the air-filling pump of a truck to inflate a tiny balloon? 

Not the Sacraments, the Quality of Life Counts
Now some of you would think why can’t I transmit part of my power into you to uplift your ‘potential’ so that you would be able to control the extrasensory energy flow generated by some higher-level s³dhan³s? Yes I can do that provided you have the capacity to receive and retain what has been transmitted. 

There are some varieties of trees such that if even a tiny branch of a big tree is cut and planted in the soil, it independently grows and gradually turns into another tree like its parent. One does not have to sow the seeds and wait for the germination and sprouting of the saplings and protection of the latter, etc. You might have tried or seen the planting of the branch of a rose, or a sugar cane, etc. You seem to want me to cut (take out) a ‘branch’ (fraction) of my awakened Kunadalini power and plant it into you? But you don’t even have the suitable soil, where it could grow. So we are back to square one! The basic point you should remember is that you have to enhance your worthiness. 99% of upasana- sadhana pertains to the quality of your life, the level of your character, your attitude, your value-system, and your sentiments. Only 1% is for the physical act, ritual or procedure, or what we call kriya and karmakanda. 

Please don’t get stuck in the physical postures and actions associated with a particular method of upasana. Be a real sadhaka, refine yourself; get rid of the distorted convictions and illusory arguments and lame excuses of your ‘lazy and clever’ mind. Inculcate some spiritual qualities in every bit of your personality. Illuminate your thoughts; make righteous use of your thought-power. If you could do so, I would like to thank you and may be your god will also do so, as you would ‘relieve’ us from your insane requests, childish demands and insisting prayers-cum-cries. Most importantly, this way, you would do a great favor to your own self.
(To be concluded in the next issue) 
1. Sadhana: A process of self-transcendence. It begins with dedicated effort of self-restraint and self– refinement through control over mind and other senses. (Sadhaka: One who sincerely practices sadhana) 
2. Upasana: A devotional practice of sitting near God, i.e., having an emotional proximity with divinity (that induces awakening of the divine qualities hidden in the devotee). 
3. Tapa: Strict self-discipline, unflinching efforts bearing hardship for noble cause.

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