Peace Pilgrims Wisdom

May - Jun 2005

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On Bringing Your Life into Harmony

Divine law can be summed up as the law of love which governs this universe
The laws, which govern this universe, work for good as soon as we obey them, and anything contrary to these laws doesn't last long. That which is out of harmony with universal law contains within itself the seeds of its own destruction.
In a mature society, society's laws would be in harmony with divine law, but we live in an immature world in which society's law is often in flagrant disobedience to divine law.
It is up-to us to keep our lives steadfastly in harmony with divine law, which is the same for all of us. Only in so far as we remain in harmony with divine law do good things come to us.
The good in every human life always makes it possible for us to obey universal laws. We do have free will about all this, and therefore how soon we obey and thereby find harmony, both within ourselves and within our world, is up to us.
If your life is in harmony with your part in the Life pattern, and if you are obedient to the laws, which govern this universe, then life is full and life is good but life is nevermore overcrowded. If it is overcrowded, then you are doing more than is right for you to do - more than is your job to do in the total scheme of things.
This is the way of peace - overcome evil with good, and falsehood with truth, and hatred with love. The Golden Rule would do equally well. These are laws governing human conduct, which apply as rigidly as the law of gravity.
When we disregard the unchanging laws of human conduct, chaos results. Through obedience to these laws this world of ours will enter a period of peace and richness of life beyond our fondest dreams.
Trust the Law of Love. Since the universe operates in accordance with the Law of Love, how could you trust anything else?
The lesson of the way of love is that evil can only be overcome by good. We don't need to reach out and tear down the things that are evil because nothing, which is contrary to the law of love, can endure.
Evil can be helped to fade away more quickly if we remain in obedience to the Law of Love - evil must be overcome with good. 
Never forget the transforming power of an act done in love – the vibration radiates on and on forever.
The power of a kindly word, of a hand clasped in the warmth of spiritual friendship, a simple smile - these things lift the load of a weary and troubled heart.
You can rejoice in the times you are called to be an instrument through which God has been able to express infinite love.
Every good thing you do, every good thing you say, every good thought you think, vibrates on and never ceases. The evil remains only until it is overcome by the good, but the good remains forever.
Just concentrate on thinking and living and acting in harmony with God's laws and inspiring others to do likewise.
Never think of any right effort as being fruitless. All right effort bears fruit, whether we see the results or not.
Be a sweet melody in the great orchestration, instead of a discordant note. The medicine this sick world needs is love. Hatred must be replaced by love, and fear by faith that love will prevail.
People replace the spirit of the law with the letter of the law and truth becomes distorted into falsehood. If you desire confirmation of a truth, it is best to seek it from within and not upon a printed page.
One who takes the mystic approach receives direct perceptions from within. This is the source from which all truth came in the first place.
The contest in the world today is between the old way of attempting to overcome evil with evil, which with modern weapons would lead to complete chaos, and the way of overcoming evil with good, which would lead to a glorious and mature life.
In order to help usher in the golden age we must see the good in people. We must know it is there, no matter how deeply it may be buried.
It is not through judgment that the good in people can be reached, but through love and faith.
Pure love is a willingness to give without a thought of receiving anything in return.
You can only expect to change one person – yourself. After you have changed yourself, your example may inspire others to change themselves.
From spiritual point of view, the best way to cope with anything that is out of harmony is never to fear it – that gives power. Bring good influences to bear upon it; make yourself a good example.
It takes quite a while for the living to catch up with the believing, but of course it can. As we live up to the highest light we have, more light is given.

(With grateful acknowledgements to FRIENDS OF PEACE PILGRIM)

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