Experience and Expression of Conscious forms of Energy

Sep - Oct 2009

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Rishi Vaak, the scholar of “scientific spirituality” was seated on the banks of river Kaushiki and performing her Sandhyavandan. Though evening had set in, there was some more time for it to become dark. Sun had traversed to the western rim of the horizon. The hues of setting sun were seen amidst the clouds that were spread in the sky. The flow of river Kaushiki was at times slow with the waves falling mildly while they were fast at other times. The low peaks of the surrounding mountain ranges were standing as though aware of what was happening, while the trees were expressing their joy by shaking their branches. Rishi Vaak was chanting the 24-syllable Gayatri Mantra and was doing research on the primordial Mother and her various forms of expression.

By the time, she came out of her meditation and completed her mantra japa after Suryopasthan, the clouds had become denser. The winds began to blow fiercely. The water in river Kaushiki was flowing at full speed. The winds were creating intermittent tides in the river. When Vaak got up after finishing her sandhyavandan, her attention shifted to the clouds that were spread in the sky, the wind and towards the water flow in river Kaushiki. At that instant, there was a loud thunder followed by lightening. It was as though Lord Shiva twanged his bow and was getting ready to annihilate the evil asuras. She kept standing there and was witnessing the entire scene in astonishment.

While witnessing these scenes, several questions rose in her mind at the same time – what is the secret behind thunder? How do both sound and light emanate from electricity? What increases the speed of wind and water flow? Her mind was crowded with these questions just like the external sky that was covered with dense clouds. By this time, it had begun to rain. The ashram in which she lived along with her father, Maharshi Ambhruna, was nearby. Since she lost her mother during the time of her birth, her father donned the role of mother also. In addition to being both a father and mother to Vaak, he also shouldered the responsibility of being her teacher and Guru. She was a worthy daughter of her illustrious father. She had set an example to others with respect to austerities, noble samskaras, good behavior, service, diligence and untiring zeal to learn. The Acharyas of Gurukuls, guides of sadhaks and parents of rishikanyas used to ask their students and daughters to consider Vaak as their role model.

When Vaak reached the ashram premises, she found her father Ambhruna standing at the door step. He noticed that his 16-year old daughter was tired and lost in thought. Owing to his intuition, it did not even take a moment for him to figure out her mental state. He realized that his daughter was weighed down by questions. He very lovingly told her – ‘Daughter, go and change into dry clothes and drink something warm. After that, we can sit and talk.” Vaak followed her father’s instructions and in a few minutes they met at the library. The library housed several books on vedic and other literature. Both father and daughter were seated facing each other. Rishi Ambhruna then smiled and said, “The answer to all your questions lies in one word – Shakti (meaning energy). Energy exists in both active and passive forms.”

“Scientific and spiritual techniques are employed to activate the passive forms of energy. Remember that there is no atom present in the universe which is devoid of energy. Various forms of matter, though they look inert, are active in the form of inner atomic energy. This is visible in the form of light, sound, electricity, magnetism, gravitation, wind, hydro- and bio-energy. The atom which is assumed to be insignificant contains enormous energy in its nucleus. The important point to be understood is that energy is always conserved; it can only be transformed from one form to another.”

Rishi-daughter Vaak was listening to her father attentively. Her father was speaking in affectionate tones thus – “Till now I have discussed only the material or physical forms of energy. There are also other subtle and conscious forms of energy. I shall tell you a great secret of the occult world, which physical scientists may or may not discover in due course of time. Everyone is aware that atomic division leads to fission which releases energy. Similarly the expression of various forms of pranic energy like mental energy, emotional energy and spiritual energy is also possible on similar lines. In the inner realms this is experienced as awakening of Kundalini and its upward movement. Those who understand the manifestation of these pranic energies in physical world are capable of creating anything. Of course, this capability lies with only a few awakened souls.”

“Father, what is meant by capability or strength?” asked Vaak in a thoughtful but soft tone.

“Strength is defined as the capacity of the energy to manifest. Be it animate or inanimate, Nature or Bhagwati Adi Shakti has bestowed them with a certain capacity based on the organization of their atomic or life particles. This capacity can be enhanced not only by several scientific and spiritual techniques, but can also be put to a variety of uses. Just as the energies based on material sciences can be used as electricity, wind power, nuclear power etc, in the same way by using spiritual processes, the Pranic energies, e. g. mental energy and soul energy can be used to perform miraculous feats. To understand both physical and conscious forms of energy and to be able to enhance their capability to manifest, it is essential to do the multi-faceted sadhana of Adishakti.”

This narration by her father Maharshi Ambhruna entered the mind of 16-year old Vaak in the form of a firm resolve. She got ready to perform intense penance on the banks of Kaushiki. By the power of penance, several new layers of knowledge related to energy and power began to unfold within her. She began to realize the energy prevalent in the universe and that which is present in herself. She began to experience at-one-ment with those energies. After crossing all the layers and dimensions of knowledge in its various aspects, she experienced the fundamental miraculous flow of energy and began to utter thus – Om aham rudrebhirvasu-bhischaraamyahamadityairoota vishwadevaih- I am the Sachidananda Sarvatma Shakti that expresses itself as Rudra, Vasu, Aditya and Viswadeva. In the 125th Sukta of 10th Mandala of Rig Veda Samhita, there are 8 mantras under the title of Devi Sukta; they are the realizations of Vaak.

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