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           While taking stock of the untoward situations prevailing currently in almost every domain of life, Yugrishi Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya had declared about four decades ago that all evils, maligns, follies and anomalies of the present era will be soon fought by the omnipotent Mah³k³la — the Supreme Time-Spirit, the invisible, omnipresent, sole regulator of the cosmic order, the eternal force of evolution and ultimate transmutation. 

           Excerpts of what he told and wrote from time to time[1-3] convey – “The revival of the Age of Truth has begun in the sublime world. It won’t take too long for its dawn in the world we live in”.  He referred the 21st Century as Women’s Century, the millennium commenced with which will see the prominence of the virtues of womanhood – benevolent sentiments of love, compassion and service.   

Ascent of Divine Culture: 
          Gurudev often used to cite the authentic reports on predictions of renowned foretellers like Nostradamus, Madame Blawetksi, Jean Dixon, etc. He presented an unbiased analysis of both the positive as well as skeptical and negative views of different futurologists – including the prophetic quotes in different religious scriptures and doctrines. 

           Referring to what he experiences of the role of Indian Philosophy and culture in the century ahead, he explained in a discourse[1] – “I get a clear view of the future world where India,  the country of the Vedic Rishis, the torchbearer of the divine culture, is going to lead the world. It is also going to guide the spiritual progress of the world. Several sages of the ancient times have foreseen this possibility. Noted among them is Nostradamus of France, whose poetic quatrains mysteriously predicted several events of future a millennium ahead; eight hundred of his predictions have come true – including the break-down of World War II, terrorist attack on World Trade Centre, etc. So popular his long unnoticed notebook has become that many scholars the world over are decoding and researching this rhetoric ancient manuscript”.  

         “Some of Nostradamus’ predictions of the years still concealed in the folds of future include that of united efforts of India and Russia, warlike conflicts between America and China etc. Well, most important of his predictions in today’s context are those sighting a glimpse of the future of the world beyond the 21st century…! In a nutshell, the implications of these are – integration of Indian philosophy and spirituality with the western science and rise of India as the super power of the world. Indeed these possibilities have begun to surface on the world scenario in several respects”.    

         “Today America is a mighty power, prominent in the world scenario. But even if it plans and succeeds in making many more high-tech nuclear bombs, star-wars, ultra-advanced spacecrafts like Challenger, etc, the future lies in India’s hand. Nature needs a balance. Science without ethics, intellect without sensitivity, technology sans spirituality cannot achieve global peace and welfare.  But if India has to lead the world tomorrow, where are the people to shoulder this responsibility? We need dedicated, duty-bond talents with high integrity of character and spiritual qualities. I want to train you all for this purpose because I know you are born for big purpose.  I have developed Shantikunj into a kind of  ‘university’ for chiseled refinement of personality and elevation of character; it’s like a nursery of nurturing the saplings of would-be leaders, great citizens, spiritually awaken talents… I want to develop it like the Nalanda University of the ancient times”. 

         He envisaged a three-fold mode of evolution for resurrecting the bright era (Yug Nirman) via reformation and improvement at the personal, familial and social levels. The new socio-political-economic system he said would not be hierarchical, rather it would work with collective cooperation like that of the waves in an ocean.    

          He considered the purity of intellect and enlightenment of talents as an urgent need of the present era.  He has invited talents and expertise from every domain of art, culture, literature, social sciences, law, education, politics, finance and social, physical and biological sciences and technology, etc and called for the leaders, professionals, experts, scholars, authorities and potential architects of the human society and the future of the world — to come out of the shells of narrow interests and  ‘prejudiced’ inclinations and realize their extra responsibilities in this critical period… Those who will join hands in this unique venture of Yug Nirman would be worthy of the immortal glory of being the associates of Mah³k³la. The radiance of their dedicated endeavors would brighten up the dawn and ascent of the divine era in the coming century.
           In his words — “It is an emergency period when we will have to dedicate our endeavors to serve the dual purpose of preventing the decline and destruction of human dignity and simultaneously establishing the righteous trends of elevation and development in multiple dimensions of life.  Each one of us will have to play his altruistic role with due responsibility during this critical phase. I will continue to devote every second of my life, every impulse of my vital energy without pause until the dawn of the divine era becomes visible… You should also prepare to be a part of the epochal mission and take the glorious credit which the Almighty wants to bestow upon you….”

          “Don’t think that your capabilities are limited, what can you do to revert the declining trends when the whole world seems to move with the flow of time. Haven’t you heard of the Pandvas? What had happened in the War of Mahabharat? Even the most intrepid and skilled warrior like Arjun was baffled in the battlefield. Arjun’s concern would appear genuine to any logical mind. The Pandvas were only five with their handful of resources and friends while the Kauravas were hundred and had well equipped grand army of millions of soldiers? Moreover most of those on the enemy’s side were the near and dear relations and friends of the Pandavas. It was impossible in an ordinary case, to imagine even in a dream, the survival of Pandavas, leave aside the chance of their victory. Then Lord Krishna had revealed – ‘Hey Arjun! In fact, (as per the Law of Nature: defeat of the divine over the devil,) I have already ‘killed them’ and kept the crown of victory ready for you. You just have to throw the bows against them using best of your potentials and get ready to be sworn in as great kings together with other Pandvas after the decisive war”.  
         “Similarly, I have already done whatever was essential for the Yug Nirman project of the Almighty. You only have to come forward to see its manifestation and take the credit. You don’t have to conquer anyone or risk any defeat. Then what is the problem? Don’t make excuses of having no time, or having got to look after the family, children’s career, their marriages, etc, etc. When Arjun was shying away from his destined duties, Lord Krishna had finally ordered him (c.f. holy Gita) to fight, follow the firm duty of a soldier in the battlefield –tasm³t yuddhy³y yujaswa. You too, should not under any pretext, shy away from your duties as virtual devat³s (blessed souls). You may be ignorant of your destiny and of the future of the world but I am not”.

         Irrespective of what one’s faith, lineage and nationality is, every one who is awakened and would like to contribute his share of duties in this critical phase may begin by adopting what this great saint, the angelic sage, guided as the global manifesto of the New Age. (c.f. “Solemn Pledge” in the last section of this book) 

The Last Message of Yugrishi:
(Delivered before he voluntarily shed off the physical sheath  
on June 2, 1990)

“My soul's embodied sojourn on Earth is about to come to a close.  Every breath of this long life-span of eighty years has been spent, in a spirit of total self-surrender to the Indwelling.  All-pervading Divinity, while selflessly and single-pointedly carrying out the behests of my Divine Gurusatta, living in astral-causal sheaths in the remote Himalayas.  The stupendous and Herculean task of uplifting humanity into the Golden Era of Satyug (Age of Truth) will be far more swiftly and effectively accomplished by working, as a liberated soul, through the self-effectuating and all-conquering divine cosmic energies of the higher planes of consciousness, instead of somehow carrying on the work with this worn-out physical sheath.  Hence the decision to cast it off.

The light of which I have been an instrument and medium will not extinguish with my withdrawal from the physical realm.  I assure all parijansF4 that I will continue living and working with them at Shantikunj and elsewhere in my astral-causal body as a concrete presence and guide, help and inspire them in their efforts to lead humanity into the Golden Era of Truth, Light and Immortality.  I will finally merge into the Blissful Luminous causal self at the end of this century, after humanity has taken decisive leap into the cosmic consciousness and attained the light of New Era of spiritual Unity, Harmony and Peace.

The bonds of spiritual kinship that bind us will continue growing deeper and stronger with the passage of time”.

“My soul is like a Brahma-Kamal (celestial lotus) in full bloom.  Throughout this life I have sown numberless seeds of this lotus in aspiring souls who have turned to me.  I am sure, these seeds, wherever they have fallen on fertile soil, will sprout and grow up into full-bloomed Brahma-Kamals themselves and become the torch-bearers for the spread of Divine Light on Earth.

My blessings, love and prayer-filled wishes to all parijans.  I will always be with them in their selfless and noble endeavours in this divine work”.
- Shriram Sharma Acharya

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