Don’t resort to extremism – Regain balance while there is time

July - Aug 2009

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Each and every being requires pranavayu (vital air) for being alive. Every creature takes in purified air during inhalation and pollutes the atmosphere with the air that it exhales. The process of photosynthesis in nature ensures that in the presence of sunlight the plants and other vegetation keep absorbing carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. Pollution occurs when on one side the precious gas like oxygen gets depleted, while on the other side, the polluted air poisons the atmosphere continuously. It is well known that - ‘extremism leads to doom’. Accordingly, the magnitude of pollution that is prevalent everywhere is not only harming humans and resources, but also harassing the world with various kinds of diseases.

Man has achieved unimaginable means of comfort by using science and technology to develop various industries and transport systems. On the other side he has been cursed by the problem of pollution. Major sources of generating energy have been fossil fuel and petroleum. Alternative energy sources are also now being employed in electricity generation. Nuclear energy has also emerged as a primary source of fuel. Even if we do not consider nuclear energy, combustion of coal and petroleum results in release of carbon, nitrogen, sulphur and other acidic compounds in the air. In the book titled ‘Global Pollution and Health’ published by World Health Organization (WHO), it is stated that humanity is suffering from long-term bronchitis, asthma, pulmonary embolism, etc because of these compounds. Millions of people are suffering from these diseases. The number of people who suffer because of just sulphur compounds and subtle particles of coal has reached more than a hundred million.

In reality, oxygen is the most predominant component in nature. Just as one is sure to burn his hand when it is kept in fire, air pollution is sure to pose a grave danger not only to humanity but to the entire life on earth. Majority of the countries in the world have acknowledged this danger and have formulated laws for maintaining a pure atmosphere and are also focusing their efforts in abiding by those laws. This goes to highlight the seriousness of the danger in front of us. Researchers in health sciences have said that if we manage to keep the sulphur emission within bounds, we will be able to reduce diseases and deaths by 50%. Similarly, if we can control the increase in amount of carbon dioxide in the environment, then we can get rid of problems like depletion of ‘Green House Effect’. The book ‘Day to Day Change in Environment’ has been authored by four renowned scientists. They have warned people that whatever is being considered as progress is in reality retrogression.  If the speed of pollution is not satisfactorily checked in time, man will not only destroy himself but also the entire bio-sphere. It makes sense to regain balance before such a situation arises.

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