Yagyashala – The Laboratory of Rishis

Sep - Oct 2009

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 Maharshi Yagyavalkya was expounding the hidden secrets and intricacies of the science of yagya to the resident students of his Ashram (hermitage). Maharshi Yagyavalkya was a great scientific researcher of the science of yagya. He had spent a very long time conducting comprehensive and intensive research in the field of science of yagya. For this purpose he had established his ashram in a perfect natural piece of land in the state ruled by King Janak, who was respected by all kings and rishis alike. His ashram was spread over a large expanse of land. There were several small and large yagya-shalas where research activities were carried out regularly. These yagya-shalas had a large variety of yagya-kunds of different shapes and sizes. There were kunds with several shapes like that of triangle, quadrangle, hexagon, with hundred sides, with a thousand petals, like an earthen pot, circle and so on, and of multiple sizes and dimensions. There were some yagya-shalas that had no kunds, but only different types of instruments for experimentation and testing.

This ashram of The Maharshi had a large expanse of herbal garden and a dense jungle as well. Almost all varieties of herbs were grown in the garden, which were used during different scientific procedures of yagya. The dense forest had protected trees of several different species, whose wood was used for various scientific experiments of yagya. In its expanse the ashram also included agricultural fields where the effect of yagya on varieties of crops were scientifically experimented and studied. Maharshi used to regard all the animals and birds that lived in the garden and forest as inmates of the ashram. He used to say that yagya is not just for humans, not even for the earth but for the entire creation, so everyone must participate in it and get benefited by it.

There was also a reserved portion of the Ashram where several protective and destructive yagyas used to be conducted to subdue demonic elements that disrupted normal harmony of the world and caused destruction of life and property. This work was managed by Rishi Kathak, who was a devotee of Rudra and was himself bestowed with the radiance of Rudra. Demonic powers were scared of him as he was a nemesis for all the disruptive powers. Despite his great strength he was gentle at heart and had a noble personality. He had been a close associate of Maharshi Yagyavalkya for a very long time. This time too he was sitting next to Maharshi. Rishis Dirghatama, Kutsa, and Grutsamada were also there, who had come to the ashram bound by Maharshi's love towards them.

All these rishis always used to say that the company and proximity of this great knowledgeable yogi, who was a great scientist of yagya science, was rare and purifying. Maharshi was presently explaining – “Every act of social service is yagya. All acts that have no tinge of selfishness or ego, which are inspired and carried out with this pure feeling that - this is not mine, nor for me, but for the good of all - such acts are all yagya. Supreme God Himself has created this world with the purpose of yagya, and to inspire people to carry out acts like yagya. That is why He is called the greatest among those who perform yagya, and is Yagya-Purusha - personification of yagya Himself. But even then the physical act of yagya (offering oblations to sacred fire) is a great science. Several of its experiments are carried out in the external and the inner worlds through physical rituals and subtle activities.

“There are in all twenty-one different forms of these yagyas as mentioned in Rig-Veda hymn (10:52:4) but infinitely many more sub-forms as well. -  Saying so Maharshi paused a bit and thought for a while and said again that in a yagya-based experiment both physical and spiritual powers are utilized in a harmonious, balanced and most optimal manner. For generating different amounts of physical energies (heat) different kinds of wood like that of mango tree, oak tree, wood apple tree, etc are used. Herbs with different qualities are also components of physical energies ¬of yagya. The varieties of shapes and sizes of yagya-kunds are used to conserve and enhance the power of yagya. These and many more such components are symbols of physical energies of yagya.

“For spiritual powers the important elements of yagya experiment are – different types of mantras, various ascending and descending cycles of their recitation, and the subtle energies of the spiritually elevated sadhaks who participate in the experiment. A perfect balance and coordination between the physical and spiritual powers are then created by the special auspicious moments that fall on different days and times, and by utilizing the prevalent energy flows of the universe for making the experiments extremely potent and successful. Herein lies the secret of environment cleansing and formation of rain clouds through yagya.”

The deep and subtle exposition of science of yagya made by Maharshi Yagyavalkya was mesmerizing the audience. Only once in a while, curiosity about inner-yagya would flash in the mind of Rishi Grutsmada.

The great yogi and visionary Yagyavalkya smiled briefly and said, "Just like the external form of yagya, the experiments of internal yagya are special. If these are carried out in a proper manner, they lead to extraordinary increase of spiritual energy." He paused for a while and continued, "Our existence and our personalities are themselves like special yagya-kunds. Just like physical kunds, we have three steps (mekhlas) in the form of mind, life-force (prana) and body. The first step is that of mind which creates, based upon resolves and its main deity is Brahma (creator). The second step is the life-force that helps in sustaining life and its main deity is Vishnu. The final step is the physical body that through its good and bad actions, presents the benevolent or the destructive form of Lord Shiva. A verse from scriptures describes the participants of this best form of yagya experiment in the following way - In this spiritual yagya - soul is the main doer of yagya, faith is its wife, heart is the altar, the top knot of hair is the scriptures (Vedas), voice is the hota, life-force is the udagata, eyes are the adhvaryu, mind is the Brahma, ears are agnindhra and mouth is the invoked fire. In this special yagya, the supreme flames of kundalini accept the oblations of sanskars (intrinsic tendencies) and provide the soul the status of Supreme Soul.” This statement of Maharshi gave a sense of deep fulfillment to Rishi Grutsamada, but Maharshi continued further, “In these scientific experiments of yagya, Vedic seer and great rishi of Scientific Spirituality, Vishwamitra is a much greater expert. It would be highly pertinent to understand his conclusions in this regard.”

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