Who will deliver us from the poison of communalism?

Mar - Apr 2009

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 The happy society of the past

Try to imagine India hundred years back. People, newspapers and opinions of the thinkers say that our country was happy then, although we were subjects of the British Empire. Even if one British soldier entered a village people would get terrified. In addition to this, zamindars used to exhibit their own tyranny. Their wrath was seen predominantly on the villagers. If a person took loan from any money-lender, he would end up paying interest after interest; and the principal would remain intact. In spite of these oppressive conditions, people slept peacefully. They worked hard during the day; spent the evenings at the village chaupals listening to Ramayan, Hanuman Chalisa or Keertan; and enjoyed sound sleep at night. People of all religions lived harmoniously. The problem of a person was looked upon as the problem of the whole village. Everyone was linked seamlessly to others. There existed amazing harmony. There was no other fear – there was nobody who would try to seize your lands, none to harass you to make your credit payments, no political brokers who troubled people in the name of politics or people who instigated you in the name of religion. Festivals were also celebrated together. Though there was widespread poverty, people contentedly ate whatever was available and slept peacefully.

Peaceful sleep in spite of scarcity

There was no dearth of grains, clothes, vegetables, milk, curds etc. One could easily manage his monthly expenses with little earnings. A unique savings scheme was followed by the women of the house. With very little savings (what can be called as micro-financing), they managed resources for weddings and festivals. In case something more was required, they took from the money-lender. All food items were pure. There was neither any adulteration nor black-marketing or profiteering or artificial demand for any commodity. Lakes, rivers and small rivulets were flowing with unpolluted water. Nature used to be at its best. The natural fragrance of the flowers and the pleasant smell of the soil from the fields created a pleasant atmosphere. Man was nearer to his mother – the Mother Earth. People used to revel in sleeping on the floor than on multi-layered mattresses. They used to be healthy. Every village, colony and street had a healer of its own. Even the granny at home had medicinal knowledge. Midwives were capable and ensured safe deliveries. Man was happy in spite of scanty resources because there was no tension gnawing away their peace. When there are no tormenting fears and an atmosphere of security prevails, man can experience heavenly peace.

Malignant poison has snatched our happiness and peace

God knows whose evil eye cast its spell on our country. We achieved independence but with the wound of partition. Nation was divided into three parts – Western Pakistan, India and Eastern Pakistan (which later became Bangladesh). Kashmir issue was created knowingly or unknowingly. We had great expectations from our politicians and thought that they could handle the issue. But when that myth was broken, the issue became a painful ulcer and proved to be dangerous. Caste-distinctions had always been there, but casteism was created by the politicians for their benefit. On this basis, the conspiracy to divide the society was made as early as 1947. The most dangerous poison was that of communalism which was injected into the body of society not once, but several times. When the Indian Tricolor was being hoisted on the Red Fort and the British Union Jack was being lowered, the Father of the Nation was observing a fast and praying for peace at Noakhali in East Bengal.

Virtuous disposition was replaced by distrust    

Villages and towns reveled in the peaceful atmosphere of communal harmony. This began to disappear. Virtuous disposition was replaced by distrust towards one another. Places of worship were used as centers of conspiracy and attack. Places of worship were used for inculcation of fanaticism and hatred for other faiths / sects. People belonging to different religions could be identified by their attire. Ram and Rahim did not exchange mutual greetings of ‘Jai Ram Ji’. They began to avoid each other. The fragrance of festivals had its charm because of Hindu-Muslim unity. The charm and fragrance ceased to exist. Id and Diwali began to be celebrated exclusively. The holy month of Ramzan became different from Navratris. How and when this happened, no one knows. But the society was slowly and steadily divided in the name of religion and India began to burn in the fire of riots. This division became apparent in colleges and universities too. The number of children wearing perforated caps and going to Madarsas increased. There were clashes in Maha Arati and the Namaz of Zumma.

The fire of communalism spread in the country

The nation experienced a kind of eclipse. Politicians, religious leaders, speakers with poisonous words, wealthy people served as ghee and fanned the fires of communalism. Just when the country was on the path of progress, disturbances set in from somewhere. The trend of globalization and urbanization also began. In front of our eyes, the previous 20-25 years have managed to create more than enough communal inharmony and conflict to nullify the progress that we have achieved so far. By the time we could take control of these events, we became the chosen target of terrorism. Terrorists do not belong to any one caste or religion, though they might be Hindu or Muslim by birth. The middle class people are badly affected by these things. Newspapers promptly report the number of deaths and also give detailed pictures of how the bombing happened and what was the potency of the RDX etc. No media show how the happiness of the people has been shattered by these incidents; how a family has lost its only earning member; or the life of those who lost their limbs and became handicapped for life. If someone probes into this matter, they will realize that the number of affected people runs into lakhs.

Our culture resplendent with the quality of collectivity

It is the composite culture of our country that has influenced the scholars of the entire world. The past 2000 years have seen many attacks on our motherland. Shak-Huns came, Mohammed Ghazni invaded, Taimur Lang invaded, and this country embraced Islam wholeheartedly and included Urdu in its vast ocean of culture. This led to a unique and composite culture. There prevailed mutual understanding. Portuguese entered in the name of trade, so did East India Company. We embraced the Christians and gave them place in our country. There were inter-religious weddings. We built churches for them. Buddhism and Jainism have originated from Sanatana Dharma and have been assimilated as well. There are a few Parsees, but they are also part of the society. Sikh religion came into existence, when at least one member from each family was encouraged to join the Khalsa Panth for the service of the society. The Sikhs became part of inclusive Indian ethics. Unity in diversity is the unique feature of Indian society which is not seen anywhere else in the world.

The uniqueness of our country

If you go to any other country, you will not have the freedom to profess the teachings of your religion like you do in India. It is the uniqueness and specialty of India that all the religions exist like the blood vessels- nerves – arteries in a single body. Even in the field of business, people of varied faiths were harmoniously interlinked to one another. This motherland unity has now been shattered. Clouds of disintegration have begun to hover around our culture of unity and harmony. How can one feel secure and safe in such a menacing scenario?

Think something different, do something novel

It is time to get free from the clutches of this demon of doom. Whatever has happened cannot be revoked. Let us think of a new society where there is neither the conspiracy of shrewd politicians nor religious leaders. Nobody has the right to defame our spiritual glory. We are neither Hindus nor Muslims; we are Indians first. A true patriotic citizen can cut the hands of those who try to displace bricks of the mansion that is their country. It is such a feeling and spirit that should inspire all citizens of India irrespective of their religion, creed, caste or region. There should be a forum of active workers and enlightened leaders of all religions whose single-pointed objective should be – revival of Satyug, and placing India at the vanguard of the warriors of light for human unity.

This forum should support true socialism

Let one thing prevail in the minds of all – Everyone has the right to education. Let all methods of treatment right from yoga to other schools of medicine be free from differences in tradition. All of them should belong to everyone. Everybody should have the right to employment. Harassment of women should be non-existent. Each and every citizen should be aware towards the environment. Maintaining the purity of our rivers should be the responsibility of every citizen. Global warming, floods, earthquakes, epidemics do not look at the religion of a person. They will create havoc on one and all. In such a case, can we not unitedly take up these issues, along with awakening of youth and women’s education and empowerment free from petty and divisive politics? When there is an effort in this direction, a ‘Think Tank’ can be formed. Gayatri Pariwar is ready to take up a lead in this direction. Once the plan of action is formed, the seed thoughts will be spread in every village and harmonious atmosphere of yester years will be recreated. Only if we can take a lead in this activity can the revival of Satyug become a reality. Are we ready to participate in this activity? ‘Akhand Jyoti’ cordially invites everyone to join in this sacred task of national integration.

Merry Holi Greetings to all our readers and parijans

Pranav Pandya

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