Parijans real tribtute to Gurusatta on his fifteenth Mahaprayan

May - Jun 2005

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Gayatri Jayanti Day this year (June 17) will mark the completion of fifteen years of Gurudev’s Mahaprayan to the Invisible Illumined Realm of Consciousness from where he has been guiding us since then with manifold effectiveness towards the realization of his reverential vision of collective divinisation and upliftment of divisive strife-ridden human consciousness into the unitive supramental consciousness of Light, Love and Life Eternal – a veritable descent of the prophesied Heaven on Earth.

He has bequeathed to us, his children, the legacy of making manifest his dream. His is the message of Hope and Faith for the way-lost humanity. The fact that he chose Gayatri Jayanti Day (June2, 1990) for his transition to the subtle-causal planes is of great significance. It is indicative of his assurance that it is he who will work through us, in the measure of our commitment to the cause towards the actualization of his glorious vision of human destiny. Let us, all parijans of Gayatri Pariwar, sincerely rededicate ourselves to become superconductive channels for the flow of Acharyashri’s transformative energies through us.

Gayatri Jayanti becomes doubly holy because it is also celebrated as Ganga Dussehra by millions of Hindus throughout the world. It is believed that it is on this sacred day, at the Dawn of Creation, that sanctifying waters of Ganga torrentially descended on Earth. It is a tragic parody indeed that although we believe that a mere dip in these holy waters cleanses the soul of all the ill effects of its sins, we have wantonly polluted its sacred waters and turned it into a stenching drain throughout its 3000 km course from Gangotri to Gangasagar. Let us resolve to do what best we can to restore the holy and sanctifying waters of Ganga to their pristine purity.

Mother Gayatri is the presiding deity of Illumined Intelligence – Prakhar Pragya – which was made manifest in all its effulgence in the life of Gurudev. He was bestowed with the revealed vision that the time is imminent ad ripe for the collective manifestation of ‘Prakhar Pragya’ in the human consciousness – ushering an era of unity, understanding and peace on earth. He has demonstrated through his life and works that it is not a daydream but a realizable potential. He has paved a sunlit path for us to tread towards this goal – as the vanguard of the warriors of Light. May we prove ourselves worthy of our Gurusatta’s trust?

The Mission’s humble accomplishments so far not only give us hope but also assurance of our ultimate success. Through voluntary contributions of lakhs of parijans and well-wishers across the globe in the shape of time, labor and money, we have been able to build up extensive infrastructural facilities, qualitatively comparable with the best of their kind – with six nodal centers: Gayatri Teerth, Shantikunj, Brahmavarchas Shodh Sansthan and Dev Sanskriti Vishwa Vidyalaya (DSVV) –all at Hardwar; Akhand Jyoti Sansthan and Gayatri Tapobhoomi at Mathura; and Yugteerth at Gurudev’s place of birth – Anwalkheda (Agra). The Mission has a global outreach with more than 2400 Gayatri Shaktipeeths spread all over India, whose activities are coordinated by 10 zonal offices. In addition, we have scores of centers in many countries of the world. The Mission has around ten lakh dedicated workers and crores of devotees and well-wishers whose lives have been positively affected by the Mission’s work and vision.

Here a word of caution. We must not become complacent and allow ourselves to be lulled into smugness. Far more remains to be done in terms of worldwide spread of Gurudev’s vision. It is an earnest plea to all Gayatri Pariwar Parijans in India and abroad to exert still more vigorously and dedicatedly in the furtherance of the sacred tasks of the Mission.

We have designated 2005 as the ‘Yug Chetna Vikas’ year – with special concentration in the lands outside India. As a beginning we are organizing at DSVV, Hardwar a two-week ‘Youth Leadership Training Camp’ from July 9 to 23, 2005 for 60 youths from USA, who will be selected from amongst the participants of youth council meeting to be held in USA in May. This will be followed by similar two-week youth camps for the youths of other countries. A special hostel, capable of accommodating 320 youths from outside India, has been constructed in the DSVV campus. Youths trained in these camps are expected to act as catalytic agents and ambassadors of the Mission’s vision in their respective countries. We have also planned to send teams of DSVV students to Russia (Moscow), USA, UK, South Africa and Australia for peer group interactions with their counterparts abroad in regard to ushering in on earth lasting peace and understanding based on the realized unity of spirit. In fact the team for Moscow has already left. 
Heartful and Prayer-filled  Gayatri Jayanti Greetings to all Parijans.

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