Selfless and Enlightened Leadership – Dire Need of The Hour

July - Aug 2009

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The fundamental crisis today

During this phase of ‘Global Warming’ there is a general consensus amongst the experts that – we humans have created this situation. The consequences like floods, climatic changes, disruption of seasonal cycles, deluge etc which were to come 50 years later will happen much quicker. Earth is getting heated sooner than expected. Sun is going through a phase of ‘cold’ contrary to what was expected. Glaciers are melting. Many imminent natural disasters like Tsunami might strike far more frequently. A far more serious is the danger of world-wide shortage of food. Humanity is behaving like Dhritarashtra, who understood the horrific consequences of Mahabharata war, but his blind attachment towards his sons and his indifference to the imminent future led him towards war. The greatest danger that we are all facing today; because of which all of us have to encounter a big threat is – paucity of leadership, lack of high and noble ideals and dearth of visionary personages of sage wisdom.

What will happen to humanity?

There have always been enlightened persons of clear vision, wisdom and determination all over the world. In particular, the sacred land of India has given birth to many great souls at the same time. Then, what has happened in the first phase of 21st century, which has resulted in scarcity of human greatness? Where are those guiding torches who gave solutions to problems and crises that have been faced by society from time to time? Where are they, who taught us the noble art of living through example – the Acharyas and were hailed as world teachers?

Svam svam aacharena shiksheran prithivyaam sarva manavaah

What has happened in this era that such souls have stopped taking birth? Nobody knows what will happen to the future generations? Who will educate them and guide them? Who will give them the righteous ‘samskaras’? What will happen to humanity?

A distress

These lines have not been written as a counsel of despair and hopelessness. This issue has been brought out to ponder as to why nobody is seriously focusing on this colossal danger. Why don’t we see even a single clear-sighted personality anywhere? Why don’t we see a single role-model from whom we could derive inner inspiration? Humanity, though living amidst the latest inventions of 21st century seems to be unaware of the crisis in human values, and does not seem to realize the gravity of the problem? It is still more scary when those who are good citizens, who have the passion to raise their voice for the society, those who are called the Fourth Estate (the media), are silent about this issue. Why have they become engrossed in social and political gossip; about sports that takes one from rags to riches overnight; and about things right from tinsel world to the sensational news that dull human sensitiveness? Why are they interested only in cheap entertainment? Why have they all become flatterers of distorted, unethical and hereditary politics?

All of them are prone to distorted vision

To whom should we turn to? When we look at politicians, social workers, saints, mahatmas, literary experts, governing officials, industrialists, scientists, orators, heads of organizations, youth leaders or journalists, we see nothing but hopelessness. Even when we look towards the entire world, we do not see even a few enlightened visionaries or a social structure that was strong 40 years ago. The elites of the society smugly seem to feel that world is going on fine. Even if it is not right, they feel that it is not their responsibility to set it right. Each one is concerned with his own selfish motives of grabbing their share of ‘loot’. They are not worried about where the world is heading towards. It is as though everyone is suffering from the disease called Myopia, which hinders far-sight. Leave alone thinking about others; people are not even worried about the future of their own generation and the ‘samskaras’ that they will get if things remain as they stand today.

Politicians, social workers, saint-mahatmas

It is better to not even mention about the politicians. The sorry state of affairs of nation today is largely due to the conduct and character of the politicians. The power of the entire world vests in the hands of politicians and the system is devoid of direction. Fifteen years ago, electronic media was not so pervasive and it was under the control of the government. But today, it is in front of everyone, all the 24 hours, but this system too is neck-deep in corruption? Everyone is busy in filling one’s pocket. There were some expectations from the social workers (NGOs) but even that has vanished now; 1-2% of the society is touched in a half-hearted way, here and there by the NGOs. Even these people are getting infected with politics slowly. There was great hope from saints and preachers of varied hues. But this group has been the most disappointing. There are many social welfare activities initiated by these groups. But if one sees the manner in which these people get into a begging attitude; resort to opium-like addiction to some rituals; and remain unconcerned about the burning issues, it goes to prove that though they are capable of running a parallel government and prove to be a big economic power, they are merely exploiting human faith.

Other accomplishments

My words may appear bitter, but this disease cannot be treated with mere palliatives but by a major social revolution. There was a time when literary giants awakened the nation with works like ‘Anand Mutt’. But the literary men of today are submerged in luxury and cheap fame. We do not see any inspiring literature anywhere. Newspapers have become mere detective stories. Administrators are busy appeasing the politicians. The talented who have taken up IAS and IPS services are busy in strengthening the corrupted system and end up being a part of it. Industrialists, scientists, great orators, organizational heads, youth, journalists etc are not even able to see the grim realities ahead. With scams like Satyam, lack of morals and crass selfishness, what can such people give to others? What can scientists do to alleviate the nation when they do not have a clear idea of the nation? Able orators and organizational heads have begun to make statements on irrelevant topics and have become completely ineffective owing to their lack of practical understanding and commitment to national good. Those who should guide the youth are lacking direction. Journalists have completely assumed the color of the West.

Ray of light amidst darkness

Has everything gone beyond redemption? No. I have complete faith in the words of my Gurusatta. He has written that from common masses will emerge the true leaders. The need of the hour is to initiate and carry out a vigorous campaign of thought transformation. It is just a matter of people realizing the benefits and importance of adopting spiritual humanism and noble ideals in their lives. He not only wrote about such a life, but has lived it. A person, who wrote without any desire for fame more than 3000 books, and whose Centenary celebrations we are going to celebrate in 2011, has asserted that the superhuman soul latent in us can be awakened. We might belong to any caste or community, but all of us have those seeds within us which can make us stand at par with the greats like Swami Dayanand, Swami Vivekanand, Maharshi Aurobindo, martyr Bhagat Singh etc. All that is needed is to nurture those seeds with ‘jeevan sadhana’. If a sufficient number of youth get ready to offer their life for such a transformation, there will emerge a critical mass that will guide humanity at large.

Everyone is invited in creating a New India

Out of the materialists of today, even if 1000 youth could reject looking at short-term benefits and focus on creating an Ideal India by 2025, then this dearth of true leaders can be solved. If we search, we will get scattered gems of dedicated volunteers here and there even today. It is possible that they are not networked, but their tiny efforts can be taken as inspiration for the country and the society. All World Gayatri Parivar has started a movement called DIYA (Divine India Youth Association) through which the global transformation is visualized to be achieved. All those interested in this great task are invited to join this movement. We have to change the world and all the problems have to be solved. Our hearty welcome to all those who are ready to support this optimistic approach and spare their lives for the society, the nation and the world.

- Pranav Pandya

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