Anti-Climax of Kali-Yuga — Scriptural Indications & Present Scenario

Mar-Apr 2017

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The name “Kali-Yuga”— the “The Age of Darkness” implies its characteristic environment, in the subtle as well as manifested domains of life. It is signified by gradually rising trends of negativity and evil tendencies. What we see today appears the peak of this darkness that has even put glittering materialistic progress on an edge of annihilation. Negligence of human values, declining morality on personal, professional and social fronts, increasing corruption, clever and cunning manipulation and misuse of intelligence for selfish motives, extreme self-obsession, arrogance, etc, in one form or the other, are some of the common traits today that make one wonder whether humankind has knowingly chosen the path of self-destruction. Most threatening are the devilish crimes of violence against women and elderly, oppression of children, utter fanaticism in the name of religion, dreaded expansion of terrorism, etc. Is it going to be the end of civilization, extinction of life on the earth, or is there an end to this night of utter darkness?

Yes, there is a silver line of hope! From what many of the ancient texts described about the status of the world during the anti-climax of the dark-age, it appears that by the time of the onset of 21 st Century the anti-climax phase of Kali-Yug has already begun. Let us look at some excerpts of these scriptures.

Scriptural Descriptions & Present Society: It is amazing to see that the ancient texts, several of which were ‘written’ in the pre-historic times, refer to the mentality, life-style of people, and prevailing trends in the critical phase of anti- climax of Kaliyug (or equivalent) as a live- commentary of the scenario in today’s world! The following couplets (shloka no. 12-19) of the “Bhavishya Parva” (Section on “Future trends”) of the Hindu scripture “Harivansh Puran” presents a literal sketch of the moral decline of mankind during the peak of the Dark Age (Kaliyuga). M¿rkh3 Swarth3 Par3 Kïudr3 Kïudra¡ Parichchad3 | Vyavah3ropak•atta Ïchachyut3® Dhachchi Ï3ïvat3ta || Hart3ra¡ Pararatn3n3® Hant3ro Parad3ra Pah3rak3¡ | K3m3tm3no Dur3tm3na¡ Sopadh3¡ Priya S3has3¡ || Meaning: People will behave unwisely; they will become utterly selfish, and greedy; their thoughts/imaginations and desires will be of low- standard, perverted. They will fall far below the norms (of humanity); cheating, stealing others’ money/property, adultery, unethical relationship with other’s spouse, carnal lust, and even devilish crimes will be common (in the human society).

Vipra Rup3ñi Raks3si R3j3na Karña Bhedina¡ | Prathvomupa Bhokïyanti Yug3nte Sampusthite || Ni¡m3 Sy3y3bava ÏaÚak3r3® Arny3ïchabhi M3nina¡ | Vipr3¡ K•avy3da R¿peña Sarva Bhaks3 V•ath3 Vrat3¡ || Meaning: Devils will disguise/act like Purohit- Brahmans (sagacious guides of the society); Kings (the protectors) will get carried away by hear- say (will be unmindful, indecisive); Brahmins (scholars and torch-bearers of ethics/morality) will leave their virtuous qualities and duties of self-study (of noble thoughts), dissemination of righteous thoughts and activities, and instead adopt immorality, ostentation, and arrogant boasting; people will have no discipline of purity of food and they would eat (anything) like crows and hawks. All this will be at a peak during the last phase of the dark era. Meaning: (Many) people will find themselves jobless or purposeless (unimportant, neglected) and will be frustrated, will not be able to decide what to do, what not to do. There will also be high rise in taxes (economic difficulties, recession) because of which masses will go to the forest (i.e. will migrate).

Mah3yuddha® Mah3n3da®, Mah3varïa, Mah3bhaya®| Bhaviïyati Yuge Kïoñe TatkaÌ3yamya Lakïaña® || Several other shlokas (no. 41-46) of this Puran “BhaviÌyati Tand3 ......... Dharme Pravatsyanti K•atyuga®” outline the anti-climax of Kaliyuga and gradual change in social trend thereafter as (what we are also witnessing in today’s society) — “People would suffer from varieties of diseases, their sense-organs (body functions) would weaken, their life-span may also shorten, and many of them would suffer pains/sufferings. Because of tensions and worries, people would eventually seek peace in the company of saints and (spiritual) sages and get inspirations from their teachings. Because of sufferings their arrogance, self-obsessions and cravings would diminish and they will tend to put the saintly teachings in practice. Gradually they will become truthful, honest and adopt moral conduct in all walks of life.

Meaning: There will be many wars in which there will be horrifying thunders of guns and fire-weapons — explosives and bombs. There will be devastating floods, terrible droughts, and many other Natural Calamities (across the globe). Life would be under tyrannical threat due to communal violence, riots, fire, and explosions. This will be the pathetic scenario across the globe during the last phase of Kaliyuga.

In continuation, shlokas 22-23 of this Puran further narrate —

Ïasya Chaur3 Bhaviïyanti Tath3 Chail3 Pah3riña¡ | Bhakïya Bhojy3 Prah3raïcha KarañÃ3 N3nïva H3riña¡ || Chaur3¡ Chaurasya Hant3ro Hant3 Harta Bhaviïyati | Chaur3¡ Chaura Kïaye Ch3pi K•ate Kïema® Bhaviïyati || Meaning: Burglars will steal even grocery, cloths, food, etc. There will be mutual thefts and murders among the robbers (criminals) themselves. This way the ‘thieves’ (criminals, vicious people) will destroy themselves. Then the path of peace will gradually open up.

The next shloka of the same scripture refers to the (non-criminal) people, Ni¡s3re Kïubhita Loke Niiïkriye Kantara Sthite | Nar3¡ ÏraÌyanti Vana® Kara Bh3ra® PrapoÃit3 || The fear of further adversities and hardships will make them modest and duty-bound. They will tend to become generous, compassionate to others, and will participate in several kinds of welfare activities and philanthropic services. This way they will truly adopt religious principles (righteousness). Similar to the gradual decimation and loss (in the descending phase of yugas from Satyuga to Kaliyuga) of religion, there will be gradual (in the ascending phase of the yugas) growth, elevation and expansion of religion. Eventually, there will be a complete manifestation of Satyuga, when everybody will be benevolent, virtuous, and duty-bound. All- round development, prosperity, peace, and bliss, would naturally blossom in this Golden Age.

In “Harivansh Parva” Section of the Epic “Mahabharata”, there is clear indication of the peak of Kaliyuga and its eventual end: Paraspara Hrataïv3ïcha Nir3kandya Sadu¡khit3 | Eva® KaÌÚa Manupr3pta¡ Kali Sandhy3nïake Tad3 || Praj3kïaya® Prayasyeti S3dhya® Kaliyuge Na Hi| Kïoño Kaliyuge Tasmintata¡ K•atuyuga® Puna¡ || Payatsyeta Yath3ny3ya® Swabh3v3devan3nyath3 | Ite Ch3nye Cha Bahavo Divy3 Devaguñairyuta¡ || Pr3durbh3v3 Pur3ñeÌu Goyante Brahmatev3dibhi¡| Viïvatva S•uñu Me ViÌñorhartva® Cha K•ateyuge || Meaning: (During every cycle of the four grand yugas) in the last phase of Kaliyuga and in the twilight transition period thereafter, varieties of severe diseases and health disorders arise. There is dissatisfaction (stress, tension, mental disturbance) among people. Battles and wars of many kinds take place that cause enormous loss of population and prosperity. Acute rise of sinful tendencies, vicious actions, unrest and instability, etc, signify the anticlimax of Kaliyuga. Then gradually the circumstances improve and there is dawn of the Golden Age in which virtuous qualities are awakened in human self. People begin to follow righteous teachings and spiritual disciplines and are inclined towards nobility and virtuous living. Couplets numbered 88-89 in Chapter 190 of the “Van Parva” Section of this epic state: Tatastumul Sangh3te Vartam3ne Yugakïaye| Dwij3ti P¿rvako Loka¡ Krameña Prabh3viÌyeti|| Daiva¡ K3l3ntareny3sminyunarloka® Viv•addhaye| BhaviÌyati Punardevamanuk¿la® Yad•achchhay3i|| Meaning: There will be severe adverse circumstances; calamitous events will take place around the end of this yuga (Kaliyuga). Gradually there will be an ascent of the people having superior character. As destined, the time of (holistic) development will be resurrected. Shloka no. 91 further cites the improvement in ecosystem and weather-cycle: K3la VarÌo Parjanyo Nakïtr3ñi Ïubh3nicha| Kïema® Subhikïam3rogya® BhaviÌyati Nir3mayam| Meaning: Then (after the end of Kaliyuga) it will rain at appropriate time (in monsoon season), and all beings will be healthy and happy. An Arabic text titled “M3la Buda Kabluta Qay3mata” describes the state of mankind before Qay3mata 1 as — [...] Except during sleep, one would not get peace any moment, anywhere. The oriental culture would praise (and follow) western way of life. The worth (utility) of iron will be more than gold. One more metal (white) like silver will be in use. It will be easy to communicate in no time to long distance places anywhere (in the world). (In place of animals), inanimate means will be used for transport and travel, which will traverse thousands of miles in very short time. People will also fly in the air (air-travel). (Referring to the availability of electricity), Sun (light) will come on the wall, the light of which will be liked by everyone.

People will feel no shame in eating outside in the market places. ‘Metal hands’ (spoons) will be used for eating. People will sleep till noon time. Their cots will be made up of iron. Women will (or would want to) stand on equal footing as men. They will not feel shy and roam around without any pard3h (veil) and humility. There will be no respect for parents. There will be no (true) religion. “Alkaïf3 Walkatamafo M3rfata”, a book kept in the Hamidiya library of Mecca mentions — [...] When devolution of (people’s) character, separatism, and battles/wars will increase extensively, it will be time of grand change. A (divine) person will arise who will be endowed with spiritual powers. His ‘fire’ (power) will blunt (melt) the weapons. He will conquer everywhere without any army. His soul-power itself will supersede all. The world will follow him. He will turn old people into young (i.e., rejuvenate the spirit of life in mankind). He will make this world like heaven. Similar description is there in the treatise “Im3me Âkhikajjam3”. It is amazing to see that the ancient texts, which were created in the earlier eras, describe the mentality, life-style of people, and prevailing trends in the critical phase of anti-climax of Kali- Yug (or equivalent) so accurately! So we may also accept their forecast for the future beyond this Age and begin to mould our outlook and way of life accordingly. Similarity of the present state of the world with the prophetic depiction of the anti-climax of the Dark-Age gives us light of hope that the time of evils is going to be over soon followed by the dawn of the Golden Age in this very century. Astronomical calculations cited in some ancient texts and modern research findings (that will be discussed in the next article) evince and strengthen this possibility.


1. Qay3mata: End of the (present) world/era; complete elimination of sinful people and evils from the world.

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