A Rishi’s Unique Approach to Worship: Research for Social Welfare

Sep - Oct 2009

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Maharshi Atharvana was among the noted rishis of yore who added new dimensions to applied research in Scientific Spirituality. He was blessed with multifaceted talents of a scientist, philosopher, spiritualist, scholar, poet and a master mystic. The area of his research was unique — it delved into the subliminal relationship between matter and energy fields of consciousness force.  He experimented on transformation of consciousness-energy vibrations into matter and extraction of consciousness-energy hidden in the subtle particles of material elements.  

Accomplished experts of his time advised him against this peculiar line of investigation considering that a rishi of his level, who had realized higher realms of spirituality, should not spend time and efforts in researching material elements.

He was revered all over the world; mightiest emperors of the globe at that time used to bow before him with deep reverence. What was the need for him to spend time in this kind of research? Certainly he too, like all other rishis, had no worldly desires, no aspiration for recognition, reputation or respect.  No horizon of Nature, or nothing perceivable or subtle was beyond the reach of the rishis of his level. No field of knowledge was outside the domain of their grasp. All their endeavors, all their deeds were dedicated for noble mission of enlightening others. Maharshi Atharvana’s research was motivated for social service at a more grass-roots level.   

Altruistic service appeared more important than soul-evolution and salvation to this great rishi. All beings were dear to him. His actions were aimed at allaying gnorance and agony. Sufferings and sorrows of others used to touch his compassionate heart and moist his eyes.  His Ashram was located in the thick forest along side the river Madhumati.  The forest itself appeared to be a part of his Ashram, as the small hutments of hermits and his disciples, cottages for class-rooms, yagyashala, etc were distributed in different directions beneath or surrounded by trees, without disturbing the natural grandeur and richness of the forest. Residents of the nearby villages used to call this place as Atharva Ashram. His hermitage, in which he used to stay with his daughter Vatika, was on the banks of the river Madhumati so that the villagers could reach there easily.  His daughter too was an ascetic and his disciple. She was also carrying out experiments with other researchers there as per his directions.  

As it was like a worship of God for him, Maharshi Atharvan had named his field of research as “Rishi Archana” (meaning: Prayers offered by a Rishi). Considering that the principal aim of this research was social welfare – to allay the sufferings and pains of others and to work for their well-being, he and his disciples had adopted “Rishi Archana se Loka Vandana”  (meaning: Social-worship through Rishi Archana) as the main mantra of their lives.

Though age-wise he was old, Maharshi Atharvan’s physical strength, vital-energy, enthusiasm, industriousness and mental sharpness were like those of a vibrant youth. He was the source of live-guidance and inspiration for his disciples. His daughter Vatika had also dedicated her life to help him accomplish the noble mission of social welfare.

This great rishi had discovered that subtlization of particles of matter releases immense energy and also emits vibrations of consciousness-force indwelling in it in sublime forms. He successfully experimented to verify this fact using his spiritual power. He also found and demonstrated that superposing of specific energy waves can give rise to specific kinds of matter. Not only that, in several cases he also identified most suitable muhurtas (timings in terms of astrologically important positioning of planets, stars, etc) for optimal effects in such experiment.  

Through his dedicated research in this field – pertaining to unified nature of matter, energy and consciousness force – of scientific spirituality, he concluded the following. If carried out in specific muhurtas deploying devout sadhanas of specific mantras with unperturbed determination, an otherwise impossible or tedious experiment of decomposition and subtlization of matter into energy and vibrations of consciousness force could yield quick results. In his views some such siddha muhurtas for specific sadhana experiments are such that the latter’s auspicious effects that would be normally achievable in a year’s time could be realized only in a few days. He regarded doing yagya (fire ritual) experiment in a siddha muhurta as the best mode of subtlization and sublimation of natural substances (esp. herbs, plant medicines and some nourishing grains, dry-fruits and milk products) for energy- generation, environmental purification and psychological upliftment.

The material units used in his experimental research mainly consisted of plant medicines, gems and pearls, and mantras. Related experiments were also conducted at his gurukul-laboratory and at different places on different species of plants, soil and water samples, and some selected metals and non-metal substances. Although all his disciples were sincerely conducting research experiments of these kinds under his able guidance, most notable contributions were made by Kratu, Kautsa, Bhragari and Vatika. These researchers, like the rishi himself, were engaged in sadhana experiments round the clock without even caring for essential food and rest.  The long-term collective hard work of all of them had finally fructified in incredible findings.  

This research had also shown that irrespective of their atmospheric environment, different places and different ambiences have different (sublime) energy fields. The impact of specific muhurtas may also vary accordingly. So, a right combination of place and a muhurta would give the best results.

This research work had also deciphered that every entity of Nature — animate or inanimate - has its own specific quality. Depending upon its atomic constitution and energy fields and consciousness level it receives and absorbs compatible effects of the infinite energy currents pervading the cosmos. Maharshi Atharvan and his research team had also found that the receptivity to consonant effects (matching frequency) is exceptionally high on some special muhurtas, as the level of vital spiritual energy is extraordinarily higher than its normal flow in any substance, plant or creature during these time-periods.  

For example, Ravi-Pushya Guru-Pushya, (rising phase of “Pushya” star on a Sunday or Thursday), Somavati or Shanivasriya Amavasya (no-moon phase on a Monday or on a Saturday) are some such special muhurtas. Determined efforts with full preparation and strong willpower could give exceptionally beneficial outcomes during these time periods.  Miraculous achievements are possible by execution of spiritual experiments, empowered with suitable mantra-sadhanas during these special phases. For example, during these special muhurtas, expert spiritual scientists may awaken sharp intelligence in a dullard brain; may heal an otherwise incurable patient and relieve him of the dreaded disease; may bless poorest of the poor with a fortune that will make him affluent in a short time.

Maharshi Atharvan had, with the assistance of his disciples, obtained thousands of such results and verified and applied them several times. Making use of these findings, his team had offered enormous help to the masses in the nearby as well as distant villages. No disease or adversity was incurable for them. Their mantra-powered plant-medicines, gems and spiritual healing had the potential to uproot all illness, infirmities and negativities. They had also helped the mentally retarded ones to sharpen their skills and intelligence. The downtrodden, weak, helpless and needy ones used to see them as saviors. These pursuers of “Rishi Archana se Loka Vandana” had also offered other kinds of social services like eliminating psychological complications and misunderstanding between married couples, neighbors, friends, etc, and creating social harmony, motivating the masses for cooperation and collective progress, etc.

With successful expansion of this altruistic ‘spiritual science research-cum-social welfare’ mission, not only the “Atharva Ashram” but also the entire forest region around it became like a healing–centre, a temple, a pilgrimage, for the masses in the villages, towns spread across almost the entire Aryavarta (the land of the Aryans — ancient India).

However, there were critics too. Some prosperous and talented ones including some accomplished scholars used to feel that Maharshi Atharvan had deviated from his appropriate path of sadhana and is not fulfilling his duties as a rishi. In their views a rishi being a supramental yogi and spiritual sage should remain engaged in the sadhanas of ultimate soul-realization and salvation. They held that making use of spiritual attainments for solving worldly problems of the masses or deploying Nature’s sublime powers for the welfare of ordinary mortal beings, was a diversion from the path of divine enlightenment. Some of them even expressed the opinion that he should no longer be respected as a “Maharshi”, …. etc. But Atharvan being a “Maharshi” (great rishi) in the truest sense of the word knew what the righteous path was for him. He used to ignore the critics with a modest smile.

He was least bothered about whether someone respected him like a rishi or not.  To the curious ones he would politely explain that his research efforts were for “Rishi Archana se Loka Vandana” saying that he is born to do his level best for the welfare of the entire world, for all beings. His disciples were also humble and duty-bound like him.  For them the real path to ultimate light and salvation was what their revered guru had shown them.

Maharshi Atharvan and his disciples analyzed the sublime nature of plants, humans, animals, and experimented on the energy in the subtlest core of matter, and deciphered the vibrations of unified force of consciousness pervading the visible and invisible realms of Nature. They discovered the optimal times and combinations with respect to maximal positive impact of celestial arrangement of stars and cosmic energy fields and invented the modes of making constructive use of these in consonance with Nature.  It was the spiritually evolved vision of Maharshi Atharvan that made all this possible. His devout sadhanas and illumined wisdom enabled him realize the transcendental knowledge of the “Atharva Veda”. More than half of the nearly six thousand hymns in this Veda are grasped and elucidated by him.  The multiple dimensions and noble purpose of spiritual science achieved and shown by him stand as marks of eternal beacon-light for every researcher of scientific spirituality.

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