On the auspicious festival of Chaitra Navaratri Some Tips for Fruitful Gayatri Anushthan

Mar-Apr 2017

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“Nava-ratri” literally means “nine nights.” This festival is observed twice a year, once in the beginning of summer (from Pratipada to Navami of bright half of lunar month Chaitra) and again at the onset of winter (from Pratipada to Navami of bright half of lunar month Ashwin). This year Chaitra Navaratri is commencing on 28 th March and concluding on 5 th April, 2017. Seers have advised that this period of transition is best for undertaking Gayatri Sadhana. Pujya Gurudev always encouraged us (the pragya parijans) to take up an anushthan (endeavor) of Jap (recitation) of twenty-four thousand Gayatri Mantras during these days. Why Gayatri Sadhana?

Mother Gayatri is considered the supreme creative energy of the divine. She blesses Her devotee with true wisdom so that he can proceed rapidly on the path of soul growth and self- realization. The effect of sincere and steadfast Gayatri Sadhana is swift and miraculous in purifying, harmonizing and steadying the mind and thus establishing unshakable inner peace and a sense of joy-filled calm even in the face of grave trials and tribulations in the outer life of Sadhak. In Atharva-Veda (19/17-1), the following prayer has been offered to Gayatri:

Om stuta maya varda vedmata prachodyantam pavmani dwijanam| Ayuh pranam prajam pashum keertim dravinam brahmvarchasam mahyam datva vrajat brahmalokam|| (This means - “May Vedmata Gayatri to whom I offer prayer, purify dwijas and grant them longevity, vital energy, followers, animals, fame, wealth and spiritual splendor”.) This implies that a devotee of Mother Gayatri is blessed with all these benefits. Guidelines for Gayatri Sadhana during Navaratri In order to make the sadhana fruitful, it is essential to observe certain rules. They should be always observed by the Gayatri Sadhak; however, during Navaratri it is mandatory to follow them strictly.

1. The body should be cleaned by taking bath before sitting in Sadhana. In the event of sickness, one can make do by washing hands and face or by taking a sponge bath with a wet cloth.

2. It is better to put on freshly washed clothes while doing Sadhana. However, one should wear fewer clothes at the time of Sadhana. If there is excessive cold, a blanket may be used instead of putting on tight clothes.

3. The Sadhak should find out an open secluded place for Sadhana where the atmosphere is calm and quiet. A field, garden, temple or the bank of a river or lake are best suited for this purpose. But, if such a place is not available, a clean calm and quiet portion of the house can be selected.

5. The Sadhak should sit in cross-legged, comfortable position so that there may not be difficulty in sitting in that posture for a long time, and the mind is not distracted by a sense of physical discomfort. The back-bone should be kept erect so that the spinal column remains straight and there is no obstruction in the upward flow of Prana.

6. One should not sit for Sadhana on bare ground. The energy which is generated flows into the earth if one sits on the ground. A mat prepared of Kusha is best for this purpose. In its absence one can sit on a cotton mat.

7. Rosary of Tulsi or Sandalwood beads should be used for Japa.

8. Japa should be started two hours before sunrise. In the evening it should be finished an hour after sunset.

9. Special attention should be paid in Sadhana to the following:

(i) The mind should not run hither and thither. If it does so, it should be gently persuaded to meditate on the beautiful idol / image of the Mother.

(ii) There should be unflinching faith and belief in the Divine Mother. Persons with wavering faith cannot derive full advantage of Sadhana.

(iii) Sadhak should resolutely stick to Sadhana. Lack of enthusiasm, dejection, ill-health, delay in getting benefits immediately and other worldly problems act as obstacles in Sadhana. Ignoring them, Sadhak should keep on advancing on his way.

(iv) Regularity or continuity is an essential rule of Sadhana. Howsoever busy one may be, or placed in adverse circumstances, Mother’s worship should not be interrupted.

10. In normal course, Japa of one rosary or one hundred and eight Mantras is sufficient. But in Navaratri anushthan, twenty-four thousand Japas are to be performed in nine days. This can be done by performing Japa of 27 rosaries daily, which would take about three hours. If it appears to be strenuous to complete Japa in one sitting, a major portion of it should be finished in the morning and the balance in the evening.

11. Sadhak should sit facing the East (towards the Sun) in the morning and West in the evening. Else, one should face the altar of worship set up for this purpose.

12. If one feels tired in sitting in one posture there is no harm in changing the posture.

13. On being required to get up in between for answering the call of nature or for any urgent work, Sadhana can be resumed after washing hands, face etc. with pure water. In that event, Jap of one additional rosary should be performed as atonement for such an interruption.

14. Food should be taken only once a day. Fruits or milk can be taken in the evening. The food should be Satwik. One may eat simple easily digestible food prepared by some pious person. Chilies, excessive spices and pungent articles, fried dishes, sweets, stale food-stuffs kept overnight, non-vegetarian food, intoxicants, food prepared from money earned through foul means, and food offered disdainfully must be avoided.

15. It is always desirable to observe Brahmacharya (celibacy), but it is mandatory to observe it during Gayatri Anusthan.

16. Sadhak should sleep on a flat wooden bed or on the ground. Foot-wear of leather should be avoided. He should do his own service. He should not, as far as possible, allow his body and clothes to be touched by others.

17. Sumeru (the central large bead) of the rosary should not be crossed while doing Jap. After completion of the rosary every time, the Sumeru should be touched on the eyes and forehead and after reversing it, Jap should be resumed till the Sumeru is reached again. Materials of worship should be placed at such a place that they are not touched by others.

18. Havan or Yagya of 108 oblations with Gayatri Mantra should be performed on the last day. After completion, distribute some good literature to friends, relatives or acquaintances.

[Source: ‘Super Science of Gayatri’ by Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya, (Revised edition – 2004) Publisher: Yug Nirman Yojana, Gayatri Tapobhumi, Mathura]

A Note to New Sadhaks: How to perform Gayatri Sadhana? There are three simple steps to perform Gayatri Sadhana: (i) Shatkarma (rituals of purification, etc), (ii) invocation and worship of Mother Gayatri and (iii) Japa and Dhyana (recitation and meditation).

All our parijans are familiar with the modes and methods of these steps. New sadhaks are advised to consult the following books:

(i) Super Science of Gayatri by Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya

(ii) Gayatri Sadhana: Why and How? By Dr. Pranav Pandya

(iii) Procedure of Gayatri Yagya by Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya

All these books and relevant literature in English, Hindi or other languages can be found in our stores in Gayatri Shaktipeeths or can be read online on our website: www.awgp.org

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