Rediscovering some global cultural contributions of ancient India -IV

July - Aug 2009

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Cultural and Archeological Imprints of Ancient India in America

Existence of man on American continent has been as old as in many other parts of the world.  Though the history of modern America is only a few hundred years old, that of the Red Indian is as ancient as that of any other western country.

The geography of some continents has changed drastically in the long span of several millennia. Where we find vast land today, once upon a time every thing laid buried deep in some ocean there. On the contrary, in place of some seas or parts of some oceans today, there were prospering states sometime in the yore. Gigantic earthquakes, snowstorms (blizzards), cyclones, geo-polar displacements due to geomagnetic disturbances, etc have altered the map of the globe over this period. 

In particular, most parts of the present American continent were dipped inside the Pacific Ocean. The land part was not so far from Europe. These natural calamities also destroyed the civilization that was established by the Indian sages, exiled kings/princes and traders there.  The survivors on the remaining land lost contact with India, the country of their origin. Eventually, for want of civilized resources, support, guidance, their descendents began to live in the forests. These are referred in modern history as the native tribal population (e.g. the Red Indians) of America.

Geographical and Anthropological Marks of History:

In 1929, a group of historians found an amazing map among the maps and calligraphic documents in the Topkapi Palace Museum. This map drawn on a gazelle skin is the oldest known map that includes the continent of America. Research showed that it was a genuine document drawn in 1513 by Piri Reis, a famous admiral of the Turkish fleet in the sixteenth century. He cites in series of notes on the map that he compiled and copied the data from a large number of source maps, some of which dated back to the 4th century BC or earlier. This map which was studied and recognized by renowned geography experts the world over, including Prof. Arlington H. Mallery of USA, an authority on ancient maps, shows the present India, Middle East and Egypt and Europe as a single land mass. Even American Continent was not so far from this region. 

Several other historical documents affirm that about three thousand years ago there was no sea between Russia and Alaska. So some of the Aryans – the founders of Indian Civilization, had gone to America via middle Asia, which was a part of ancient India (“Âryavarta”). James Churchman’s geographical research and some official historical documents of Mexico also support the view that the ancestors of American Civilization of yore had arrived from the East. They were very powerful and possessed talents in many disciplines including the techniques of sailing, agriculture, education, astrology, architecture, etc. They had laid the foundation of civilization and contributed to development of this land. 

For example, the Red Indians continued to follow many traditions that match with Indian Culture. In particular, the Hopi and Huja communities of the Red Indians, in spite of living in the forests, were vegetarians. They survived only on fruits, vegetables and grains.  They followed the principle of non-violence, peace, and simplicity.  They regarded their ancestors as children of God.  

As most of us know, Christopher Columbus discovered modern America. In an adventurous attempt to find a direct route between Europe and India via the sea, he landed on the American Continent on 12 October 1492 and waved the flag of Spain there. The native population there was nearly a million at that time. Because of their complexion and somewhat Indian-like features, he called them Red Indians. His discovery opened the routes for all Europeans. The rich natural treasures of American continent attracted many from Holland, France, Italy, England and Portugal, who occupied that land and developed the modern United States of America and the countries of Latin America.  Initially they had to face the resistance of the native tribes. However, they conquered, as they possessed explosives and more sophisticated weaponry than the simple-living natives. Large number of Red Indians lost their lives in these battles. Their present population is only about half a million, mostly residing in California, Arizona and New Mexico.

Extreme north of American continent is Canada. There too the native population were the descendents of Indians who had reached there thousands years B.C. along with the traders, exiled kings/princes, via the surface route that existed between Asia, Europe and America at that time. These natives – called “Indians” or “Indian tribes” in Canada – were, like the Red Indians in the USA, were decimated in large numbers, by the invaders (mostly French and British) in the early days of formation of Canada. It was only after state-protection after several decades that the survivors were rehabilitated. Their present population is nearly one-fourth of a million and they mostly reside in Woodlands, Ontario, Prairies, British Columbia, and Yukon.  

Traces of Indian Culture in Early American Civilization:

Some of the modern historians claim that there was no cultural civilization in America before the Europeans inhabited that land. But the archeological research indicates quite the contrary. Spanish army officers had found traces of ancient Andean Civilization in Mexico.   The archeological findings in Yucatan, Mexico indicate existence of a highly evolved fine civilization (known as the Olmec civilization) around 1st Century B.C.  Some research papers published in the John Hopkins magazines also affirm that ancient Indian sages and saints and traders used to come to America. They made significant contributions in cultural and materialistic development of ancient America.

It appears from the archeological proofs, especially the remnants of temples, idols of deities, antique ornaments, crowns, pottery and other handicrafts and artifacts, weapons, etc, as though, America of that age was a cultural colony and sub-state of ancient India. Let us look at some examples.     

The Hawaii Group of Iceland states located nearly 2400 miles away from North America, was once upon a time ruled by Indian Kings. The native citizens of this land regard that their ancestors were Indians. Their facial features resemble those of North Indians. Their original language incorporates many Sanskrit words. Inscriptions on the stones found in archeological excavations here are similar to those on the coins of Mohenjodaro and Harappa Civilizations (of the Indus Valley, in ancient India). The inscriptions on stone plates and artifacts found here contain the sketches of Shankha (Conch Shell), Trishula, Padma (Lotus), etc, which symbolize auspicious weapons or tools held by Hindu Deities. Many of these antique pieces are saved in the national museum of Kaua’i Iceland in Hawaii. Dr. Chhabara had analyzed 40 such proofs and concluded that Indians were pioneers of cultural development and civilization there.         

The remnants found in archeological excavation in Bolivia show that the “Inca” Kings of “Suryavanshi” dynasty (descendants and worshipers of Sun god) had ruled over there in the times of yore. Some archeological proofs also indicate that this state had also been King Bali’s Kingdom in the distant past. Historical and Anthropological research of Dr. Martin also affirms that the “Suryavanshi” dynasty from the east had developed ancient America. Some Sun Temples found in archeological surveys in different parts of America also imply the same.  

“Peru” is a Sanskrit word, which means “The land of Surya (Sun)”.  Thus, the Latin American country “Peru” by its very name appears to have originated as the empire of the “Suryavanshis”.  In 1927, Archeologists found a grand door of a Sun Temple in “Tia Juana” of this country. This door, made up of a single stone weighs nearly 10 tons and bears inscriptions of signs, symbols and idols used in Vedic Culture.  Forty-eight stone-carved idols, arranged in three rows were also found here which reflect excellent works of sculpturing similar to what is found in many antique temples of India. Other remarkable findings here include 850 feet long Trishula12 with a 24 feet tall and 20 tons heavy Shiva Ling on which some planetary positions and orbits are finely carved.   In their research papers H. S. Velami and P. Allan have shown that these items are nearly 27000 years old.  

The Archeological findings in Guatemala indicate dominance of “Maya” civilization there that continued to flourish till 200 – 500 AD.  That the prince of “Maya” dynasty went there from India is established by globally recognized research documents found in Ujjain in central part of India in 1928-39. (Ujjain was an ancient city of scholars, which also is of special astrological significance).

The archeological proofs collected so far in Ecuador, Columbia, Peru, Bolivia and Chili etc show the traces of advanced civilizations, namely Maya, Inca, Kuzca, Andean and Olmec — often collectively termed as Indian American Civilizations — more than a thousand years B.C.    

Mexican Government’s documents on History show that large number of scholarly works that described the genesis and expansion of Maya and other Indian American civilizations were burnt and destroyed by conservative Christian Bishop Diago. Only three books are available today, of which one is preserved in a library in Paris, one in Madrid and the third one in Dresden.  Researchers have found significant traces of Indian Culture and Civilization in the Mayan Civilizations.

Scholars of the ‘Mayan’ and ‘Inca’ civilizations had good knowledge of arithmetic and weighing, measuring and governing mechanism. Their basic principles and methods were derived using the guidelines described in Vedic texts. Religious and social customs too had distinct shades of Indian traditions.

The Mayans also used to prepare annual calendar, which had 365 days in a year. They did consider the effects of planets and used to declare the dates and times of occurrence of eclipses well in advance. There were large numbers of temples where fire-lamps were lighted permanently.  Upon completion of Venus’s one cycle around the Sun, this fire was re-kindled every 52 years. 

The mythological stories of this time that are still popular in Mexico and also some historical proofs available there, indicate great similarity with what the Indian Scriptures of Vedic and Post-Vedic Ages describe. What the ancient Indian texts refer as “Patala Loka” (Patala) corresponds to America. The mention of Sal Katankat (Sala KaÚankaÚa) in Holy Ramayana for example matches with “QueÚ SalakaÚali” in Mexican history and scriptures. Literary compilations like “Saloman’s Justic” of the Mayans and “Maha Sadhana Jataka” of India have remarkable similarities. Many of the stone-inscriptions of the Mayan Age found in America also show impact of the ancient Indian Culture.

Leally Mitchell’s “Conquest of The Maya” cites many proofs that establish close link of the Mayan Culture with ancient India.

The 1800 feet tall Shiva-Ling and several paintings on the walls of ancient “Copan” temple of Mexico show clear impact of Indian classical art.  “Nikal” has yielded an idol of deity Shiva wearing a garland of human skulls enshrined on a gorgeous seat. Some sculptures and inscriptions on the pillars of several temples here depict the ‘idols’ of the ‘supernatural snakes’ Anant, Vasuki and Takshaka referred in ancient Indian texts. One huge idol of a snake matches with that found in Sanchi – a town in central part of India. These kinds of idols of Lord Shiva and snakes further support the Indian scriptural citations of some devilish giant kings who knew Tantra-science, and the Princes of “Naag Vansha” (snake-worshipers) living in the Patala Loka (America). 

The idols made up of soil and stones found in Kirigua (in Guatemala) bear clear marks of Indian style. Gold is used in the pictures drawn on antique temple-walls here. The period when these temples were built corresponds to those days when India alone had developed the techniques and used large amount of gold in the artworks for temples and ornaments for idols of deities.  The ‘Thousands Columns’ in the remnants of “Yuctas” and several other old monuments – especially of the shrines, are built using black rocks and limestone in the style of original Indian architecture. Artifacts of stones found in archeological excavations in several parts of America resemble those found in the antique artworks of the ancient temples and palaces of North India. The remnants of an ancient township found in Chaco are similar to those of ancient Indian University at Takshashila (Taxila).  The designs of the ancient temples called “Tikals” in America demonstrate significant influence of the grand tombs, pillars and other religious and cultural monuments of ancient times of India. These are strategically built where the faintest whisper can be heard from all corners.

(Series to be continued)

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