Rediscovering some global cultural contributions of ancient India -II

Mar - Apr 2009

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   The ancient Indian texts cite several examples of how certain rishis went to different parts of the globe and stayed back for their altruistic mission. Several cases/incidents are also described there when some kings, princes, or other dignitaries and even disciples of the rishis were exiled from India because of their wrong doings. The locations and other features depicted in these contexts have helped researchers identify the specific regions or countries vis-à-vis the present map of the globe.  We present some examples here that have been widely authenticated by researchers in respective areas of Ancient History, Archeology and Oriental Studies.

Citations Referring to American Continent:

America is referred in the ancient texts as Patala Loka, which was an empire of Nagaraja (king of the Nagas). Nagas were originally a community in tribal lands of India, which resided in the forestland of northeast India in and around the state that is now known as Nagaland. They were spread all over the regions upto today’s Nagpur in central India.  As they did not want to live under austere disciplines and preferred materialistic wealth beyond any bounds, some princes of this creed had gone over to some dense forests of Patala Loka with their armies and developed that land.  

The following couplets of “Valmiki Ramayana” make mention of more ancient events connected with the Patala Loka, according to which the demonic giants of “Sala KaÚankaÚa” community, who ruled the southern part of ancient India (now the independent country “Sri Lanka”) were defeated by the godly kings. After defeat they hid themselves in Patala Loka and made that as their abode.  Ahi-Ravana and Mahi-Ravana, the cousins of Lankan King Ravana, were among the mighty rulers who had further prospered this land with amazing developments.      

Ashaknuvantaste ViÌñum Pratayoddhu® Balardita|
Tyaktwa Lanka Gata Vastu Patala® Saha Patnayah||
Suvmalina® Samasadya Rakshasa® Raghusattam|
Sthita Prakhyata Varyaso Vaóshe Sala Kata®kate||

(c.f. Hymns 23-24, §8, Val. Rama.)

An ancient scriptural tale of Mexico describes of a huge person named “QueÚ SalakaÚali” who had long hair, long beard and fair (but not white) complexion, who had descended from far away and developed this country by teaching agriculture, sculpturing, and many other skills. Dr. W. H. Prescott the author of “Conquest of Mexico” analyzes such texts in the light of historical and archeological evidences and concludes that “QueÚ SalakaÚali” had arrived from India and his original name was “Sala KaÚankaÚa”. 

There are also mentions of some other demonic kings who on exile went to live in the Patala Loka. For example the following couplets in “Durga Saptashati”:

Daityashca Deva Nihate SHumbhe Devarapau Yudhih|
Nishumbhe Ca Mahavarye SHeÌah Patalamayayuh||    

Meaning: When the goddess destroyed the mighty demons Shumbha and Nishumbha then all the remaining asuras (demons) who were their associates ran away to the Patala Loka.          


“Yuya® Prayata Patala®, Yadi Javitumichchhathah” |

Meaning: Goddess ordered the demons— ‘If you want to survive, go away to the Patala Loka.’

They followed her order, and went and lived there in large numbers. They used their might, sharp skills and talents and filled different parts of Patala Loka with materialist wealth. King Maya among these demons had supernatural talents and skills of magic.  “Ramayana”, “Mahabharata” and some Puranas also cite several instances that demonstrate his exceptional skills. The “Mayan” civilization of ancient Mexico was established by the Kings of Maya Dynasty. 

His descendent named Mayasur is said to have contributed to finalizing the astronomy treatise on the Sun “Surya Siddhant” around 100 B.C. (“AlpavashiÌÚetu K—ate, Maya Nama Mahasurah|” — §1, Sur. Sid.). 

Acharya Varah Mihir, noted astronomy and astrology scholar of the 5th Century AD has also mentioned of astronomical findings of Mayasur and Yavan:

Maya Yavan Mañittha, SHakti Purve Diwasa |
KaradiÌu Vasarah PradiÌÚah Isa Nara||

The antique encyclopedia “Amar Kosha” describes several names of “Patala Loka”:

Adho, Bhuvan, Patala, Balisaddah, Ramadalam |
Nagaloko Atha, Kuhara®, SuÌira®, Vivara®, Vilam ||

All these namely — Patala, Rasatala, Balig—aha, Nagaloka, Khuhur, Vivara, etc refer to the present time’s America. 

“Mahabharata” describes Rishi Uddalak’s Voyage to Patala. The then king of Patala had participated, like all other emperors in the states of greater India, in the grand war of Mahabharata between the Kauravs and the Pandwas.  Arjun’s wife Ulupi also was from America (Patala).    

“Apachya” community still exists in Mexico and some other parts of Latin America.  The following sentence in the “Rudra Maha Abhisheka” section of the ancient scripture “Aitereya Brahman” describes that the “Apachayas and “Nivyas” inhabited the forest land very long distant west.  

Tasmadetasya® Praticya® Dishi Yenacyana® Rajano Ye Pacyana® Swarajyayaiva TebhiÌicyante Swara Litye NanabhiÌikta Nacakshate|

Reference to Other Continents and Countries:

As described in some of the Puranas, when the sons of Vishwamitra were asked to leave the country as a punishment for their immoral activities, they went to Australia and developed this bushy land from scratch. Several decades later, sage Pulastya visited this land to spread the message of Sanatan Dharma. The languages of native Australian communities still share the rich vocabulary of Tamil and the languages/dilects of some Indian tribes – especially Kola, Bheel and Santhal.  Many of the ancient Indian customs including the Varña system of classification of society by professional castes are popular among them. Their faith on reincarnation is similar to those implied by Vedic theories. The boomerang arrow of Australian tribes matches the “Shabda Bhedi Bana” used by ancient Indian warriors. 

Research papers of several noted archaeologists like Profs. E. Morse, Maurice Kelly, etc, quoted or cited in special issues (on “Buried History”) of the journal of Australian Institute of Archeology also affirm that India is the origin of native Australians.     
China, Japan, etc:

Some scriptures make mention of adventurous explorations of North Asian regions by manga community of intrepid Indians. The state explored and developed by them was named after their community as “Mangolia”.  As their ancestors were from “Shaka” dynasty, this country is also referred in the ancient texts as “Shaka-Dwipa”.   For example, look at the following excerpts from Chapter 25 of the “Samva Puran”:

Lavañodatpara® Pareksharaudeva Samav—atah|
Jambu Dwapatpara® Tasyachaka Dwapa Iti shrutah||
Tatra Puñya Janapadashcaturvarñya Samashritah|
Magashca Mamagashcaiva Manasa Ma Daga Statha||
Maga Brahmaña BhuyiÌÚha Mamaga Kshatriya Statha|
Vaishyastu Manasa Jóyeya SHudra SteÌantu Mandagah||
Vivasvata® Pujayanto Dhupagandhadibhih SHubhih|
AÌÚadashakulanaha Magana® Veda Vadinam||
Yasyasyanti Ca Twaya Sardha Yatra Sannihito Ravih|

Meaning: Beyond the “Lavan Sagar” (Indian Ocean) there is Shaka-Dwipa surrounded by the “Kshira Sagar” (Pacific Ocean).

Similar description in the epic “Mahabharata” also points to the inhabitation and rule of the Mangs in “Shaka-Dwipa”:

SHaka Dwapa® Ca Vakshyami Yathavat Iha Parthivah|
Tatra Puñya Janapadashcatvaro Loka Sabhyatah|
Mangashca Mashakashcaiva Mandaga Manasastatha|
Manga Brahmaña BhuyiÌÚhah Swakarma Nirata  N—apa|

The historical Bangla treatise “Manavera Adi Janmabhumi” by Umesh Chandra Vidyaratna presents many evidences and reasons that show that the “Mongolians” (Mongols) of China, Japan, Myamaar, and Syam etc are descendents of the Aryans who went there from India. Their successive generations were significantly different in physique due to climatic changes; some of their offspring born by hybrid marriages with the local tribal people were generally short, pale in complexion and had flattish nose with tiny stretched eyes on small round face. 

Renowned historian, Prof. Hiran P. Wilkinson has researched on the origin of China and argued that Chinese civilization was part of the expansion of ancient India (c.f. his book “Studies in Chinese History and Civilization”). 

Iceland Countries of South-East Asia:

Thathaiva Malaya Dwapa Meva Meva Susamv—atam |
Nitya Pramudita Sphata Lanka Nama Mahapura |
–Brahmana Puran

Meaning: There was prosperous city of Lanka in the Iceland country named Malay.

Yatna Vanto Yava Dwapah Sapta Rajyopa Shobhate |
–Valmiki Ramayana
Angadwipa Yava Dwapam Malaya Dwapa Eva Ca |
SHankha Dwipa Kusha Dwapa Varaha Dwapa Meva Ca|
Eva® ÌaÃete Katipaya Anudwapa Samantatah|
Bharatam Dwapa Desho Vai Dakshña Bahu Vistarah|

–Vayu Purana
Meaning: The Iceland countries named Anga, Yava, Malay, Shankha, Kusha, Varah – these are all states of India, which is spread in a very large region.

Several scriptures also mention of the voyages of Indian traders to distant parts of the globe. Some excerpts of these will be cited in the next issue along with the scriptural references to remaining parts of the globe.
(To be continued)

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