Lets Celebrate Collective Sadhana Fest for Individual and Global Welfare

Mar-Apr 2017

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The forthcoming Chaitra Navaratri Sadhana festival will commence on 28 th March, 2017 and will conclude on 5 th April, 2017. Our Gayatri Pariwar is a well-organized group of devoted sadhaks. Param Pujya Gurudev not only initiated us into Gayatri Mantra, but also taught us the art and science of spiritual living. He has entrusted us with the ability to perform penance and Sadhana. He taught us that with spiritual perspective and penance, we could not only solve personal problems, but also play a pivotal role in global well-being. This Navaratri has brought us a dual opportunity of taking up the task of individual and collective upliftment. We all have to collectively use our Gayatri Sadhana to prepare an efficient Brahmastra for global protection. The members of Gayatri Pariwar devoted to regular Gayatri Sadhana over many years are certainly capable of achieving this objective.

There are two fundamental reasons for the all-pervasive daunting problems that plague the world today. The first is that evil thinking has creeped into the consciousness of the masses and the second is the toxins in the physical world that have increased to an alarming extent. The negativity in the thought process has corrupted the minds of people, thus leading to perversion in thoughts and emotions. Thinking, behavior and character have been corrupted. People are getting attracted to commit reprehensible acts and coveting the undesirable. It is not only adults, but also kids who are engaging in abhorring acts. All of this is a result of increasing immorality / wickedness in the realm of consciousness.

If we think profoundly and analyze, we can find corruption of intellect and crisis of faith rampant in society. This is the reason why conflicts have become rampant. Most people today want to surpass others by resorting to unfair means. Corruption, immorality, harassment, oppression and other evil acts are slowly getting considered as acceptable human behaviors in our society. Similarly, physical world has also become increasingly toxic. It is apparent from the news every day. Air, water and earth are getting polluted at an alarming rate. Food and water that we consume are no longer safe. Rapid industrialization has destroyed the protective ozone layer of Earth that prevents earth from the harmful radiation of Sun. All the preconditions are slowly getting met for impending natural calamities and destruction.

Many facts regarding the spread of toxicity in all spheres of physical world and the reasons behind it arevery obvious. Most people are not aware of the extent to which the atmosphere has been polluted, but those in the scientific community who continually monitor this are well aware of the problem and are extremely worried. The increasing number of industries is aggravating the problem of toxic waste that is released from factories into the environment. Automobile emissions further aggravate the problem. There is already so much nuclear waste released into the atmosphere that it is sufficient to harm the present and several future generations. The usage of these sources of environmental pollution is not going to decline in the near future. The international conferences on environmental protection are not proving to be effective in enforcing the correction measures. Scientists continue to look for solutions. While their efforts are praiseworthy, they are inadequate.

What can be done in such circumstances?

We need to find a spiritual solution for the implementation of which we can all collectively contribute and benefit from. Both the realms of consciousness and nature have their own invisible boundaries. Both of them influence the physical world. The hazards from the invisible forces cannot be countered by physical methods or means. The cleansing and purification of the thought process of our society can only be done through subtle spiritual energies. This is where the role of spiritual efforts in refining the consciousness of the masses comes in.

Gayatri Sadhana that is performed during Navaratri is especially effective for this purpose. Unique divine energy currents flowing during this transition period can be attracted by the sadhak through specific austerities (tapa), mantra japa, yagya and other methods. When this power of tapa enters the sadhak, it refines his personality and consciousness. The energy thus earned can be retained by self- control and utilized in the desired direction. If our thoughts are noble, we will use this energy in the right direction and, in due course, harvest its benefits. The collective Sadhana of millions of members of Gayatri Pariwar, with physical, mental and emotional devotion, has the power to refine the subtle as well as physical world.

The impact of these spiritual methods can neither be proved on paper like a math’s problem, nor be measured like other physical phenomenon. But, if one inherently believes in the positive impact that these spiritual endeavours have on both the physical and subtle worlds, then it becomes very easy to perform and assimilate these beneficial practices in daily life.

These efforts can be continued even after Navaratri. It will be extremely beneficial if Gayatri Sadhana is adopted by as many people as possible. The 21 st century will be brighter if Gayatri Sadhana is done for as much time and in as many places as possible. There are no restrictions in participating in this noble endeavor. Members of All World Gayatri Pariwar are advised to take this movement of subtle refinement to new people and new places. The nectar of Gayatri Sadhana will cleanse the poisonous environment prevailing in the world today. This is the reason why I want to encourage all sadhaks to embark on a mission of this great magnitude during this Navaratri. This is the best opportunity for spiritually-inclined individuals to mobilize their energy and offer it for saving humanity from impending disasters.

This will ensure that the negative forces lurking around our planet will not be able to cast a dark cloud of gloom and despondency all over.

This is the first time millions of Gayatri Pariwar members will be harnessing their spiritual powers for accomplishing a singular goal. This collective thought process would create an aura of Sankalpa Shakti (power of resolve) that will rise up in the atmosphere and spread out like a protective shield. This effort will certainly prove to be effective in defeating evil forces. Let us all hope that this Brahmastra of Gayatri Pariwar succeeds in preventing the disasters threatening this era. The blend of Shraddha (faith), Pragya (prudence) and Nishtha (firm determination) of Gayatri Pariwar parijans in the Chaitra Navaratri Sadhana will serve the dual goal of preventing catastrophes and carving out a glorious future for all humanity.

With Prayer-filled Wishes and Warm Greetings for New Samvatsar 2074,

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